User:DReifGalaxyM31/Mr. Monk Quotations - Seasons 1-3

Sharona's tenure. For Natalie's, see User:DReifGalaxyM31/Mr._Monk_Quotations_-_Seasons_3-8.

Season 1


Mr. Monk and the Candidate [1.01]

Adrian Monk: [surveying a crime scene] The stove.
Lt. Gitomer: Over here. It's in the kitchen.
Adrian Monk: No... I mean my stove. I-I think I left it on.
Sharona Fleming: It's okay. I, uh, checked it as we were leaving.
Adrian Monk: Are you sure? Did you turn the knob?
Sharona Fleming: Yeah.
Adrian Monk: The little knob, though?
Sharona Fleming: I turned all the knobs. The stove is off, Adrian.
Lt. Gitomer: We believe it was a burglary gone sour. She walked in, she surprised him, he panicked, he left there from the kitchen.
Adrian Monk: No. No. No, no. No. No. This-This was no burglary.
Lt. Gitomer: It wasn't?
Adrian Monk: He tried to make it look like one, but this guy was cold as ice. He wore her slippers to avoid leaving shoe prints - not something your neighborhood crackhead is prone to do.
Sharona Fleming: Adrian. Adrian. [she claps her hands to try to get Monk's attention]
Adrian Monk: [looking at the closet] He was in here. He was waiting.
Lt. Gitomer: Waiting for what?
Adrian Monk: You know, for her. He was here at least an hour. He was smoking. You can still smell it on the curtains. [sniffs the curtains] Menthols. Salems. Possibly Newports.
Lt. Gitomer: Maybe she was the smoker.
Adrian Monk: No. No, she was a Dutch Calvinist. They don't smoke. They consider their bodies to be a holy - a holy chalice of - [turns to Sharona] I'm sorry. I'm having trouble concentrating, because I think I smell gas. Did you hear the click? You gotta hear the click, not just feel the click. Hear it. [to the other detectives]

[Monk is silently wandering around a crime scene.]
Policewoman: What's he doing?
Sharona Fleming: I love this part. He does this Zen Sherlock Holmes thing.

[Deputy Mayor Sheldon Burger comes in]
Captain Stottlemeyer: Oh, Sheldon Burger, who let you off your leash?
Sheldon Burger: I just came from the hospital. Bodyguard didn't make it. Mayor's on his way back from Sacramento. Look, I don't have to tell you, Captain. We're on a bus to hell.
Captain Stottlemeyer: I understand.
Sheldon Burger: If we don't slam dunk this, it's gonna look like we're not trying.
Captain Stottlemeyer: I'm not an idiot, Sheldon! I've got every available man on the case.
Sheldon Burger: No, you don't. Mayor wants you to bring in... your old friend.
Captain Stottlemeyer: [in disbelief] Monk?

Miranda St. Claire: Let me ask you a question. How can you investigate anything? I'm told you're "germophobic," afraid of the dark, heights, crowds... and milk.
Sharona Fleming: We're working on the milk. He's making good progress on milk.
Miranda St. Claire: Ah.
Adrian Monk: Mrs. St. Claire, I - I sense that you're a little upset, but I can tell you why I dropped my keys. I've been a bit preoccupied with another case. A girl was murdered in Santa Clara. Uh, a Nicole Vasques. Did you know her?
Miranda St. Claire: No.
Adrian Monk: No?
Miranda St. Claire: No.

Miranda St. Claire: What I do know is, if my husband is elected Mayor, you will never work in this town again. [to her aide] Let's go.
[She walks off.]
Adrian Monk: [to Sharona] Are you registered to vote?
Sharona Fleming: I never vote. It only encourages them.

Mr. Monk and the Psychic [1.02]

[ Dirt-fearing Monk is standing a distance from the muddy car crash site on a plank.]
Sharona Fleming: Adrian! Don't you want a closer look?
Adrian Monk: No, I-I can see from here.
Sharona Fleming: Would you like us to move the crash site a little closer to you?

[Capt. Stottlemeyer returns to his office to find Monk and Sharona waiting inside.]
Capt. Stottlemeyer: Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was my office. Yeah, see, I-I'm confused because my name is on the door.
Adrian Monk: Don't... don't blame Sharona, Captain.
Capt. Stottlemeyer: I have no intention of blaming Sharona. [looks at his desk, which has been cleaned off] What happened here?
Adrian Monk: I took the liberty of straightening up a little.
Capt. Stottlemeyer: Where is all my crap?
Adrian Monk: Obviously, I had to throw some things away.

[Monk is looking for some evidence in a hardware store.]
Adrian Monk: It's a small pebble. It's about the size... of a... small pebble.

[Monk finds the crucial piece of evidence lodged in his hair after Sharona has been rooting around in a dumpster for it.]
Adrian Monk: Oh, wait. I found it.
Sharona Fleming: Where was it?!
Adrian Monk: It was in my... it must have flown up and got caught in my...
Sharona Fleming: [hits the side of the dumpster] GO-OD! I can't believe I listened to you! You're driving me nuts!

Monk: You gotta be a little skeptical, Sharona. Otherwise you end up believing in everything — UFOs, elves, income tax rebates...

Mr. Monk Meets Dale the Whale [1.03]

[first lines]
[A call comes in to the 911 dispatch center]
911 Operator: 911 emergency.
Judge Lavinio's voice: Oh, God! He’s in the house. You’ve got to help me! He’s going to kill me!
911 Operator: Okay, ma’am, now just calm down. Who is in the house?
Judge Lavinio's voice: It’s Dale Biederbeck! Dale Biederbeck!
911 Operator: [types] "Dale... Biederbeck." Ma’am what is your address?
Judge Lavinio's voice: It’s 415 Vinton! For God’s sakes, hurry!
911 Operator: Okay, stay with me. Is he armed? Ma’am? [heavy breathing is heard on the phone] Does he have a weapon? Are you being threatened?
Judge Lavinio's voice: He doesn’t need a weapon! He’s Dale Biederbeck! [growling is heard on the line as a dispatch call is broadcast]
911 Operator #2: All units, possible 556 in progress.
911 Operator #1: Ma’am, can you get to a safe place?
Judge Lavinio's voice: No, I’m upstairs! I’m trapped!
911 Operator: Okay, ma’am. Just stay by the phone.
Judge Lavinio's voice: Here he comes! Oh, my God! [screams, and the line disconnects]

Benjy: [about Monk] Can I bring him to school? Like, for show and tell?

[Looking around the house, Monk spots the pried-open smoke alarm]
Adrian Monk: What’s—what’s with this?
Captain Stottlemeyer: That’s a smoke alarm. She was in the kitchen cooking something when he broke in. It started to burn.
Lt. Randall Disher: A little girl across the street saw the guy turning it off.
Adrian Monk: So there was a witness?
Lt. Randall Disher: She’s 10 years old. She didn’t see much.
Captain Stottlemeyer: So the perp breaks in. He goes berserk in here. The victim runs upstairs and calls 911.
Adrian Monk: It’s strange.
Captain Stottlemeyer: What’s strange?
Adrian Monk: The phone. He didn’t take the phone off the hook. So, what? He just let her call 911? [Monk inspects the kitchen. He finds a few leftovers in the fridge] Any prints?
Captain Stottlemeyer: Nope, nothing so far.
Adrian Monk: So, she’s here cooking. He breaks in. He’s a big guy. Lot of noise.
Captain Stottlemeyer: He must’ve cornered her in here, and then chased her out and caught up with her in the bedroom?
Adrian Monk: I would’ve grabbed a knife. [points to the knife rack] Why didn’t she grab a knife?
Captain Stottlemeyer: I don’t know. [Monk observes the bedroom] She was over here on the phone. Severe blunt trauma to the head with a baseball bat. [Monk eyes one of the phones]
Adrian Monk: Has this phone been touched?
Captain Stottlemeyer: No, no. The scene’s intact. [Monk holds the phone with a handkerchief to avoid contaminating fingerprints; he punches a button on the receiver but only gets static until he pulls up the antenna]
Adrian Monk: The antenna has to be up to get a signal in here.
Captain Stottlemeyer: So?
Adrian Monk: Somebody lowered it all the way after the call. You don’t usually see that when someone’s getting bludgeoned to death.

[Dale is on the phone]
Man on phone: I’m sorry, Mr. Biederbeck, that’s out of the question.
Dale "The Whale" Biederbeck: Hold on. Hold on. Now is it Danny or Daniel?
Man on phone: Danny, sir.
Dale "The Whale" Biederbeck: Fine, Danny. If you screw with me. I’ll eat your heart on a stick. Now the SEC—
Man on phone: My boss is busy right now, sir.
Dale "The Whale" Biederbeck: I know your boss is busy, Danny! I’m watching him. Tell him Dale Biederbeck wants an answer now, not later. Now! Is he in or out? If he’s in, tell him to... clean his glasses. [At a conference on the TV, an aide whispers to a congressman and the congressman quickly removes his glasses and cleans them] Congratulate the congressman, he’s just been reelected to a fifth term. [He chuckles, turns off his phone and reaches for a plate of corndogs] Oh, it’s better than the Home Shopping Network. [Dr. Vezza takes the plate away from him]
Dale "The Whale" Biederbeck: Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! I’m not finished!
Dr. Christiaan Vezza: This stuff will kill you.
Dale "The Whale" Biederbeck: I’m not gonna die. You won’t let me, will you, Doctor?

[riding up to meet Dale the Whale for the first time]
Sharona Fleming: Dale Biederbeck?
Adrian Monk: They call him Dale the Whale.
Sharona Fleming: I never heard of him.
Captain Stottlemeyer: He spends a fortune every year making sure nobody ever hears of him. He buys newspapers just to keep his name out of them. [they get off the elevator, their movements monitored by a camera] All right, I want everybody to be careful in there. This guy is smart. He’s gonna try to bait you. Assume you’re being videotaped. Do not accuse him of anything. Now, Monk, I don’t have to remind you that this bastard’s got deep pockets, and he’s got a platoon of lawyers and he loves to use them.
Sharona: You met him? What happened? [They are interrupted by Dr. Vezza's arrival]

Adrian Monk: Go to hell.
Dale "The Whale" Biederbeck: No doubt I will. I just hope it's handicap accessible.

Dr. Christiaan Vezza: So you’re a nurse?
Sharona Fleming: Mmm, I was.
Dr. Christiaan Vezza: Where did you intern?
Sharona Fleming: Modesto General.
Dr. Christiaan Vezza: So you knew Michelle Bletched?
Sharona Fleming: Oh, oh, my God, yes. [She and Dr. Vezza laugh] “The Wretched Miss Bletched”.
Dr. Christiaan Vezza: [in falsetto] Attention, everyone! Attention! This is not a drill!
Sharona Fleming: God.
Dr. Christiaan Vezza: [imitating Katharine Hepburn in falsetto] Yes, you should hear my Katharine Hepburn.
Sharona Fleming: That’s very good. Very good.

Captain Stottlemeyer: Excuse me, Doctor. Now, if Biederbeck is too big to get out of the room, how’d he get there in the first place? He’s like a ship in a bottle.
Dr. Christiaan Vezza: Well, when he first bought the apartment, he weighed a mere 422 pounds. He could still walk. On a good day, he could see his toes. Then his mother died, and he had a complete breakdown. He started bingeing. He would call restaurants and order everything on the menu. He topped out at 927 pounds. That was a decade ago. He has not left the room since.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Like I said, it’s just not possible.

[Late at night, Stottlemeyer and Disher brainstorm on how the immobile Biederbeck could have killed the judge.]
Lt. Disher: What time is it?
Captain Stottlemeyer: [checks his watch] No, don’t ask. [Randy looks at his watch and both policemen sigh.] Whew.
Lt. Disher: Oh— [sniffs] Okay. Okay. Okay. Maybe we’re looking at this all wrong. Maybe he killed her in his apartment, and then he somehow moved the body back to her house.
Captain Stottlemeyer: No. What about the 911 call? She made it from the house.
Lt. Disher: What about liposuction?
Captain Stottlemeyer: What?
Lt. Disher: Liposuction, yeah! He... he lipo'd himself down to like, uh... I don't know, like 400 pounds. Down the elevator, across town... killed the judge.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Well, how did he gain all the weight back?
[Long pause]
Lt. Disher: Reverse liposuction.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Oh, my God.
Lt. Disher: Yeah, he just pumped it all back in.
Captain Stottlemeyer: You think that’s possible?
Lt. Disher: I don’t know. Should I call a doctor?
Captain Stottlemeyer: No. [chuckles] Let’s keep our reverse liposuction theory to ourselves. Okay, Randy?

