About me:


Hello, I am a college student who lives summers in Seattle and winters in the Cascade Mountains. With my free time I not only enjoy sailing my ILCA sailboat, I love to race it! The ILCA sailboat is an Olympic class.[1] When snow is falling in the mountains, I spend my afternoons racing down the ski slopes. I also enjoy watching Formula 1 races and Max Verstappen is my favorite driver.

My Wikipedia interests:


I will primarily be posting on this page for English school assignments, however if I do enjoy my time on here I will post more often on topics such as sailing, skiing, and Formula 1. I will try to be a very unbiased writer and I will look forward to reading feedback. Currently, I use Wikipedia for quick browsing and searches and particularly appreciate the external links that facilitate further research. Pages that incorporate visual aids such as pictures and graphs are most appealing to me. I am brand new to posting and can't wait to get started, share my opinion. and explore the world of Wikipedia!

Article Evaluation


I wanted to do some more research on the 36th America’s Cup that was contested last winter in Auckland, New Zealand. I watched this event live and found the speed of the boats and design fascinating and impressive.  I narrowed my Wikipedia research down to the article on the actual boats: AC75s. I visited the AC75 article on Wikipedia and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: citations, the lack of visual representation of the foils, and the neutral, unbiased approach.



All of the citations are as current as possible. They supported the relevant information in the article during the appropriate timeframe: 2018-2021. I did notice that one set of links are flipped, however, the archived, associated links are correct. Having archived links is very helpful, especially when the referenced sites are feeds such as newsfeeds that could change.

Lack of Visual Representation


One thing that is left out of this article is pictures of the foils. The foils, which replaced a keel, are highly unusual and a significant component of what makes these boats unique. Omitting graphical images makes it difficult for the reader to visualize the complete AC75 boat and grasp the necessary engineering feats.

Neutral and Unbiased


This article was neutral, as it is primarily based on facts and data. It has been comprehensively updated from the announcement of the class through the conclusion of the competition. Utilizing tables throughout made the article very readable and information easy to locate. This is not a biased article as facts are stated without opinions being offered.



Overall, I would consider this page an accurate and reliable source to get information about AC75 boats. The number of citations provided allows the reader to further research and verify the facts being presented. The article is relatively brief; however, it contains enough information to inform the reader; it is just lacking some pictures of the foils.


  1. ^ "ILCA Dinghy". US Sailing. Retrieved 2021-09-23.