{{User:Curly Turkey/Cite comic
|ref = {{SfnRef|Kurtzman|Wood|1953}}
|creator1-given = Harvey
|creator1-surname = Kurtzman
|creator1-link = Harvey Kurtzman
|artist1-given = Wally
|artist1-surname = Wood
|artist1-link = Wally Wood
|title = Mad Archives
|story = [[Superduperman]]
|volume = 1
|page = 77
|panel = 3–5
|date = 2002
|orig-date = 1953
|publisher = [[DC Comics]]
|isbn = 978-1563898167}}
{{User:Curly Turkey/Cite comic
|ref = {{SfnRef|Georgeson|Google|2013}}
|creator1-given = George
|creator1-surname = Georgeson
|artist1-given = Barney
|artist1-surname = Google
|title = Sooper Spiffy Teqnikolour Komicks
|issue = Pink rainbow
|issue-postfix = issue
|page = 10
|panel = 2–7
|date = 2013
|publisher = Bubbly Publishing
|issn = 1234-5678}}
- Georgeson, George; Google, Barney (a) (2013). Sooper Spiffy Teqnikolour Komicks Pink rainbow issue. Bubbly Publishing, p. 10:2–7. ISSN 1234-5678
{{User:Curly Turkey/Cite comic
|ref = <!-- "harv" not supported --><!-- {{SfnRef|WRITER1-SURNAME|YEAR}} -->
|creator-given =
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|artist-given =
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|artist[n]-surname = <!-- [n] = 1 to 5 -->
|artist[n]-link = <!-- [n] = 1 to 5 -->
|penciller-given =
|penciller-surname =
|penciller-link =
|penciller[n]-given = <!-- [n] = 1 to 5 -->
|penciller[n]-surname = <!-- [n] = 1 to 5 -->
|penciller[n]-link = <!-- [n] = 1 to 5 -->
|inker-given =
|inker-surname =
|inker-link =
|inker[n]-given = <!-- [n] = 1 to 5 -->
|inker[n]-surname = <!-- [n] = 1 to 5 -->
|inker[n]-link = <!-- [n] = 1 to 5 -->
|colourist-given =
|colourist-surname =
|colourist-link =
|colourist[n]-given = <!-- [n] = 1 to 5 -->
|colourist[n]-surname = <!-- [n] = 1 to 5 -->
|colourist[n]-link = <!-- [n] = 1 to 5 -->
|colorist-given =
|colorist-surname =
|colorist-link =
|colorist[n]-given = <!-- [n] = 1 to 5 -->
|colorist[n]-surname = <!-- [n] = 1 to 5 -->
|colorist[n]-link = <!-- [n] = 1 to 5 -->
|editor-given =
|editor-surname =
|editor-link =
|editor[n]-given = <!-- [n] = 1 to 5 -->
|editor[n]-surname = <!-- [n] = 1 to 5 -->
|editor[n]-link = <!-- [n] = 1 to 5 -->
|title =
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|story =
|story-url =
|date =
|orig-date =
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|issue-prefix =
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|page =
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|publisher =
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