[Stottlemeyer arrives to arrest Dale for the murder, interrupting Dale's video-talk with another girl]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Hello, Mr. Biederbeck.
Dale "The Whale" Biederbeck: Captain. I really wish you would’ve called. I’m a little busy at the moment.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: I’m here to arrest you for the murder of Judge Kate Lavinio. [tosses Dale an envelope] That’s a warrant. Duly sworn.
Dale "The Whale" Biederbeck: [to the girl on TV] Sweetheart, I’m gonna have to call you back. [turns off the monitor] Doctor, will you call Howard Klein and tell him we’re suing the city for malicious prosecution…again? [Stottlemeyer motions towards the French doors]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: I have hired a local construction company to take out this door. We’re gonna get a crane here and lower your fat ass down to the street.
Dale "The Whale" Biederbeck: [laughs] A crane? Oh, that’s rich. But would you mind explaining to me how I’m supposed to have killed the bitch? I can’t leave this room, remember?
Captain Stottlemeyer: Mr. Monk!
Dale "the Whale" Biederbeck: Well, my, my, my. [Monk, Sharona, and a uniformed cop enter, carrying two chairs] It’s the defective detective once more. Lay it on me, Einstein.
Adrian Monk: These two chairs are from the judge’s house. The killer stood on one of them when he turned off the smoke alarm. A girl in the neighborhood saw, quote, a very, very fat man standing on it. But there’s something funny about the chair. It’s not broken. [refers to the uniform] This is Sergeant Cargill from the 14th Precinct. Sergeant, how much do you weigh?
Sgt. Cargill: 265.
Adrian Monk: Would you mind? [Cargill stands on top of the chair, which breaks under his weight] So, how could a very, very fat man have stood on it? There’s only one explanation. He was a fat man, not a heavy man. Lieutenant? [Randy enters wearing Dr. Vezza's empathy suit] I visited your clinic today and borrowed one of your empathy suits. [Randy stands on the other chair, which does not break] Fat, but not heavy. I believe we have another warrant to serve.

[Monk and Sharona are walking down a pier.]
Sharona Fleming: Adrian, can I ask you something? If it's none of my business, I promise I'll shut up.
Adrian Monk: I doubt it.
[They smile and there is a pause as they keep walking.]
Sharona Fleming: What did Trudy mean by "bread and butter"?
Adrian Monk: Whenever Trudy and I were walking somewhere, we would hold hands, and if there was a lamp post or somebody walked between us and we had to let go for a second, she'd always say "bread and butter".
Sharona Fleming: So when she died...
Adrian Monk: Yeah, I think it was a message for me. She was saying, "I have to let go now for a little while, but it won't be forever."
[She takes his arm in hers and they continue walking.]

Mr. Monk Goes to the Carnival [1.04]

[After Monk breaks her car's headlight while driving, Sharona stops him from getting back behind the wheel.]
Sharona: I'm driving. When Hell freezes over, you can drive again. No — you know what? Even if Hell freezes over, I'm still driving, because I don't want you driving on the ice! Get in the car!

[Captain Stottlemeyer comes out of the hearing, having failed to support Monk's reinstatement.]
Sharona Fleming: You son of a bitch.
Adrian Monk: I thought you were gonna do the right thing.
Captain Stottlemeyer: I think I did do the right thing.
Sharona Fleming: He saves your ass all the time, and he never asks for anything in return. He closes case after case, and then he goes home and watches you on the news taking all the credit!
Captain Stottlemeyer: I wanted to recommend you, I tried to recommend you, but I just couldn't do it. Adrian, you are not ready to carry a gun. You're not ready to have other cops depend on you under fire. In your heart, you know you're not ready. [Monk walks off]
Sharona Fleming: At least your friend Adam Kirk has the decency to stab people in the front.

Captain Stottlemeyer: Hey, Randy, did I ever tell you about Monk's first day as a detective?
Lt. Randall Disher: No, sir.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Take a seat. [Randy does] He didn't have a partner, so I got stuck with him.
Lt. Randall Disher: Was he, uh...? [motions to his head]
Captain Stottlemeyer: No, no. He was... a little wound. He used to clean the windshield and rearrange the glovebox before we'd roll. Anyway, we're the primaries on a body at a hotel in the Castro. A hooker had swallowed a bunch of promazine - you know, the big sleeping pills?
Lt. Disher: Horse tranquilizers, sir.
Capt. Stottlemeyer: I said suicide. Every cop on the scene said suicide. Medical examiner said suicide. Monk walks in, says murder. "Where's the water?" The room had no water! Simple. Eight people in the room, but nobody saw that.
Lt. Disher: Well, I'm sure you would have seen it eventually, sir.
Capt. Stottlemeyer: Don't kid yourself. There is only one Adrian Monk.

Sharona: You okay?
Monk: I just wanna be alone.
Sharona: Okay, I'll come with you.

Sharona: Let's go up in the Ferris Wheel, then we'll be able to see everything.
Monk: I've got a better idea. You go up in the Ferris Wheel and you can see everything.

(cuts to Sharona in the bucket.)

Sharona: You do know how to operate this thing, right?
Monk: How hard can it be?

Sharona: Get me down! I thought you said you knew how to operate this thing!
Monk:I am not familiar with this particular model!

Monk:What am I doing up here? What am I doing up here?!
Sharona: Rescuing me!

[first time line is spoken in the series]
Sharona: So you remember how many empty boxes you saw?
Monk: Yes. It's a blessing, and a curse. Now don't ever take my shoes again!

Mr. Monk Goes to the Asylum [1.05]

[On the hospital's roof, Monk addresses "Santa," in reality Dr. Lancaster in disguise, as the police cover them from below.]
Adrian Monk: By the way, in case we don't get a chance to talk later, [I] just want you to know — except for the murders and your trying to kill me, you really were the best doctor I ever had.

[Monk and the other patients are painting their self-portraits]
Dr. Morris Lancaster: Now remember, this is supposed to be a self portrait. How do you feel about yourself? Look deep inside. There's no right or wrong. [looks over one patient's work] Very good. I love those eyes.
Adrian Monk: Excuse me, Doctor. Is there a sink nearby?
[Jane Gordon sighs]
Adrian Monk: I-I-I need to wash up.
Jane Gordon: Will you shut him up! He has been whining since he walked in here. It's too hot. It's too cold. I have charcoal on my hands!
Dr. Morris Lancaster: Jane, what did we talk about yesterday?
Jane Gordon: [takes a breath] Controlling the urge to lash out.
Dr. Morris Lancaster: Do you have something you wanna say to Mr. Monk?
Jane Gordon: [sighs] Sorry.
Adrian Monk: That's okay. I do have a little charcoal on my hands.
Manny: Dr. Lancaster, guess what I'm painting!
Everyone: Santa Claus!
Dr. Morris Lancaster: All right, all right. [He looks at Manny's work] Huh. Well, you know this is supposed to be a self-portrait. [We see that Manny has painted a HUGE Santa Claus, with a tiny boy at his feet]
Manny: [points to the little boy] That's me!
Dr. Morris Lancaster: Hmm. Why are you so small?
Manny: Everybody's small compared to Santa. [Janie turns to Monk]
Jane Gordon: He actually sits up every night and waits for him.
Manny: I have a feeling he's on his way. It's definitely getting colder outside.
Jane Gordon: It's August, whackjob!
Dr. Morris Lancaster: It's all right. Back to work. Come on. Come on. Go ahead. Go ahead.

[Dr. Lancaster tells Sharona about how Monk's "condition" is]
Dr. Morris Lancaster: If anything, his behavior has deteriorated. We may have to keep him here longer than we thought.
Sharona Fleming: Well, how much longer?
Dr. Morris Lancaster: That's hard to say. It could be a month.
Sharona Fleming: A month? [They examine Monk, standing out in the garden]
Dr. Morris Lancaster: It could be as long as a year. Adrian is bipolar. He's delusional and he's paranoid. He sees murder mysteries everywhere he turns. In fact, he's befriended another patient, and the two of them are trying to prove that Santa Claus really does exist.
Sharona Fleming: Santa Claus?
Dr. Morris Lancaster: Mm-hmm. They went out on the roof collecting evidence. It would be funny if it wasn't so... dysfunctional. [Dr. Lancaster and Sharona meet Monk] Adrian, look who's here.
Sharona Fleming: Hey, boss. How you feelin'?
Adrian Monk: Ah, I feel good. I can't-I can't wait to go home.
Sharona Fleming: Well, we were just talking about that.
Dr. Morris Lancaster: Adrian, would you mind if I showed your friend some of the artwork that you made yesterday? [He shows some artwork] Oh, here it is. Wait a minute. [shows them a disturbed image of Trudy's grave]
Adrian Monk: Did I draw that?
Dr. Morris Lancaster: You don't remember? Isn't that Trudy's grave?
Sharona Fleming: Um, Dr. Lancaster said that you saw Santa Claus.
Adrian Monk: [scoffs] No, we didn't actually see him. Manny took a picture, but he lost the camera. But we found a piece of a red suit.
Dr. Morris Lancaster: We'd love to see it, Adrian.
[Monk looks through his pockets for the piece of Santa fabric that he found, but he can't find it]
Adrian Monk: It was here. It was in here. A little piece of fabric, you know, of Santa's-Santa's, you know, suit. Okay, no, no. It was a piece of... fabric, and...
Sharona Fleming: Doctor? Can I talk to you privately?
Adrian Monk: Like... Santa's tuis.
Dr. Morris Lancaster: Sure. [He and Sharona walk away]
Sharona Fleming: He's not himself. He needs me. Look, I could be here two, three times a week, okay? I still have my license. Maybe they can give me a job here.
Dr. Morris Lancaster: Sharona, I know you mean well, but the less contact Adrian has with his old life, the better. You can write him a letter. You can bring him something from home. I'm sure he'd like that, but no visits.
[Sharona approaches Monk, who is now looking under his bed]
Sharona Fleming: Look, Adrian. I-listen, I-I can't take you home right now.
Adrian Monk: Sharona, look at his shoes, just look at his shoes. They're smudged. Could be soot. Those are boat shoes. They're made for traction. And I think, he has been walking on the roof.

Monk: Don't laugh, I just wanted to make sure.
Sharona: Is there a tree by the window?
Monk: Yes.
Sharona: Is there a mobile by the closet?
Monk: Yes.
Sharona:Is there a picture of Trudy on the nightstand?
Monk: Yes.
Sharona:Adrian, you are in your own house.

Mr. Monk and the Billionaire Mugger [1.06]

Adrian Monk: Walk me through it.
Captain Stottlemeyer: It’s pretty routine till we get to the punch line. Modine and his date are walking to their car over here. The, uh, perp is over here. Now, the perp pops out with a knife. Modine pulls out his piece, .38 caliber... [off Monk's look] I already called, he’s licensed. Bang, bang, bang. Three in the chest.
Adrian Monk: So, I just have one question: What am I doing here?
Captain Stottlemeyer: Here comes the punch line: Our perp is Sidney Teal.
Sharona Fleming: The computer guy?
Adrian Monk: Get out of town!
Captain Stottlemeyer: Take a look. [lifts up the canvas covering the late Sidney Teal] That’s what $5 billion looks like.
Adrian Monk: Get-out-of-town! What in God’s name was he doing? [Stottlemeyer puts Teal's false mustache in an evidence bag]
Captain Stottlemeyer: I think maybe, that this is how he got his kicks. I mean, that kind of money can make a person crazy.
Adrian Monk: Yeah. I wouldn’t know.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Yeah, right. Anyway, that’s my theory. If you’ve got a better one, I’d really like to hear it.
Adrian Monk: Well—
Sharona Fleming: No. No. Captain, we can’t start working until we talk about our fee!
Adrian Monk: Sharona, could you give me a second here? [Sharona walks away] You know, this is insane.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Yeah, it’s crazy. It gets crazier. Check this out. [He uncovers Teal's leg] This guy’s wearin’ knee pads.
Adrian Monk: Knee pads?
Captain Stottlemeyer: Yeah, and he’s got elbow pads.
Adrian Monk: Was he planning on going rollerblading after?

[Monk and Sharona question Sidney Teal's chauffeur]
Willis: You know, it's funny. Mr. Teal had it all - more money than God, a beautiful wife - but he was the loneliest man on the planet. I was the chauffeur, and I felt sorry for him.
Sharona Fleming: Feeling sorry for your boss? I can't imagine how that must feel.
Adrian Monk: Get in the car!

[Disher comes into Stottlemeyer's office]
Lt. Randall Disher: Captain.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: You just missed the Deputy Commissioner. Guess what he wanted to talk about? Murder rates spiking? The Sidney Teal investigation? No, all he wanted to know was what we’re doing about the runaway cop.
Lt. Randall Disher: Fraidy Cop. [drops the latest edition of the San Francisco Chronicle on Stottlemeyer's desk; camera focuses on an article that is headlined "Who is Fraidy Cop?"]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Excuse me?
Lt. Randall Disher: That’s what they’re calling him. We, uh, sort of pieced together the route he took. [Randy walks over to a blown up street map of San Francisco] I don't know. Okay.
[He pulls out a few pushpins]
Lt. Randall Disher: After the shooting, three people saw him running west towards the park here, and on 19th, here, [Inserts a pushpin into the intersection of 19th and Guererro Streets] he flagged down a taxi.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: He took a taxi?
Lt. Randall Disher: Yeah, it gets worse: he, uh, threw up in the backseat. But we did get his blood type from the vomit. The taxi then, uh, dropped him off at a bar up on Geary Street... [inserts a pushpin into the intersection of Geary and Laguna Streets] ...there, where he sat in a booth at the back, apparently drinking bourbon and crying.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: He was crying? Oh, dear Lord.
Lt. Randall Disher: About midnight, an older woman in a brown stationwagon was seen picking him up. Possibly his mother.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: He called his mom?
Lt. Randall Disher: Yeah.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Well, that son-of-a-bitch better hope I don’t find him first. [He looks at the cartographic sketch of Fraidy Cop]

[Stottlemeyer speaks at a press conference about Sidney Teal's death]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Sidney Teal did not suffer a nervous breakdown. The incident on Harrison Place was, in fact, a crime of passion. We believe that Mr. Teal, was in fact trying to murder Mr. Modine, who was linked romantically at one time with Mr. Teal’s wife, Myra. Over the next ten days, the D.A.’s office is going to decide whether or not they want to press charges against Mr. Modine for filing a false report. Any questions?
Reporter #1: Captain, is there any news on Fraidy Cop?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: No comment.
Reporter #1: Captain, there’s a story in today’s Tribune that says the department knows the identity of Fraidy Cop, but is refusing to release it.
Reporter #2: Is that true, Captain? [The reporters start clamoring]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: No comment.
[The reporters all clamor for a few moments, jockeying for positions, while Stottlemeyer grows increasingly agitated]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: All right, Hey, hey! Hang on. I have another statement, and here it is: The next reporter that asks me about this so-called "Fraidy Cop" is going to be banned from all press conferences for a year.

