Wiki Markup Test:

<H1> Looks Like This

<H2> Looks Like This

<H3> Looks Like This

<H4> Looks Like This

<H5> Looks Like This
<H6> Looks Like This

Character formatting:

<i> produces italic text

<b> produces bold text

<b><i> produces bold italic text

<em> produces emphasized text

<strong> produces strong text

<tt> produces teletype text

<strike> produces struck-through text

<u> produces underlined text

superscript text

subscript text

deleted text

inserted text

code text

sample text

variable text

<pre> produces preformatted text:
line 2;
third line.

Text with a <p> tag

embedded in it.


Ordered list (<ol>):

  1. List item 1
  2. List item 2
  3. List item 3

Unordered list (<ul>):

  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3

Definition list (<dl>):

Ordered list
list with items (<li>) ordered in sequence
Unordered list
list with items marked by 'bullets'
Definition list
list of Terms (<dt>) and respective Definitions (<dd>)


{{msg:stub}} {{msg:disambig}}

Useful markups

  • no wiki = <nowiki>
  • signature with current time = ~~~~