Practicing Citations


The article details the geography of Tenta, the methodology of the project, analyses of architectural remains, artifacts, human burials, floral and faunal remains discovered on the site. [1]

The article explores Tenta’s architectural remains and artifacts dated significantly earlier due to similarities of communal buildings and chipped stone at neighbouring Neolithic settlements.[2]

This article discusses the protective shelter which covered the settlement of Tenta in 1995.[3]

The author compares the taxonomic composition of faunal samples of deer, pig, caprine, and cattle from Tenta with neighbouring Neolithic settlements including Khirokitia and Shillourokambos.[4]

The authors convey their statistical findings compared with neighbouring Neolithic settlements as well as other elements like iron to differentiate between obsidian samples.[5]

  1. ^ Todd, Ian A. (1978-01-01). "Vasilikos Valley Project: Second Preliminary Report, 1977". Journal of Field Archaeology. 5 (2): 161–195. doi:10.1179/009346978791489790. ISSN 0093-4690.
  2. ^ Clarke, Joanne; Wasse, Alexander (2019-01-02). "Time out of joint: A re-assessment of the Cypriot Aceramic Neolithic site of Kalavasos-Tenta and its regional implications". Levant. 51 (1): 26–53. doi:10.1080/00758914.2020.1741969. ISSN 0075-8914.
  3. ^ Schmid, Martin (1998-04-01). "Protective shelters at the archaeological sites of Mallia (Crete) and Kalavasos-Tenta (Cyprus)". Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites. 2 (3): 143–153. doi:10.1179/cma.1998.2.3.143. ISSN 1350-5033.
  4. ^ Economic Zooarchaeology: Studies in Hunting, Herding and Early Agriculture (1st ed.). Oxbow Books. 2017. doi:10.2307/j.ctt1s4751q.34. ISBN 978-1-78570-445-1.
  5. ^ Gomez, Basil; Glascock, M. D.; Blackman, M. J.; Todd, I. A. (1995-01-01). "Neutron Activation Analysis of Obsidian From Kalavasos-Tenta". Journal of Field Archaeology. 22 (4): 503–508. doi:10.1179/009346995791974080. ISSN 0093-4690.