Mr. Monk and the Other Woman [1.07]

Monk: It doesn't make any sense.
Stottlemeyer: Does everything have to make sense, Monk?
Monk: Well... yeah, it kinda does.

Todd: You should be ashamed of yourself!
Monk: I am, 24-7.

[Adrian packs to stay overnight at Monica's after a murder in her garage.]
Sharona: I am not coming to get you in the middle of the night!
Monk: You won't have to get me — I'm not a child, Sharona. [worriedly] Can't find my PJs!

[After Stottlemeyer ruins Monk's night "sleepover" with a wrong accusation, and Monk nevertheless solves the case...]
Stottlemeyer: Hey, Monk!
[Stottlemeyer shuffles uncomfortably for a moment.]
Stottlemeyer: I'm sorry.
Monk: You don't have to say that.
Stottlemeyer: Yes, I do. Commissioner is making me.

Mr. Monk and the Marathon Man [1.08]

[After Monk misses seeing his marathon idol, Tonday, because he was uninvitedly fixing someone's sweater...]
Adrian Monk: It was askew!
Sharona Fleming: So what? So what — why can't you just let people be askew? I mean, what are you, the Askew Police?
Adrian Monk: Yes, I'm the Askew Police.

[Monk and Sharona have spotted the crime scene while driving by]
Adrian Monk: What do we have?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: We got a dead girl. She lives on the, uh, 21st floor. Either she slipped or she jumped or she had some help.
Adrian Monk: [looking at Gwen Zaleski's body, lying on a stretcher] It was murder.
Lt. Randall Disher: It's a possibility, yeah.
Adrian Monk: No, that's what happened. It was murder.
Lt. Randall Disher: [sighs] And how could you know that, Monk? You just got here.
Adrian Monk: [points to] Her toenails. She didn't finish painting them. She was obviously interrupted.
Lt. Randall Disher: Well, isn't that the style now?
Sharona Fleming: [scoffs] Like you know.

[In the Zaleski apartment]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: [on his cell phone] That's what I thought. Thanks, Paul. [hangs up] Boys and girls, listen up. That was the medical examiner. She was strangled before she went over the rail. This is now a homicide investigation. Which means, do not touch anything, don't lean on anything, and be careful where you walk. [to Monk] What do you think?
Adrian Monk: She lived alone?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Yeah, she lived alone, but uh, check this out. [opens the refrigerator] Excuse me. She has beer in the fridge and... cigars in the humidor.
Adrian Monk: Boyfriend.
Lt. Randall Disher: Yeah, and according to her neighbor, she had an ex husband and a boyfriend who nobody ever saw.
Adrian Monk: Well, somebody was paying the bills. She was in unemployment.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Somebody was buying her a lot of gifts.
Adrian Monk: She hasn't opened any of them.
Lt. Randall Disher: Hmm, maybe she was planning to return them. I mean, look at this guy's taste.

Adrian Monk: Captain, look at this. Her speed dial. Number three is blank. [Stottlemeyer picks up the phone with his pen] If she had a lover, and she was trying to be discreet—
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: She would not have listed his name.
Lt. Randall Disher: I’ve got it, sir.
Adrian Monk: Wait. [dials the number]
Man on phone: Hello?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Hi, um, this is Captain Leland Stottlemeyer with the San Francisco Police Department. Whom am I talking to?
[cuts to McDowell playing a referee in a mock boxing ring, shooting a commercial]
Trevor McDowell: Hey! It's me, Trevor McDowell. We've just opened a new furniture showroom right here in San Mateo, right off Route 101. [the bell dings] Break!
[His two kids start mock fighting]
Trevor McDowell: Hey, listen, if your family's like mine, the furniture in your house takes a real beating! Okay, keep it clean! Keep it clean! Gloves up! [Monk, Sharona and Stottlemeyer arrive] That's why you need furniture that can go the distance. Isn't that right, honey?
McDowell's wife: With low prices that'll knock you out! [One kid punches at the couch]
Trevor McDowell: Like this couch. [pulls out a $799.99 sign] It's regularly $799, but with a quick jab from Tyler...
[Tyler punches the sign]
Trevor McDowell: That old price is T.K.O.'ed! It's yours for only $649! [pulls out a $649.99 sign]
Adrian Monk: You see that lamp there? It's got...
Sharona Fleming: No! Don't even think about it!
Adrian Monk: But it's not...
Sharona Fleming: Stop. Stop.
Adrian Monk: It's supposed to...
Trevor McDowell: ...Normally it's $1399, but with a mighty blow from Luke, here-
[Luke punches the sign. McDowell pulls out a $1299.99 sign]
Trevor McDowell: Whoa! That old price is down for the count! It's yours for only 1299! Heavyweight furniture at featherweight prices! Tables! Chairs! Sofas! Lamps! Love seats! You name it! [Monk straightens the lampshade on a table lamp behind McDowell] At McDowell's, if we can't beat the competition, we'll throw in the towel!
Commercial Director: Cut! Cut!
Trevor McDowell: What?
Commercial Director: Who is that? Get him out of there!
[a crew member ushers Monk away]
Adrian Monk: I'm sorry. It was a little-was I-okay, take two.

[Stottlemeyer et al. confront McDowell about his affair with the murder victim.]
Stottlemeyer: She was your girlfriend.
McDowell: Yes, uh... I really screwed up, big time.
Stottlemeyer: How long have you been "screwing up"?

[Tonday gives Monk his headband from his famous 1973 run. Monk places it against his cheek.]
Monk: Thank you, my friend. Thank you for this. This... means the world to me.
Tonday: I haven't worn it since the big race. Or washed it.
[Tonday gets into his taxi. Monk pulls the headband off his cheek and stares at it.]
Monk: Baggie! Baggie! Baggie, baggie!
Sharona: Just give it to me.

Mr. Monk Takes a Vacation [1.09]

[Monk and Benjy observe Sharona losing to a handsome acquaintance at tennis.]
Benjy: Mom coulda got that shot. You think she's letting him win?
Monk: I wouldn't be surprised.
Benjy: You know, why do girls do that?
Monk: Someday you'll understand. [pauses] When you do, call me and explain it to me.

[Monk and Disher are talking on the phone]
Disher: So, you want to tell me what's going on?
Monk: I think this time, he might have killed his wife.
Disher: Where are you staying, Monk? The Bates Motel?
Monk: No, but I think this place is run by the same company.

[Trying to locate the murder victim, Monk investigates some missing bags of quicklime.]
Adrian Monk: There had to be more than one person. I think we're looking for a gang. Did they move those palette boards?
Groundskeeper: They don't belong there.
[Monk compares the window height to the palette stack height.]
Adrian Monk: They were short.
Groundskeeper: A short gang of lime thieves?
Adrian Monk: It's a nutty world.

Adrian Monk: Okay, just for the record, what we just did...
Benjy Fleming: Breaking and entering?
Adrian Monk: Yeah... it's wrong. Don't-don't do it.

[Monk, with Benjy tagging along, checks out the maids' locker room.]
Benjy Fleming: Think the dead body's in here?
Adrian Monk: Maybe. It's been everywhere else.

Mr. Monk and the Earthquake [1.10]

[The earthquake prevents Sharona and Benjy from returning to their home.]
Sharona: Well, we can always stay at Aunt Gail's.
Benjy: Why can't we stay at Mr. Monk's?
Sharona: Because I will go crazy slower at Aunt Gail's.

[As they sit with the new widow, gibberish-speaking Adrian attempts to express his condolences. Sharona tells him to leave the room.]
Father Hatcher: Um... where's he from?
Sharona: Neptune.

[Benjy turns on the tap and rusty colored water comes out]
Benjy Fleming: The water's all rusty!
Gail Fleming: Oh yeah, it always gets like that after an earthquake. Fortunately, I always keep some mineral water around for situations like this... Where's my water?
[She opens the cupboard under the sink, which is empty. Cuts to the bathroom, where Monk is soaking in the tub, surrounded by empty plastic bottles.]
Gail Fleming: [banging on the door] Mr. Monk?
Adrian Monk: Don't come in, I'm taking a bath.
Gail Fleming: With my mineral water?!
Adrian Monk: I tried the water from the tap, it was a little rusty.
Gail Fleming: Yeah well, enjoy that bath, it's costing me $95 dollars!
Adrian Monk: [oblivious to her sarcasm] Thank you!

Lt. Disher: So, uh... what's it like, having Adrian Monk as a house guest?
Gail Fleming: Well, a few years ago, a squirrel got into the house, and I could hear it running through the attic and the walls. Took me two months to get rid of it. Drove me crazy.
Lt. Disher: ...And?
Gail Fleming: And, that's what it's like!

[Sharona kicks Darryl into the arms of Capt. Stottlemeyer, who grabs him from behind.]
Darryl Wright: Son of a bitch!
Stottlemeyer: I'm surprised you can talk with a broken jaw.
Darryl Wright: I don't have a broken jaw!
[Stottlemeyer spins him around and belts him.]

Mr. Monk and the Red-Headed Stranger [1.11]

[Monk rattles off an arcane observation about one of Willie's studio recordings.]
Willie Nelson: You know more about me than I do.
Sharona Fleming: He knows more about everybody than they do.

[Monk, Sharona, Stottlemeyer and Disher are in Stottlemeyer's office]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Close the door. [Randy closes the door] What you are about to see cannot leave this room. The tabloids would pay a million dollars for this videotape. It's from the surveillance camera near the crime scene. [Randy presses play on the tape]
Lt. Randall Disher: The alley's a dead end. This is the only way in. The side door to the radio station was wired to an alarm, so we know it wasn't opened.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: The bottom line: we can tell for sure who was or was not there. [Monk pretends playing the clarinet] What the hell are you doing? [Monk signals to Stottlemeyer to wait a minute]
Sharona Fleming: Oh, uh, he's practicing.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Really?
Sharona Fleming: Willie Nelson invited him to sit in with his band.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Well, he may be live from Folsom Prison. Check this out. Go ahead. [Randy presses play on the tape. On the tape, Mrs. Mass pass by the camera as she enters the alleyway, tapping her cane as she feels around] Yeah, there goes Mrs. Mass. Tap, tap, tap. She goes into the alley. Fast-forward. [Randy fast forwards the tape a few minutes; Sonny Cross walks by the camera] And there goes the soon-to-be-late Sonny Cross. [A few seconds after Sonny Cross enters, Willie Nelson runs past the camera] And there goes Willie Nelson. Nobody else goes in or out. Pretty much a slam dunk.
Sharona Fleming: Are you gonna arrest him?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: D.A.'s ready to move. I'm waiting for some tests from the lab. Maybe tomorrow. [turns to Randy] Call your mom. Tell her to set the VCR. We're gonna be on the 6:00 news.
Adrian Monk: Captain, what about the note on the door?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: My videotape trumps your note. Ask any lawyer.
Adrian Monk: I don't know.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Monk, look. My heroes have been always been cowboys too. It's either "A," the blind woman, who has zero motive, or it's "B," your buddy, the Red-Headed Stranger.
Lt. Randall Disher: Who had motive, means and opportunity, and was the identified by the only witness at the scene.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: "A" or "B", Monk?
Adrian Monk: I think it's "C".
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: "C"? What the hell is "C"?
Adrian Monk: I don't know yet.

[Radio jockey Kenny Freedman introduces Willie Nelson and his band]
Kenny Freedman: We're back. I'm Little Kenny Freedman. You're listening to Three Chord Monte on KNGY. We are very excited to have live in our studio the legendary Willie Nelson. I know you've been reading a lot about Willie in the papers. Everybody seems to have an opinion on "the incident". But tonight, we're gonna forget about all that and enjoy the music. Willie, would you like to introduce the band?

Lt. Randall Disher: So, what's the plan?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Well, you know how they handled the O.J. case down in Los Angeles? We do the opposite. Where are we?
Lt. Randall Disher: Uh, same as I told you on the phone, sir. Mrs. Mass is reasonably sure that she can recognize the assailant's voice.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Reasonably sure. [turns to Mrs. Mass] Excuse me, Mrs. Mass? Do you listen to country and western music?
Wendy Maas: No, I like classical.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Okay. Good. Bring him in.

Lt. Randall Disher: Sir, are you ready for this?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: What is this? A game show? Can't you just walk in here and say what you have to say?
Lt. Randall Disher: The droplets on Willie Nelson's jacket: human blood from the victim.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Well, he said that he leaned over the body. Maybe he got the blood on him then.
Lt. Randall Disher: The lab is 40% sure they're splatter marks from the actual shooting.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: 40%?
Lt. Randall Disher: What do you think?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Well, I think it's not exactly through the hoop, is it?
Lt. Randall Disher: Okay, the blood is 40%. Videotape?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Forty-eight percent.
Lt. Randall Disher: Voice I.D.?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Fifteen percent.
Lt. Randall Disher: Motive?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Twenty.
Lt. Randall Disher: Well, that's like 123%. I mean, plus means and opportunity.
[Stottlemeyer sighs]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: All right, bring him in. I have to be crazy. Be plumb out of my mind to arrest Willie Nelson.

