CrystalRiverWhiskey is a pseudonym that I literally made up on the spot based on the view out of the hotel room window and the beverage in my glass. That will be the extent of my identity here as my employers take heavily draconian measures on employees caught writing on the web outside of the official company websites.
My age is over 40. My personality leans toward cynical, mistrusting and more disagreeable as the years move buy. There is little tolerance for half truths, innuendo, double standards and out right lies within me. It doesn't matter what the source is.
My background is in journalism with the last 15+ years in national television news. In that time my political leanings have grown confused. At the beginning and fresh out of school, my view leaned mostly left. Over the years my "street education" in everything from economics to war began to change some of those views. Personal conversations with high ranking future, present and past politicians taught me most of them don't give a damn about anything except their own skin.
So now my political views can be expressed as a mixed bag of ideals. Some things conservative, some things liberal, some things that just don't matter enough to care about.