User:Cturnes/Anderson-Jury Bezoutian

An Anderson-Jury Bézoutian is a generalized form of the scalar Bézout matrix (or Bézoutian) that arises from the coefficients of polynomial matrices rather than univariate polynomials. The name Anderson-Jury is attributed to the authors of the seminal paper which first introduced the generalized Bezoutian form.[1] They have been studied due to their connection with the stability of matrix polynomials[2] and for their role in control theory[3]. They are also of interest for their role in the inversion of block Hankel matrices.



Let the quadruple   be a set of four polynomial matrices. The Anderson-Jury Bézoutian form associated with the quadruple is given by:


Using the original definition supplied by B.D.O. Anderson and E.I. Jury, the polynomial matrices have the additional constraint that:


which is necessary and sufficient for the polynomial form   to be integral in  . With this constraint, a real rational function of   can be defined as  . If   is of degree  ,   is of degree  ,   is of degree  , where  , then the Anderson-Jury Bézoutian of   may also be expressed as:





  • Unlike the scalar Bézoutian matrix, the Anderson-Jury Bézoutian is not in general symmetric.
  • For any block Hankel matrix  , there exists an Anderson-Jury Bézoutian which is a reflexive generalized inverse of  . For nonsingular  , the inverse of   is an Anderson-Jury Bézoutian, as the reflexive generalized inverse is identically equal to the inverse.[4]



Wimmer introduced the following, more general form of the Anderson-Jury Bézoutian[5]: For a fixed field   let   be a strictly proper rational function. That is, let   have the form


where each   is a   matrix with entries drawn from  . Additionally, define the polynomial matrices


such that


are nonsingular and


Here,   is a projection operator that selects the strictly proper portion of a rational function (see Fuhrmann 1996[6], Chapter 1, Section 3.4). Then the generalized Anderson-Jury Bézoutian   of the quadruple   is the   matrix  , where the block entries   are given by the following equation:


In the standard Anderson-Jury Bézoutian, there is the additional assumption that


in which case   becomes



  1. ^ Anderson, B.D.O. and Jury, E.I., 1976, Generalized Bezoutian and Sylvester Matrices in Multivariable Linear Control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 21 (4): 551 - 556
  2. ^ Lerer, L. and Tismenetsky, M., 1986, Generalized Bezoutian and the inversion problem for Block matrices, I. general scheme, Integral equations and operator theory, 9 (6): 790 - 819
  3. ^ Bitmead, R.R., Kung, S.Y., Anderson, B.D.O., and Kailath, T., 1978, Greatest common divisors via generalized Sylvester and Bezout matrices, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 23 (6): 1043 - 1047
  4. ^ Heinig, Georg, 1995, Generalized inverses of Hankel and Toeplitz mosaic matrices, Linear algebra and its applications, 216: 43 - 59
  5. ^ Wimmer, Harald K., 1989, Bezoutians of polynomial matrices and their generalized inverses, Linear algebra and its applications, 122 - 124: 475 - 487
  6. ^ Furhmann, Paul A., A Polynomial Approach to Linear Algebra, Springer, 1996 ISBN-13: 978-0387946436