[Stottlemeyer comes to the recording studio to arrest Willie Nelson for murder]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Willie Nelson?
Jody Payne - Band Member #1: I'm Willie Nelson.
Bee Spears - Band Member #2: I'm Willie Nelson.
Mickey Raphael - Band Member #3: I'm Willie Nelson.
Willie Nelson: Don't think they're goin' for it, boys.
Lt. Randall Disher: Mr. Nelson, we have a warrant for your arrest for the premeditated murder of Jason "Sonny" Cross.

Mr. Monk and the Airplane [1.12]

Monk: She forgot she was a vegetarian? Who forgets they're vegetarian? It's like... forgetting you're a Republican.

[Monk is talking to Lt. Disher on an airplane phone.]
Disher: Are you really up there in an airplane?
Monk: It's better than being up here not in an airplane.

[Stephan's girlfriend locks Monk inside the bathroom while he is changing. He starts banging on the door and Sharona comes to rescue him.]
Monk: Sharona! Open up! This isn't funny!
[Sharona opens the door. Monk pops out, clutching a piece of paper.]
Sharona: What's that?
Monk: It's my will.

[Monk observes Stefan and Barbara Chabrol's behavior when a close friend, Bernard, comes up]
Bernard: Stefan!
Stefan Chabrol: Bernard.
Bernard: [chuckles] What a small world. Can you believe this?
Stefan Chabrol: No.
Bernard: I was just thinking about your father, God rest his soul. Are you heading back home?
Stefan Chabrol: Yeah, that’s right.
Bernard: Yes, me too. I haven’t seen you since the big anniversary party.
Stefan Chabrol: Ah! [Bernard turns to Barbara]
Bernard: Barbara, ravissante, comme toujours. ["Barbara, lovely, as always."] [He kisses her hand]
Barbara Chabrol: It’s a pleasure to meet you.
Bernard: To meet me? Well, you don’t remember. [laughs] You’re breaking an old man’s heart. I taught you how to waltz that night.
Barbara Chabrol: Oh, yes. Of course you did, I’m sorry, I’d forgotten.
Bernard: Moi, j’aurais pu jamais oubliee une soiree pareille. ["Me, I could have never forgotten that evening."]
Barbara Chabrol: I’m sorry, I don’t speak French.
Bernard: Since when? We spoke for over an hour. That was only three years ago.
Stefan Chabrol: Uh, Bernard.

[Monk takes drastic measures to stop the Chabrols from leaving Newark]
Adrian Monk: Hi! Hello. [clears his throat] Yeah, I’m, uh, worried about a buddy of mine, uh, Captain Claude Pritchard.
Man on phone: Claude Pritchard the pilot, yeah. He’s on the tarmac right now. He’s been cleared to take off.
Adrian Monk: So, he made it okay. What a relief. Unbelievable.
Man on phone: What do you mean?
Adrian Monk: Uh, oh, he was in pretty bad shape when I left him. We were out partying all last night, and into this morning, and…we’re just…party boys.
Man on phone: Party boys?
Adrian Monk: Yeah. Yeah, it was pretty ugly there for—I tried to take his keys away, but you know how old Claude gets when he’s totally… [Sharona mouths the word "hammered"] Hammered.
[Cuts to the inside of the plane, where Stefan Chabrol and "Barbara" toast their wine glasses]
Stewardess: Ladies and gentlemen, we have been asked to return to the gate. Please stay in your seats. We will be underway in just a few moments.

Season 2

Stottlemeyer: Well, I guess this is your worst nightmare, a crime scene on a rooftop.
Monk: No, it's not my worst nightmare. It's my fourth worst. No, wait, fifth. No, fourth. Fourth or fifth, I didn't bring the list with me.

Monk: [repeating Derek Philby's words back to him] Q.E.D. Quod erat demonstratum. "Thus it is proven."

Adrian Monk: Used to be. Um... I'm a private consultant now, and, uh... I'm just helping the department with their report.
[takes paper towel, reaches for the coffee pot with the regular coffee, and starts pouring it into the pot with the decaf]
Adrian Monk: Were you all here when Miss Landow died?
First Teacher: That's right. The students were taking their SATs. We were proctoring the test.
Adrian Monk: So - so you were all together? [looks closely at the pots to make sure they are even]
First Teacher: No, we were in different classrooms.
Sharona Fleming: Adrian...!
[Monk is not happy with the measurements. So he tries mixing the two pots together while trying to even them out]
Derek Philby: Excuse me, what are you doing?
Adrian Monk: Oh - um... just making them even.
Derek Philby: [highly amused at the little display] But you're mixing the regular with the decaf!
Adrian Monk: But they're even.
Derek Philby: But they're mixed together!
Adrian Monk: But they're - they're even.
Derek Philby: But they're mixed together.
Adrian Monk: But they're even...
Derek Philby: But they're mixed together.
Adrian Monk: But they're even...
[changes the subject]

Mr. Monk Goes to Mexico [2.02]

[Monk's suitcases, filled with food and water, get stolen]
Monk: What am I going to eat and drink?
Sharona: Adrian, they have food and water in Mexico.
Monk: Answer the question! What am I going to eat and drink!?

[After Monk has turned up, having been presumed dead]
Monk: [tortured] That officer outside told me I was dead. I'm not dead... am I?

[Monk has been presumed dead]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: I want a full-dress funeral, white gloves and black armbands, twenty-one gun salute. I want the governor there, and I want the mayor to give a eulogy...
Lt. Randall Disher: Monk wasn't on active duty, sir. We can't go full-dress...
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Adrian Monk is to be buried with honors, or I quit! Let me tell you something, Lieutenant, and I'm not afraid to say this: I loved that man.
[The phone rings]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: [answers] Stottlemeyer... yes. Yes, I understand. [hangs up] Adrian Monk is alive. [And now he has to cancel all his funeral arrangements!] I HATE THAT MAN!

Lt. Plato: Maybe you come back alone, you can earn some more necklaces.
Sharona Fleming: Why does everybody keep mentioning my necklaces?
Lt. Plato: They are fiesta beads.
Sharona Fleming: What are fiesta beads?
Lt. Plato: You don't remember how you got them?
Sharona Fleming: Ahh, no.
Lt. Plato: Guys give them to girls... at parties.
Sharona Fleming: Oh, what for?
[Lt. Plato whispers to Sharona]
Sharona Fleming: [gasps] Oh my God, why didn't you tell me?!
Lt. Plato: You wore them so... proudly!

[explaining what happened, hoarsely, as he hasn't drank any water in days]
Adrian Monk: He was a thirsty victim...
Sharona Fleming: Adrian.
Adrian Monk: I mean, the perfect victim.

Mr. Monk Goes to the Ballgame [2.03]

[Monk gets baseball star Scott Gregorio to coach Benjy at batting practice.]
Sharona: Thank you, Adrian! [pause] I thought I'd thank you now, because in a half an hour, you're probably gonna piss me off again.
Monk: You're welcome.

Scott Gregorio: They say that when you lose an arm, you can still feel it. That's what it feels like. I miss her so much. How do you... how do you go on? How do you keep working?
Adrian Monk: When Trudy fell in love with me, I was a detective. I was on the street, breaking cases. So I keep working. I keep trying to be the man she loved. That's all you can do: be the man she loved.

[Monk solves the case, and brings a videotape to prove his theory.]
Monk: Can I make a prediction here? You're each going to say, "Oh, my God" twice.
Sharona: Okay, here it is!
Monk: Don't blink.
[They watch the video.]
Capt. Stottlemeyer: Oh, my God.
Lt. Disher: Oh, my God!
Capt. Stottlemeyer: Oh, my...
Lt. Disher: Oh, my God!
Monk: [off Stottlemeyer's look] My God.

[after the season ends, and Scott has failed to break a famous record]
Scott Gregorio: ...But I would like to say something. I met a man recently. He's become a good friend. He reminded me that there are things in life much more important than baseball. What matters most, is the people you love. Being true to them, or their memories. That's the real ball game. My friend isn't giving up on that, and neither am I. I'll see you all in spring training.

Mr. Monk Goes to the Circus [2.04]

[Stottlemeyer shooes away an officer with mismatched socks]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Ah. Okey-dokey, bad man all gone. He's directing traffic on Ridgewood Avenue.
Adrian Monk: Did he understand?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: No, he didn't understand. I've known you a long time, Adrian, and I don't understand.
Sharona Fleming: Can we just focus on the work now?
Adrian Monk: OK.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: All right. It's 12:30, the place is packed. Everybody's having a good time. Then the perp, dressed in black, comes down the fire escape, and leaps down.
Adrian Monk: Wait a minute, he leaps down?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Yep. [points] Now the maitre'd is here, trying to call 911 on his cell phone. He confronts the perp, the perp does a spin move... [spins and lifts up his foot; imitating the killer] Hits the phone out of the maitre'd's hand.
Adrian Monk: Really?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: At this point, pulls a gun, fires one round, right through the guy's heart - killshot. [mimes a finger gun]
Adrian Monk: From here? What is that, thirty feet?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Thirty-four. I know, that's a hell of a shot.
Lt. Randall Disher: Look at this. [He shows Monk an evidence bag containing the recovered bullet]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: We pulled that slug out of the planter box.
Adrian Monk: [incredulous] What did he use? A cannon?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: A .454 from a Ruger Casull.
Lt. Randall Disher: They use it on safaris, to stop elephants.
Sharona Fleming: Elephants?
Adrian Monk: And who was the victim?
Lt. Randall Disher: [looks at his notes] Uh, his name is Sergei Cluvarias. They're running it now.
Adrian Monk: Table's set for two. Who was his date?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Some broad. She ran off. We'll have a sketch soon. [Monk looks at the table]
Adrian Monk: Uh-huh. Where is the sugar?
Lt. Randall Disher: Sugar? [We see a close up of the empty sugar bowl, with just a trace of unrefined sugar lining it]
Adrian Monk: The sugar cubes. This bowl's empty. All the other bowls are full.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: You're right. What's that mean?
Adrian Monk: I don't know. What about the cashier?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: No, showed zero interest. This wasn't about money.
Lt. Randall Disher: Or it was, and he got scared away. [Monk picks up something off another table with his fingers]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: What's that?
Adrian Monk: Wood shavings.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Wood shavings?
Adrian Monk: Sawdust?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Randy? [Randy comes back with an evidence bag]
Adrian Monk: What happened next?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Well, the getaway, which is why you're here. I thought this might be right up your alley.
Lt. Randall Disher: No pun intended. [Stottlemeyer and Monk shoot a nasty glare at Randy]
Adrian Monk: What pun is that?
Lt. Randall Disher: Because of the alley.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Shecky, can I continue? All right. For once, the witnesses are all on the same page: they all saw the perp jump to this table, and then leaped up to this bar [He gestures to show the killer's actions] …and did a somersault, and then over the valet, runs down the street and makes a left turn down the alley.
[Monk looks on]
Adrian Monk: Is there a circus in town?
Lt. Randall Disher: A circus? [An officer hands a message to Randy]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Ha ha. Circus. That makes a lot of sense. [Randy turns to them]
Lt. Randall Disher: Sir?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Yeah?
Lt. Randall Disher: We just got a positive on the victim. He's the master of ceremony at the Dratch & Denby Traveling Circus.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Master of ceremonies?
Lt. Randall Disher: Yeah, the ringmaster.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: At the circus?

[Monk, Sharona, Stottlemeyer and Disher have arrived at the Dratch & Denby Travelling Circus]
Lt. Randall Disher: Oh, wow! Dratch & Denby Circus. Founded in 1947. They do 400 shows a year in 65 different towns. Cool!
[Monk recoils from a fireblower, but keeps on moving]
Lt. Randall Disher: [laughs dryly] Payroll, 240 people.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Yeah, and he's using the term "people" very loosely. [a bearded lady and a weight-lifting woman walk past Stottlemeyer. Just then someone bangs into Sharona]
Sharona Fleming: Ooh! You okay?
Adrian Monk: I'm not really in my comfort zone here.
Sharona Fleming: You have a comfort zone?
Adrian Monk: Yes, I have a comfort zone. [He jumps as a woman snake-charmer sticks a python in his face]
Sharona Fleming: I've never seen your comfort zone.
Adrian Monk: It's not very big. It's, uh... [tries to size it up with his hands]'s kind of small. I-I don't have a comfort zone.
Sharona Fleming: Where do we start?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Well, we follow the gun. There's a Ruger Casull handgun registered to an employee here.
Lt. Randall Disher: Yeah, his name's Nikolai Petroff. He's, uh, one of the animal trainers.
Adrian Monk: You go on ahead. We're going to poke around on our own.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: All right. Meet you back here in a bit, but stay out of trouble. [Randy gets side-tracked by one of the carnival stalls where a kid is ready to shoot for a prize with a toy rifle. He asks to try it and Stottlemeyer watches him in disbelief]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Randy! [Randy reluctantly walks away from the midway game]

[Monk and Sharona talk to Arianna Dakkar, the horse trainer]
Adrian Monk: What is your name?
Ariana Dakkar: Ariana Dakkar.
Adrian Monk: Miss Dakkar, we're investigating the death of Sergei Cluvarias.
Ariana Dakkar: Why talk to me?
Adrian Monk: You were with him last night, weren't you? At the cafe when he was killed.
Ariana Dakkar: Who told you that?
Adrian Monk: No one told me. You shouldn't have taken all the sugar cubes from the table.
Ariana Dakkar: I shouldn't have run away, I know, but I was scared. I was sure she was going to kill me, too.
Adrian Monk: "She"? You think the killer was a woman? [Ariana’s demeanour changes]
Ariana Dakkar: I don't think anything. I know exactly who it was! I know she was crazy, but I never thought she would try something in public.
Sharona Fleming: Who?
Ariana Dakkar: Natasia Lovara. She calls herself The Queen of The Sky.
Adrian Monk: An acrobat.
Ariana Dakkar: Sergei's ex-wife. Jealous bitch! [As she continues to talk, she goes off to reach into her purse for a grooming impliment] She couldn't stand the thought of him having a life. If she's miserable, everybody else has to be miserable. She tried to kill him before, six months ago, but there wasn't enough evidence to indict her.
Sharona Fleming: If you know who did it, why didn't you go to the police?
Adrian Monk: Because she was afraid. You're not a citizen yet, but you're about to take your naturalization test, and you didn't want to draw attention to herself.
Ariana Dakkar: How did you know that?
Adrian Monk: The pamphlet in your bag. You're studying the U.S. Constitution, something no citizen would ever do. Good luck, by the way.
Ariana Dakkar: Thank you, Mr. Monk.

[Stottlemeyer and Disher find Nikolai Petroff, as he tends to one of the leopards]
Lt. Randall Disher: Nikolai Petroff?
Nikolai Petroff: Who's asking? [Disher flashes his badge]
Lt. Randall Disher: This shiny little piece of metal's asking. Are you Nikolai Petroff?
Nikolai Petroff: Are you trying to scare me, huh? This pussycat weighs a couple of hundred pounds. It could rip me apart in a heartbeat! I ain't scared of her. [laughs] You think I'm scared of you? [Stottlemeyer steps in front of Randy]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Excuse me. You may not be scared of the Lieutenant, but you've got plenty of reason to be scared of me, 'cause I got a little cage like that downtown. It's not much bigger than that, actually, and it's not a whole lot friendlier, and if you obstruct my investigation, sir, for one moment further, you're going to spend some time in it. What's your name?
Nikolai Petroff: Yeah, okay. I'm Nikolai Petroff. Can we make this fast? I have a show in thirty minutes.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: You're not going to cancel the show after what happened?
Nikolai Petroff: Most people around here are celebrating.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Really? I take it Sergei wasn't very well-liked?
Nikolai Petroff: Not by me. Well, it's no secret. You're going to find out anyway. Until last week, I was with Ariana.
Lt. Randall Disher: The woman he was with last night.
Nikolai Petroff: To hell with both of them.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: What is it you do around here?
Nikolai Petroff: I'm a wrangler. Anton the Great goes into the cage. I watch his back.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: You watch his back, so you've got a gun in case there's a problem.
Nikolai Petroff: That's right.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: And that gun's a .454 Ruger Casull?
Nikolai Petroff: That's right.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Can we see it, please?
[He pulls down the tarp of his case and notice that someone has smashed the lock]
Nikolai Petroff: What happened?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: You don't know?
Nikolai Petroff: I swear to God I checked it last night. [He goes for the trunk, but Randy steps in and takes over. He bends down, and with an orchestrated manuever to barely touch the sides to avoid prints, he pops the trunk]
Lt. Randall Disher: Sir, sir, just step back, please. [The spot for the gun is empty. All that is present is an indentation in the shape of a revolver]
Nikolai Petroff: Where is it?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: I was hoping you could tell me. Phone it in, get S.I.D. down here right away. You, sir, are going to have to find somebody else to feed your kitty cat. You're coming with me.

[Nikolai Petroff is being questioned at the police station]
Adrian Monk: A leopard and panther wrangler.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Yep, he works with the leopards and the panthers, and he's got a .454 Ruger Casull handgun, which he says he can't find.
Lt. Randall Disher: He had the hots for the horse trainer the vic was seeing. And get this - he's a trapeze artist wannabe. He's been practicing. They say he's pretty good. [Randy takes a sip of his coffee]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: And that's how we spell primary suspect.
Adrian Monk: Hmm. He's left-handed.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Well, yeah, he works in the circus.
Adrian Monk: What's that supposed to mean?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: They're freaks. They're all ambidextrous.
Adrian Monk: Says who?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Circus people are ambidextrous. I read that somewhere.
Adrian Monk: I like the ex-wife. You should have seen her. She's cold as ice.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Cold as ice with a broken foot.
Adrian Monk: She's got a bad temper.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: A bad temper with a broken foot.
Adrian Monk: You keep coming back to the foot!
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Monk, the killer did a somersault, and then ran away in front of witnesses.
Adrian Monk: That's precisely why I think it's her. Why else would the killer jump around like that in front of witnesses? [Sharona suddenly grabs his bottle of Sierra Springs] There's only one reason - to prove... [Monk looks stunned as Sharona takes a big swig from his bottle]...prove that she couldn't. [She places it firmly back in his hand with a loud sigh of satisfaction, then wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. She glares at him]
Sharona Fleming: Suck it up!
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Are you guys all right?
Adrian Monk: Yeah, we're fine.
Sharona Fleming: Fine.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Okay, as I was saying, she has a broken foot.
Adrian Monk: It's in a cast. We don't know if it's really broken.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: We haven't exactly been sleeping here, Monk. Lieutenant?
Lt. Randall Disher: [glances at his notepad] Her story checks out. She broke her left foot two weeks ago in Kansas City. [enter black and white flashback as Randy voices over] She always ended the show with something she called the triple tailspin. [We see Natasia doing her tailspin, but she fails to grab the next performer's legs and falls to the ground] You know, it's her specialty move. Anyway, she, uh, missed the bar or something and fell 25 feet [She hits the ground, writhing in pain, terrifying the crowd], in front of 750 pretty freaked out people.
Adrian Monk: Ahem. She missed the net?
Lt. Randall Disher: She never used a net.
Adrian Monk: She go to the hospital?
Lt. Randall Disher: No, she's a Romani gypsy. They don't believe in doctors. She set the bone herself.
Adrian Monk: So she never saw a doctor, which means a doctor never saw her. Captain.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: All right, Monk. Lieutenant, see if our Queen of the Sky will consent to an X-ray.
Lt. Randall Disher: Fine. [walks out of the room, visibly unhappy at Monk]
Adrian Monk: Thank you.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: You're welcome. [Monk offers his bottle of Sierra Springs over to Sharona, who just glares at him]
Adrian Monk: You want to finish it? [Stottlemeyer walks up to the, and takes the offered bottle Monk is still holding out with a sarcastic face to Sharona]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: You know, when Karen and I were having trouble last year, we went to a marriage counselor, a guy named Mosely. Decent guy. He didn't help us much, but I'm sure Karen has the number if you'd like it.
Sharona Fleming: We're not married, and if we ever get married, shoot me!
Adrian Monk: You know who you should never marry? The Elephant Man!
Sharona Fleming: I'd marry the Elephant Man before I married you!

[While catching up with Natasia while stalking her, Monk accidentally causes a tower of performers to fall over]
Adrian Monk: Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Natasia Lovara: Don't worry about them. They know how to fall. It's the first thing we learn. You brought your camera, Mr. Monk. [Monk regains his composure]
Adrian Monk: Oh, sure. I love it here. It's so upbeat.
Natasia Lovara: You hate it here. You think I can walk. You're trying to catch me.
Adrian Monk: You're right. I was.
Natasia Lovara: You saw the x-rays, Mr. Monk. How can I walk on this? I'm curious. What is your theory?
Adrian Monk: Some people have a very high threshold for pain. They can take it.
Natasia Lovara: Mm, nice try, but any doctor will tell you it's impossible. Besides, I was married to Sergei for 15 years. That's enough pain for a lifetime.
Adrian Monk: You fell two weeks ago. Is that right?
Natasia Lovara: Your point?
Adrian Monk: Your cast looks – looks like new. No scuff marks. It's not even discolored.
Natasia Lovara: Again, nice try. My old one was itching.
Adrian Monk: Ah.
Natasia Lovara: So I put a new one on four days ago. [An organ playing fanfare is heard] The show is about to begin. You are missing it.
Adrian Monk: You're wrong, Natasia. I'm not missing a thing.

Adrian Monk: I wanna make sure I understand this. I have a problem... you know the answer...
Dr. Charles Kroger: That's right.
Adrian Monk: I'm paying you...
Dr. Charles Kroger: That's right.
Adrian Monk: ...but you won't tell me.
Dr. Charles Kroger: That's right. Adrian, the answer is inside you.
Adrian Monk: No, doctor, the... answer is inside you. If you told me, I would hear it, and then the answer would be inside me!

[Stottlemeyer notices Randy looking down into one of the air cannons]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: What do you got?
Lt. Randall Disher: Bingo!
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: What exactly does "bingo" mean, Randy?
Lt. Randall Disher: We got the murder weapon. .454 Ruger Casull. [Stottlemeyer opens the side cabinet to the cannon, as a bewildered Randy looks up at him with his flashlight. In embarrassment he turns it off. The captain reaches in with a handkerchief, grabs the revolver by its trigger, and smells it]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Now, that's been fired recently.
Lt. Randall Disher: Any prints?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Nope, it's been oiled down. How'd it get in there?
Lt. Randall Disher: It's the backup cannon. The cannonball guy says anybody could have dropped it in. They haven't used it in a week. [The cannonball man is giving Randy an aggravated look, they being very impatient]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Backup cannon? Good lord! Get that down to ballistics. Put it on the fast track. [He gives the gun to another detective behind him and closes the hatch]
Cannonball Guy: Excuse me. Are you guys about done?
Lt. Randall Disher: Sir, could you step back? This is official police business!
Cannonball Guy: Maybe I should come to your office and root through your stuff! How'd you like that, huh? [Randy just glares angrily off into space as Stottlemeyer walks over to him]
Lt. Randall Disher: I hate that cannonball!!

[Monk is unhappy with the annoying clown during the summation]
Adrian Monk: Everyone just accepted the fact that your foot was broken. [Floppy sticks up his oversized shoe and flips it back, pretending to be in pain] What is your problem?!
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Hey, clown! Take a walk!

[Monk summarizes the case, and a nearby clown imitates Monk and Stottlemeyer.]
Natasia Lovara: Like Tolstoy, you know how to tell a clever story, but you need proof. The elephant isn't talking. Anyone could have put that radio thing in her ear.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Randy, take that thing down to the lab straight away.
[Floppy the clown motions Randy out]
Adrian Monk: I don't think they'll find any prints. She's too smart. I'm sure she wiped it down... [Natasia looks smug] Then again, that walkie looks brand new, which means she had to put batteries in it. [The smug look fades.] You did remember to wipe your prints off the batteries, didn't you, Natasia?
Floppy the Clown: [makes honking sound, mimes drawing a gun with hands] Wocka wocka!
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: All right, that's it, freak. You're under arrest! [handcuffs the clown]
Floppy the Clown: For what?!
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: For impersonating an officer!
[Natasia manages to kick Monk in the shins and starts to make her getaway]

[Monk wants to go home a few minutes after they arrived]
Sharona Fleming: Oh, just suck it up.
Adrian Monk: I don't think it's my turn to suck it up, I think it's your turn to suck it up.
Benjy Fleming: Hey, why don't you both suck it up?
Sharona Fleming: Excuse me! Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
Benjy Fleming: No.
Sharona Fleming: Well, you should. Come here.

Mr. Monk and the Very, Very Old Man [2.05]

Stottlemeyer: A hundred and fifteen? People that old, they die! It's like their job!

Leland Stottlemeyer: Adrian Monk, have you studied the room?
Monk: Yes, I have.
Leland Stottlemeyer: Have you formed an opinion about the cause of Miles Holling's death?
Monk: Yes, I have.
Leland Stottlemeyer: And what is your opinion, Adrian Monk?
Monk: He... was murdered. [into Stottlemeyer's cell phone] He was murdered, Karen.
Karen Stottlemeyer: I knew it!
Leland Stottlemeyer: Sweetheart? I'm gonna strangle Monk, and then I'll call you right back.

Monk: So what do you think?
Stottlemeyer: Well, why ask me? My hippie wife's a much better cop than I am.
Monk: Don't say that.
Stottlemeyer: Look, I don't mind living in your shadow, Monk; you're a freak of nature.
Monk: Thank you.

[Monk jumps on top of the dining table to avoid a snake.]
Stottlemeyer: I thought you were afraid of heights.
Monk: Snakes trump heights. It goes: germs, needles, milk, death, snakes, mushrooms, heights, crowds, elevators...
Stottlemeyer: Okay, okay — I don't need the entire list.

Stottlemeyer: Monk, I'm going to say something I've wanted to say for a long time.
Monk: What is it?
Stottlemeyer: I just solved the case!

Leland Stottlemeyer: You win. I give up.
Adrian Monk: Excuse me?
Leland Stottlemeyer: First thing tomorrow, I am going to call the Vatican, and I am nominating your late wife, Trudy, for sainthood! Because you are IMPOSSIBLE!
Adrian Monk: The lines! They're all... diagonal! I have to live here!
Leland Stottlemeyer: FORGET ABOUT THE RUG! THIS IS NOT ABOUT THE RUG! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE?!? DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE? You're the world's best marriage counselor! You could save every marriage in California! All people would have to do is live with you for two days! Two days, and they'd never complain about their spouse again!

Mr. Monk Goes to the Theater [2.06]

[First lines; Monk and Sharona are watching Gail's performance]
Sharona Fleming: What do you think so far?
Adrian Monk: There’s no legroom. It’s so crowded.
Sharona Fleming: It’s supposed to be crowded. It’s sold out. You know, this play is going to New York. Can you believe it? My sister in an off-Broadway show?
Adrian Monk: So where is she?
Sharona Fleming: She’s in the next scene. She kills a guy.
Adrian Monk: I hope it’s the guy who designed these seats. [Gail enters]
Sharona Fleming: There she is. [From behind another door on stage, another actor, Hal Duncan, swings the door shut]
Hal Duncan: [as Bert] Hey, cuz. You miss me? [He picks up an apple and tosses it from hand to hand] Hope you don’t mind. I let myself in.
Gail Fleming: But you’re supposed to be in jail!
Hal Duncan: It’s funny that phrase, “supposed to be”. I’m "supposed to be" in jail, you’re "supposed to be" waiting for me! [He makes air quotes with his fingers when saying "supposed to be"] A man can’t count on “supposed to be” the way he used to.
Gail Fleming: You know, my husband’s upstairs! If he hears you he’ll come down-
Hal Duncan: Your husband’s downtown drowning himself in scotch and soda! I saw him leave about an hour ago.
[Hal fusses with Gail’s blouse]
Gail Fleming: I’ve got some money in my purse! Why don’t you just take it and go?
Hal Duncan: You think I want your pocket change?! You think that’s why I came back?! [Hal overturns the table, spilling all of its contents on the stage. Gail screams and secretly pulls out a knife]
Hal Duncan: Who ordered the tossed salad? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! I came back for what’s mine.
Gail Fleming: You know, if you don’t leave, I’ll—
Hal Duncan: You’ll what? Huh? You’ll do nothin’! [takes a bite of the apple he is holding] Like I said, I’m here for what’s mine! [Gail stabs Hal with the prop knife. Hal screams, and staggers across the stage, obviously having a seizure]
Gail Fleming: Hal, are you okay? [Hal falls on the floor and starts having convulsions] Hal? Hal?

[Monk meets Sharona's mother after being told several white lies]
Adrian Monk: Mrs. Fleming.
Cheryl Fleming: Oh, no. Call me Cheryl.
Adrian Monk: Wipe?
Sharona Fleming: Not now.
Cheryl Fleming: Where’s Benjy? I brought him a new baseball glove.
Sharona Fleming: Oh, he’s not here. He’s sleeping over at a friend’s house.
Cheryl Fleming: You forgot I was coming, didn’t you? No, that’s all right. I understand. You’re probably so excited about the show. So, how was it last night? Tell me everything. How was Gail? Were there any reviews?
Sharona Fleming: Hey, Ma, you know what? There’s, there’s something I’ve got to tell you.
Cheryl Fleming: What? A bad review?
Adrian Monk: Uh, you might wanna sit down, Cheryl.
Cheryl Fleming: Oh, no, I’m fine, I’ve been sittin’ all day.
Sharona Fleming: Ma, you know what? I think it’s best that we sit down.
Cheryl Fleming: Oh.
Sharona Fleming: Something happened last night at the show. [Sharona and Cheryl sit]
Cheryl Fleming: Okay.
Adrian Monk: There was a stabbing.
Cheryl Fleming: Oh, you mean, in the audience?
Adrian Monk: No, uh, no. Onstage, uh, during the show. The actor who was playing Burt was killed. Gail…stabbed him.
Cheryl Fleming: Oh, I know. I read the script.
Adrian Monk: No, no, Cheryl. He died.
Cheryl Fleming: Oh, I don’t understand.
Sharona Fleming: Neither do we. Uh, the police think that she might have done it on purpose.
Adrian Monk: She’s been arrested for murder in the second degree. There’s a bail hearing tomorrow.
Cheryl Fleming: Gail?! [scoffs] No. I don’t believe it. It’s a mistake, right?
Adrian Monk: The police don’t think so.
Cheryl Fleming: Well, they’re wrong. Well, you’re gonna help her, right? I mean, that’s what you do. You’re a couple of detectives, right?
Adrian Monk: Of course, we’re going to help her. After all, we’re…we’re a couple of detectives. Right?
Sharona Fleming: Right.
Cheryl Fleming: Right.

[Monk inspects the propmaster's toolbox]
O’Dell: Excuse me. What are you doing?
Adrian Monk: Uh, I was just…nothing.
O’Dell: Hey, don’t fiddle with the props. I’ve got to know where these are in the dark, by touch, at a moment’s notice. I’ve been juggling props for forty-four years. Ask me about the first prop I ever bought.
Adrian Monk: What was the…
O’Dell: The sword Richard Burton used in Camelot. I had to go to Scotland to get it.
Adrian Monk: Really? Wow. I’m, uh, I’m Adrian Monk, and this is Sh—she’s usually right here. This is a terrible week. I’ll bet.
O’Dell: Hey, that wasn’t my fault. The cops had me under the lights all night long. I told them…I put the prop knife on the set. We use two knives on this show. A real one, and one like this: [O’Dell pulls out and stabs himself with a prop knife]
Adrian Monk: Hey, whoa! [The knife retracts; O’Dell laughs]
O’Dell: Don’t wet yourself. The blade retracts into the handle. Gail must have switched the gag knife for the real one before the show.
Adrian Monk: May I? [He holds the prop knife up]
O’Dell: See? It doesn’t feel like a real knife at all, does it?
Adrian Monk: No.
O’Dell: She had to know she was holding a real knife. What happened onstage Sunday night, that was no accident. That was a woman scorned. “Hell hath no fury,” right?
Adrian Monk: And you’re sure you put a fake knife on the stage?
O’Dell: I swear. I put it there myself, half an hour before curtain.
Adrian Monk: And there was nobody else here?
O’Dell: Nope. Except Jenna. Jenna Ryan, Gail’s understudy. She was checking in. They check in before the show, see if anybody’s sick.

[Monk and Sharona follow Jenna to a hotel, but are intercepted by a greeter for a conference.]
Greeter: Oh! Excuse me! Have you registered?
Adrian Monk: For... what?
Greeter: Speedy Dates. We do it here once a month.
Sharona Fleming: Oh, yeah yeah yeah. I-I read an article about this. It's for singles. Instead of spending all night with one jerk, you get to meet 15 jerks at once.
Greeter: Yeah, that's not exactly how we would describe it.

Adrian Monk: Speedy Dates? No. No, no. No, that's like... Dante's seventh circle of Hell.

[Monk is forced to go on a Speedy Date to talk to Jenna Ryan]
Date #1: I like your eyes.
Adrian Monk: Well, thank you. They came with the face.
Date #1: So you're a former police officer.
Adrian Monk: That's right.
Date #1: You still have your handcuffs?
Adrian Monk: Yes.
Date #1: Can you show them to me sometime?
Adrian Monk: I don't see why you would want to... they're just handcuffs!

Sharona Fleming: So, how'd the dating go?
Adrian Monk: Oh, it was terrible! Thank God I'm not single!
Sharona Fleming: You are single.
Adrian Monk: Oh, yeah.

[Monk is trying to use Sharona to reenact the crime scene, but Sharona is getting confused by Monk's directions]
Adrian Monk: You... you enter from the right...
Sharona Fleming: You mean the left. That's stage left.
Adrian Monk: But it's on the right.
Sharona Fleming: But it's stage left. That's what they call it.
[She shrugs at Monk's confusion.]
Sharona Fleming: My sister's an actress!
Adrian Monk: But- but- for the purposes of this recreation, let's just call it what they call it on Planet Earth.
Sharona Fleming: [sardonically] Like you would know.

[first lines]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Dwayne, don't yank my chain.
Dwayne: Look, I told you, I haven't seen him.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: He's your cousin, he's your best friend.
Dwayne: Yeah, and I don't know where he is!
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Dwayne, do I look like an idiot to you?
Dwayne: Yeah, you sort of do. [Stottlemeyer raises an eyebrow]
Lt. Randall Disher: Oh, that's a mistake... you don't want to make him angry. I made him angry once, and you don't want to do that... [Brian Babbage drives up, and repeatedly rams his car into Stottlemeyer's vehicle. As soon as he pulls up ahead of the hood of the car, he lowers the window and says]
Brian Babbage: Hey, cop! Kiss my ass! [Brian gives them the finger, then floors on the gas pedal]
Captain Stottlemeyer: [to his suspect] Don't move! [Dwayne takes off as Stottlemeyer and Disher jump into their car and prepare to chase Brian]
Lt. Randall Disher: Can I be honest with you, sir? [Stottlemeyer activates the dashboard light and grabs the radio]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: [into radio] All units, clear the air, we're in pursuit of a hit-and-run. He's eastbound on Union.
Lt. Randall Disher: [excited] This is my first car chase! I've been waiting for this my whole life! [A pickup truck immediately T-bones Brian's car and sends it into another parked vehicle. Stottlemeyer nonchalantly unbuckles his seatbelt and turns off the dashboard light]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Chase over. What'd you think? [Randy stares at the wreckage ahead of him]

Sharona Fleming: Is that a new tie?
Lt. Randall Disher: It's a gift from my girlfriend.
Sharona Fleming: She has very good taste. In ties, not in men.
Lt. Randall Disher: Ooh — do I detect a hint of jealousy?
Sharona Fleming: If you do, it's the only detecting you've ever done.

[The four convene at Amanda Babbage's house]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Adrian Monk, old buddy, old pal, old chum.
Sharona Fleming: “Old buddy”? What have you done with the real Captain Stottlemeyer?
Adrian Monk: What do we have?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Mail bomb. An ounce and a half of plastique with a magnesium charge.
Lt. Randall Disher: There were two triggers: a chemical detonator wired to the wrapping, and a motion detector—so when you opened it and moved it, "boom".
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Not hard to make.
Lt. Randall Disher: Crude and unpredictable, actually.
Adrian Monk: Who’s the victim?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Amanda Babbage, thirty-five years old. She lived here alone.
Adrian Monk: Nice house.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: It was a lot nicer two hours ago.
Adrian Monk: [notices the ATF agents] The Feds are here?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Yes, up the wazoo -- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. They’re in charge, and they’re not shy about saying so. Monk, if you can make me look good here, I would really appreciate it. I’d love to show these bastards up. Wouldn’t hurt our careers either.

[Monk has inspected the knots Ricky has used to tie down his surfboard]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Okeydokey.
Adrian Monk: Who’s Marion?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: You are. Marion the Librarian.
Adrian Monk: So, it’s like a put-down.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Yup. It’s a derogatory remark, Monk. What do you see?
Adrian Monk: [on Ricky] Oh, he’s not the guy. He definitely knew his sister lived here. He was at a barbecue here two weeks ago.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: But the package was mailed to the old address.
Adrian Monk: Right, and he said he tied the surfboard to the room himself. Look at these knots. They’re a mess. Crude, tangled, but the knot we saw inside on the bomb, was a work of art.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: So the feds—
Adrian Monk: Are barking up the wrong tree. You said there was another brother.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Yeah, Brian, but he’s a dead end.
Lt. Randall Disher: Or practically dead.
Sharona Fleming: What do you mean?
Lt. Randall Disher: The guy’s in a coma.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: We saw it happen. Four months ago, he got t-boned by a pickup truck. Cracked his skull. It was really unnecessary. The guy just baited me and Randy and—and stepped on the gas.
Lt. Randall Disher: It was my first car chase.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: That didn’t count. The guy didn’t go half a block. You didn’t get the car in gear!
Lt. Randall Disher: It counted.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: It wasn’t a chase, Randy.
Lt. Randall Disher: We ran to the car.
Adrian Monk: Anyway, uh…four months ago. So, he wouldn’t have known that his sister had moved.
Lt. Randall Disher: [to Sharona] It counted.
Adrian Monk: I’d like to meet him.

[Monk thinks that comatose Brian Babbage is the killer]
Adrian Monk: He's the guy.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Who? [Monk indicates comatose Brian] Him? Monk, he's a vegetable! He's not even a vegetable! He hopes to one day be a vegetable!

[Agent Grooms kicks Stottlemeyer out of the interrogation room]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: I just got kicked out of my own interrogation room.
Lt. Randall Disher: You want some coffee, sir?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: No, Randy. What I want is for that A.T.F. CREEP to eat crow!
Adrian Monk: Well, we know who did it, and we know why. We just don’t know how.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Monk, again, he’s in a coma.
Adrian Monk: He’s the guy.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: In twenty seconds, Agent Grooms is going to come walking through that door, and he’s going to ask me what I think. Give me something else, for the love of God!
Lt. Randall Disher: Okay, wait. I have an idea. Maybe he had an accomplice.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Yes, somebody else mailed the damn thing. Why not?
Sharona Fleming: I already had that idea. Tell him.
Adrian Monk: There was no accomplice. Why would Brian Babbage hire one? He didn’t know he was going to be in a coma.
Sharona Fleming: It’s not exactly something you can plan.
Adrian Monk: All right. Anyway, why would an accomplice bother to go through with it? There was no reason to. The guy who hired him was in a coma!
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: All right, so... Brian built the bomb, and then Brian mailed the bomb, by himself....
Adrian Monk: That's right.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: ...while he was in a coma.
Adrian Monk: [admiringly] You gotta admit — it's a pretty good alibi. It's rock solid!
Captain Stottlemeyer: Monk, I have known 15,000 criminals in my lifetime. Here's what they all have in common: they're conscious!!
Adrian Monk: Nonetheless.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Is your shrink coming back soon?
[Agent Grooms comes out of the interrogation room, having finished questioning Ricky Babbage]
Agent Grooms: Captain. Sorry about in there, I, uh, work better one on one.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: All right. So, how’s it look?
Agent Grooms: He’s bending not breaking. I’ll get him. About to write up my case report, uh, I’m going t list him as my primary. I’ll need you to sign off on that. Right? Be easier to get an indictment if we’re all on the same page.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: I’m thinking… [glances at Monk] Maybe it’s the other brother.
Agent Grooms: Well, there’s only one other brother, and... he’s in a coma.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: That’s the one. I think, uh, I think we should look into him.
[Stottlemeyer takes another glance at Monk, who is showing support]
Agent Grooms: He’s a vegetable, Captain.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: I know.
Agent Grooms: Don’t you think that eliminates him as a suspect? I mean, I’m just…curious. How do you think he did it?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: We’re still working on that.
Agent Grooms: Yeah. Well, good luck with that, Captain. Uh, keep me informed.

[Monk looks at one of Brian Babbage's magazines]
Adrian Monk: He was looking for a lawyer.
Sharona Fleming: That’s no surprise. He was suing his whole family.
Adrian Monk: No, no, no. These are criminal lawyers. Look at the name he circled: “Scott Butterworth”.
Sharona Fleming: I know that name.
Adrian Monk: "Suspended twice." He was a hack. Brian Babbage could afford any attorney in town. Why would…why would anyone want to hire a bad lawyer?

Sharona Fleming: Why can't you be happy for me?
Adrian Monk: I am happy for you. This is me, being happy for you. I was just telling Brian how happy you seem.
Sharona Fleming: Who's Brian?
Adrian Monk: Brian Babbage.
Sharona Fleming: The coma guy? He woke up?
Adrian Monk: No.
Sharona Fleming: But you were talking to him.
Adrian Monk: He's a good listener.

[Monk and Sharona have narrowly survived a bomb blast]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Okay, they pieced together enough of the package to get a postmark. It was mailed from Pacific Heights three days ago.
Lt. Randall Disher: Different post office, same type of explosive.
Adrian Monk: [yelling] Well, don't use that bathroom, it's a mess!
Sharona Fleming: You don't have to shout!
Adrian Monk: [still yelling] Why are you whispering?!

U.S. Postal Worker Tamil Swarma: The U.S. Post Office unwittingly became the Messenger of Evil. Who'd a thunk it?
Monk: Well put, Tamil.

Mr. Monk Meets the Playboy [2.08]

[first lines; one of Dexter Larsen's agents finds him with his girlfriend Amber Post]
Dex's assistant: Dex. Excuse me. Um, they’re waiting for a final decision about the cover. [shows two photos to Dexter, one of Amber clothed and one of her nude]
Dexter Larsen: Ah, all right. Well, what do you think, darlin’?
Amber Post: [points to the clothed image] Um, that one.
Dexter Larsen: And which one would you pick if it was you on the cover?
Amber Post: [points to the other photo] That one.
Dexter Larsen: We’ll take that one. And make sure there are more girls here tonight! Last week was like a stag party! This is paradise on earth, remember?
Dex's assistant: It's taken care of.
[Dexter is approached by Elliot D'Souza]
Dexter Larsen: Elliot, you’re early! The party doesn’t kick in 'till midnight.
Elliot D'Souza: Dexter, I’m not here for the party.
Dexter Larsen: Amber, this is, uh, Elliot D’Souza, Chief Financial Officer for Dharman Publishing. You know, which means, technically, this pencil pusher is my boss.
Elliot D'Souza: Dex, we have to talk…privately.
Dexter Larsen: [to Amber] Go wait by the pool.

Elliot D'Souza: Dex, I made a decision. I wanted you to hear it from me. The magazine is hemorrhaging dollars. It just isn’t paying for itself. Now it’s not your fault. The whole industry is shrinking. It’s the Internet. It’s videos…
Dexter Larsen: Sapphire Magazine is more than a magazine. It’s a way of life.
Elliot D'Souza: Well, that may be true, but the corporation just can’t carry you and this fantasy world anymore, so I’ve decided to pull the plug.
Dexter Larsen: So, that’s it, huh?
Elliot D'Souza: I’m afraid so.
Dexter Larsen: Hey, it was fun while it lasted. Actually, I’m surprised you waited this long. [pours himself a drink] Listen, Elliot. Can you do me a favor, one last favor? Don’t make any announcement for a day or so. This is our anniversary party. Let me enjoy the weekend.
Elliot D'Souza: Of course.
Dexter Larsen: And that means you can’t tell anybody. Those bastards on the board never could keep a secret.
Elliot D'Souza: Yes, I understand. It can wait until Monday.
Dexter Larsen: Are you sure that you don’t wanna stay?
Elliot D'Souza: No, no, thank you.
Dexter Larsen: Oh, I know, I know. You’re goin’ home. Asleep by midnight, up at seven, work out for thirty-five minutes, my…Elliot, you are so…predictable! You should stick around. Have some fun.
Elliot D'Souza: I’m gonna pass, Dexter.

[Monk and Sharona meet Elliot D'Souza's assistant Diane Luden]
Diane Luden: Mr. Monk? And you…you must be Sharona. Uh, thank you for coming. [shakes their hands] I’m Diane Luden. I am… [continues shaking Monk's hand] I was Elliot D’Souza’s assistant. [Sharona hands Monk a wipe] I’m sorry. Wasn’t I supposed to shake hands? You’re the first private detective I ever met.
Sharona Fleming: Oh, no, no. Don’t worry. It’s not you. It’s him.
Diane Luden: Please, come in. [shows them into the living room]
Adrian Monk: Uh, Ms. Luden? The elevator we just took, that’s obviously a private elevator.
Diane Luden: That’s right. It comes straight up to the penthouse. Um, I found him Sunday morning. He was in there in his private gym.
Sharona Fleming: Yeah, yeah, yeah. We heard about it on the news. They said he had a heart attack.
Diane Luden: Well, that’s what they thought at first, but they did an autopsy, and it wasn’t a heart attack. He was lifting an eighty pound barbell and, and they think it must have slipped and crushed his windpipe. [Monk looks out the window]
Sharona Fleming: You okay?
Adrian Monk: Uh, the sign in front of that hotel…they misspelled “Kiwanis”.
Sharona Fleming: You mean that sign five blocks away? What, you want me to go down there and have them fix it?
Adrian Monk: No, no, you don’t have to do that. Maybe we could call them?
[Sharona closes the blinds]
Sharona Fleming: There. Sign’s fixed.
Adrian Monk: Ms. Luden, um, why exactly did you call?
Diane Luden: Mr. Monk, I think Elliot was murdered.
Sharona Fleming: Why would you say that?
Diane Luden: For the past two years, he and Dexter Larsen have been threatening each other.
Sharona Fleming: Dexter Larsen?
Adrian Monk: Dexter Lar…with…with…with the [pictures of] naked [women]…
Diane Luden: Elliot published Sapphire Magazine. He was thinking of shutting it down. Dexter was pretty angry.
Adrian Monk: That certainly could be a motive. Could we look at this private gym?
[Diane shows them the gym]
Diane Luden: [points to the weights] He was right there. It was horrible. The barbell was still on his neck.
Adrian Monk: Is this exactly the way the room was when you found him?
Diane Luden: Yes, sir. I wouldn’t let the paramedics touch a thing.
Adrian Monk: Good, good. And he was alone, and the door was locked?
Diane Luden: That’s right.
Adrian Monk: From the inside?
Diane Luden: That’s right. [Monk looks around]
Adrian Monk: Hmm. Clock is slow. Forty minutes. Something strange about this room.
Sharona Fleming: What?
Adrian Monk: I don’t know. I can’t put my finger on it. It’s something! [notices a briefcase] Is this his briefcase?
Diane Luden: Yes, he always had it with him. [pulls out a disk] And uh, this floppy was in there. This was his final recommendation.
Sharona Fleming: What’d it say?
Diane Luden: I don’t know. When I tried to open it, it was blank, like somebody erased it.
Adrian Monk: Why would they do that? [straightens out a magazine on the desk]
Diane Luden: Oh, that was from last year. They ran a profile on Elliot in the magazine, page 53.
Adrian Monk: Page 53.
[Opens up the magazine, an old copy of Sapphire. Seeing its other contents, he looks away, humming nervously]
Diane Luden: Are you a religious man, Mr. Monk?
Sharona Fleming: He is now.

[Monk and Sharona are in Captain Stottlemeyer's office]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: That assistant, she called you.
Sharona Fleming: Mm-hmm. Diane Luden.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Yeah, I gave her your name. I figured you’d collect a nice payday after you convinced her she was crazy.
Adrian Monk: Actually, I think she might be on to something.
Sharona Fleming: We’d like to look at the official file.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Look, there is no D’Souza case. It was an accident. The barbell slipped, crushed his trachea.
Lt. Randall Disher: He was alone in his apartment on the thirty-fifth floor.
Adrian Monk: I know.
Lt. Randall Disher: There was only one way up. It was a private elevator. Nobody else used it.
Adrian Monk: I know.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: The apartment was locked from the inside.
Adrian Monk: I know!
Sharona Fleming: Are you gonna be cooperating on this or not?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: If you two wanna go tilting at windmills, be my guests. But this time, Monk, you’re on your own.
Adrian Monk: Okay, forget it. Let’s go. What’s our first stop?
Sharona Fleming: Sapphire Mansion. We have an appointment. [Randy looks up]
Lt. Randall Disher: Sapphire Mansion? You have an appointment?
Adrian Monk: Yes. Elliot D’Souza controlled that magazine. He was about to pull the plug on Dexter Larsen. I think Larsen might be involved.
Lt. Randall Disher: Saphhire Mansion. I’ve never been. Have you ever been?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Once. Ten years ago.
Sharona Fleming: Did your wife find out?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Yeah, I told her. In therapy, we were playing the honesty game.
Lt. Randall Disher: Red Roof Inn?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Yup. This was before they built the new lobby.
Lt. Randall Disher: You know, Captain, I think Monk might be on to something. Maybe we should tag along.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Lieutenant, I think you might be right.
Sharona Fleming: Oh, God.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Hey, I’m married! I’m not dead.
Sharona Fleming: Ugh.

[Monk is observing Dexter Larsen's bedroom]
Adrian Monk: Look at that. There’s a mirror above the bed. Why would he need a mirror on the ceiling?
Sharona Fleming: Try not to think about that now.

[Monk wanders back to the garage, where he finds two of Dexter Larsen's mechanics examining his car]
Mechanic #1: Son of a bitch! I told you to put a new battery in this thing!
Mechanic #2: I did! I put a new one in last week.
Mechanic #1: Did you check it?
Mechanic #2: Of course I checked it.
Mechanic #1: Well, it’s dead now. Give me a hand here, will you? [spots Monk] Oh hey, can I help you?
Adrian Monk: Mr. Bonaduce left something in his car.
Mechanic #1: [points] It’s the silver convertible over there.
Adrian Monk: Right.
Mechanic #1: It’s unlocked.
[Monk looks at Banaduce's convertible. As he's looking, Dexter Larsen approaches]
Dexter Larsen: Detective, caddie. Car thief! You wear many hats, Mr. Monk. You, uh…you looking for something?
Adrian Monk: Did you drive this car, Mr. Larsen? Maybe Sunday morning?
Dexter Larsen: Why would you think that?
Adrian Monk: Somebody was smoking a cigar in here.
Dexter Larsen: Well, a lot of people smoke cigars, Mr. Monk.
Adrian Monk: Right, but the texture and size of this cigar ash are consistent with those from your precious Cubano de Oros.
Dexter Larsen: Hmmm.
Adrian Monk: How did you do it?
Dexter Larsen: You mean how did I, uh, rise from humble beginnings to achieve all of this?
Adrian Monk: No, no. I mean. How did you murder Elliot D’Souza?
Dexter Larsen: What are you talking about? There was no murder. Elliot was alone. The door was locked.
Adrian Monk: Right. How did you do it?
Dexter Larsen: You’ve taken a great interest in me, and the truth is I’ve taken an interest on you too, and your friend Sharona. May I show you something? [produces a photograph from an envelope] My research staff is first rate. She must have been nineteen, maybe twenty. You know what? Th…that’s…that’s my favorite age. Hungry with no inhibitions! These were taken in Atlantic City. She was using a different name, but my lawyers assure me that the release that she signed is solid. I can publish them anytime I want.
Adrian Monk: What kind of man are you?
Dexter Larsen: I told you on the golf course, Mr. Monk. I do not lose. Now Sharona, she has a son, how old is he now?
Adrian Monk: He is twelve.
Dexter Larsen: Twelve. That’s an impressionable age. I think we understand each other, don’t we? Any more questions about what happened to Elliott?
Adrian Monk: No.
Dexter Larsen: You can let yourself out.

[Stottlemeyer and Disher are interrogating Amber Post]
Amber Post: I told you. Dexter and I were in bed all night, and all morning. He never left the room.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Okay, we know it wasn’t your earring. Why did you lie about that?
Amber Post: I thought it was mine. I made a mistake!
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Amber, why are you protecting him?
Amber Post: I wouldn’t do that. I don’t lie.
Lt. Randall Disher: You don’t lie, huh? Well, in your pictorial, you never mentioned having a kid, and you said you live on a farm.
Amber Post: Well, this may come as a shock to you, Lieutenant, but those profiles, they’re completely made-up.

[Monk, searching Dexter Larsen's house for evidence, stumbles upon Noelle Winters, playing the Fur Elise]
Adrian Monk: You sound good.
Noelle Winters: You are very kind. I practice every day, and I never get any better. You havin’ fun?
Adrian Monk: No, but you can’t go by me.
Noelle Winters: Well, I’m Noelle. Now, you tell me your name. That’s how it works.
Adrian Monk: I’m Adrian…Monk. You can call me Adrian…Monk. Are you a friend of Dexter’s?
Noelle Winters: I am a ghost of Sapphire Girls' past.
Adrian Monk: What year?
Noelle Winters: 1985. If you have any back issues in your garage? You can look me up.
Adrian Monk: No, I…I don’t have a garage.
Noelle Winters: It seems like a lifetime ago. Not…not that I’m complaining. Dexter has been very good to me. He bought me an apartment, sent me to Europe on a promotional tour. So, uh, is your wife here?
Adrian Monk: I’m not married.
Noelle Winters: You’re wearing a ring.
Adrian Monk: She passed away. I can’t take it off yet.
Noelle Winters: I’m sorry. When did she die?
Adrian Monk: Six years ago.

[Sharona finds Dexter Larsen hunched over a toolbench in his basement, doing work on some gadgets]
Dexter Larsen: Sharona Fleming, what a pleasant surprise. Come in. Don’t be shy. That was a joke. We both know, uh, you’re not shy at all.
Sharona Fleming: Dexter, I just want the pictures and the negatives.
Dexter Larsen: Yeah, well, I want to invent the world’s first fully integrated semiconductor, but... we don’t always get what we want. [notices Sharona looking at his bench] You like it? This is my first workbench. I had them move it here from Cincinnati, and that’s how I started out. I was experimenting, tinkering. I was a nerd, publishing my little electronics magazine. I was the kind of guy that a woman like you never talked to.
Sharona Fleming: You still are.
Dexter Larsen: If you’re here to beg, you’re not off to a very promising start. And if you’re here to threaten me, you can save your breath, because that release you signed is airtight.
Sharona Fleming: I have a kid.
Dexter Larsen: Then keep your friend Mr. Monk out of my face.
Sharona Fleming: Okay, you listen to me, you twisted, porn-peddling freak: If you print those pictures, you’re gonna hurt my son! You hurt my son, I’m comin’ after you, and I am gonna dedicate my life to ruining yours!
Dexter Larsen: Yeah? Well, take a number.

[Monk is reducing a whole room full of Sapphire models to tears by reading Trudy's poetry]
Adrian Monk: "Hold me, Adrian, my darling husband, true love’s touch so rare a gift / How much more precious is your caress, who loves so deeply / yet fears the warmth of hand on hand. Still, your love is given free only to me, only to me." That was…that was the last poem she ever wrote. [a black partygoer comes in]
Partygoer: Anybody want a swim?
Model: I just want to go home.
2nd Model: Me, too.
[Sharona shows up]
Adrian Monk: Did you find him?
Sharona Fleming: Get him!
Adrian Monk: What do you mean?
Sharona Fleming: Just nail him!
Adrian Monk: But what about the pictures?
Sharona Fleming: Forget the pictures! Just do whatever you have to do to nail that son of a bitch!

[Monk and Sharona go to Noelle Winters' apartment]
Noelle Winters: Hello.
Adrian Monk: Noelle. Do you remember me?
Noelle Winters: Oh, yeah. From the party. Uh, Mr. Monk.
Adrian Monk: This is my assistant, Sharona.
Sharona Fleming: Hi.
Adrian Monk: Do you mind if we come in?
Noelle Winters: Uh, sure. [Monk and Sharona enter the apartment. It's a bit of a mess] Well, you’ll have to excuse the mess. I’m still unpacking from my trip.
Adrian Monk: Noelle, did you know that you were directly below Elliot D’Souza’s apartment?
Noelle Winters: No. No, I knew he lived in the building.
Adrian Monk: At the party, you mentioned that Dexter Larsen found this apartment for you.
Noelle Winters: Yeah, that’s right.
Sharona Fleming: When was that?
Noelle Winters: Uh, about a month ago.
Sharona Fleming: And then he sent you out of town?
Noelle Winters: Yeah, that’s right. To London and Paris on a promotional tour. So, what’s all this about anyway? [Monk spots some indentations in the carpet right by the coffee table in the living room]
Adrian Monk: Did you make these?
Noelle Winters: What?
Adrian Monk: These indentations on the carpet.
Noelle Winters: Uh, maybe. I might have or maybe they came from that chair.
Adrian Monk: No. No, they’re not from the chair.

[Dexter finds the police at his house; Stottlemeyer, Monk and Sharona are waiting for him in his dining room]
Dexter Larsen: What the hell is going on? [Stottlemeyer hands him the search warrant]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Dexter Larsen, that’s a warrant, duly sworn, authorizing us to search your house.
Blond girl: Dex, I tried to call you. They’ve been here an hour! They’ve been looking everywhere!
Dexter Larsen: Looking for what?
Adrian Monk: Looking... for proof that you killed Elliot D’Souza.
Dexter Larsen: Mr. Monk, are you serious? [notices that his Carvasia is lying on the dining room table] My Carvasia. I told you not to touch that!
Adrian Monk: Sorry, I’ll get it. [He starts to grab for it]
Dexter Larsen: No! No! Don’t touch it. I’ll do it. It’s very valuable. [He tries to pick it up off the table, but it doesn't budge; Sharona stares at Dexter oddly]
Sharona Fleming: Is there a problem?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: What’s wrong? Pick it up. Can’t weigh more than fifteen pounds.
Dexter Larsen: All right. What did you do? Did you glue it down?
Adrian Monk: Excuse me, if I may. [He picks it up with ease] No, not glued. Your turn. [Dexter tries to pick it up again, but it is stuck to the table] We found it, Dexter.
Dexter Larsen: Found what?
Sharona Fleming: The magnet that you built. [Stottlemeyer moves aside a dining table chair, revealing that Randy is holding a large magnet to the underside of the table]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Randy, you can come out now, unless you’re enjoying yourself down there. [Randy gets up, carrying the large magnet with him]
Dexter Larsen: What’s this supposed to be?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: What, you don’t recognize that? We found it in your workshop. It had fingerprints all over it. [to Monk] Go ahead.

Mr. Monk and the 12th Man [2.09]

Mrs. Ling: You come back anytime, Mr. Babcock. You good customer, 'cause you don't complain.
Lt. Randall Disher: Ma'am, he just killed eleven people.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Twelve. Let's not forget about the first Mrs. Babcock, who I'll bet is buried under that new porch.
Mrs. Ling: Yeah, well... he still good customer. Not crazy like that Mr. Monk over there.

[Monk and Sharona talk to handyman Ian Agnew about his lawsuit against the Babcocks]
Adrian Monk: Thank you for seeing us.
Ian Agnew: Oh, I don't mind. I don't get many visitors. So what can I do for you?
Adrian Monk: Mr. Agnew, we were wondering about your accident.
Ian Agnew: Please, sit down. [he appears to have a rather sudden pained reaction, possibly from the pipe]
Sharona Fleming: [concerned] Ian, I used to be a nurse. Is there anything I can do?
Ian Agnew: No, thank you. Comes and goes. It's the pipe. [points to the protruding piece of metal pipe] I have a piece of pipe in my head. [pauses] I don't get many visitors! Please sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit!...
Adrian Monk: Sir, about your accident.
Ian Agnew: Ah, the accident. I really don't remember much about it. We were building a cabana near the pool for the Babcocks. And I was working on the roof and there was a tile loose. And the next thing I knew, I woke up and I was a human smokestack. [laughs] I'll get it! [picks up the phone] Hello! Hello! Must be the wrong number. [to Monk and Sharona] HOW'S THAT COFFEE? [shouts at an empty spot on the floor] BAD DOG!
[He turns back to Monk and Sharona]
Ian Agnew: I haven't worked since.
Adrian Monk: Huh. How did you get the job?
Ian Agnew: Mrs. Babcock hired me. Although by the time I had started, she wasn't there anymore. They split up, she ran off, I never got the full story. I dealt mostly with her husband, Stew. I'll get it. [He picks up the phone again, about to talk to another imaginary caller] You know, I just changed my phone number, and it doesn't seem to help. I don't get many visitors!
Sharona Fleming: Did you go to the trial?
Ian Agnew: I testified.
Sharona Fleming: Did you spend any time with the jury?
Ian Agnew: No, ma'am. I wish I had. I wanted to thank them, they were very generous. I don't get many visitors! [singing] Daisy, Daisy, tell me your answer true! [turns back to the empty spot on the floor] BAD DOG! [then back to Monk and Sharona]
Ian Agnew: You know what I think I miss the most? [points to the pipe] Not having this pipe in my head. I have to take this. [picks up the phone again]
Ian Agnew: Hello. Hello.
Sharona Fleming: [to Monk] I believe you're not the craziest man in the world.
Ian Agnew: [talking to the imaginary caller] How did you get this number?
Adrian Monk: We'll let ourselves out.
Ian Agnew: Tell me who this is right now! [Monk and Sharona walk out] Well I don't believe that for a minute!

[Monk and Sharona have arrived at the toll plaza]
Adrian Monk: Handcuffed?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Handcuffed to one wrist and tied to seventy-feet of rope.
Adrian Monk: Ugh, God!
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: And then he was dragged west seven-tenths of a mile. I just saw the body. Or what’s left of it.
Sharona Fleming: Oh, God.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: The M.E. said he’s never seen anything like it. There’s no end to it.
Adrian Monk: What do you mean?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: I mean, this is number nine. Nine bizarre murders in the past two weeks. Every time my beeper goes off, my heart skips a beat.
Adrian Monk: Are they connected?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: No. No connection at all. I mean, four have been men, five women, all different ages. Latino, white, black.
Adrian Monk: And the M.O.’s?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: All different. There’s been a couple of shootings, different weapons, a hit-and-run, a drowning, an electrocution. I mean, it’s, it’s like a full moon every night!
Adrian Monk: And you’re sure that the cases have absolutely nothing in common?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Well, they have one thing in common, Monk. We can’t solve them. I swear, there’s something in the water.

[Monk and Stottlemeyer are getting a witness statement from Frank Pulaski's colleague at the toll plaza]
Tommy Zimm: He stayed on his feet as long as he could. Then he fell, dragged away. I could hear him screaming and begging. It could have been me. It should have been me.
Adrian Monk: What do you mean?
Tommy Zimm: I was wide open. Frankie had three cars in line.
Adrian Monk: Wait, you were wide open? But the killer went to Mr. Pulaski’s booth and waited in line?
Tommy Zimm: Yeah.
Adrian Monk: Why would he do that unless…
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: He was after that particular guy. So, you didn’t see the driver, and you didn’t get a make of the car?
Tommy Zimm: Sorry, it might have been a Chrysler. I’m not sure. [Monk finds a bagged dollar bill in Pulaski's booth]
Adrian Monk: Captain, what’s this?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: The killer paid his toll with that. That’s supposed to be at the lab! Lieutenant! [notices that the officers have all gathered around Sharona] Hey! Hey, guys. What is this, a high school dance? Give the girl some room. Let her breathe. [Sharona comes over] Come here. I want to talk to you. I understand that you are seeing Kenny Shale.
Sharona Fleming: Oh, it’s nothing serious.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Yes, it is. I wanna tell you something, Sharona. Your life is about to change. Everybody you know is gonna want a piece of you. You’re not gonna know who to trust. Monk can’t help you with this, all right?
Sharona Fleming: Mmm-hmm.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: He’s, he’s brilliant, but he’s Monk. He’s lost in Monkland.
Sharona Fleming: Mmm-hmm.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Now, I’ve been where you are. I’ve been in the spotlight. And, well here. I want you to take that. [hands Sharona a card]
Sharona Fleming: What is it?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: That’s my cell phone number, okay? You call me 24/7 if you need anything. Yeah, I just don’t want to see you get hurt.
Sharona Fleming: Oh, thanks a lot. Thanks.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Yeah. Oh, I was thinking, um, maybe we could get together, do a double date kind of thing. Me and Karen, you and Kenny? I’ve always liked Kenny. Kenny, he’s—he’s a good guy. He’s good people.
Sharona Fleming: You called him a weasel!
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: No, I didn't.
Sharona Fleming: Yeah, you did. Three weeks ago.
Capt. Stottlemeyer: I never said "weasel." I said he was a... "woof." Oh, yeah, I said "weasel." I called him a weasel, but you see, that's not a bad thing. I had a weasel. A weasel is a noble animal, all right? It's a term of endearment. [to a passing cop] Jerry! Hey, how are you doing, you weasel? Good to see you! [turns back to Sharona] See, I call everybody a weasel.

Lt. Randall Disher: Captain! [hands a file to Stottlemeyer] Washington just sent this down. It's a prelim psych profile. [Stottlemeyer puts the file folder to his forehead]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Let me guess: the killer is between 30 and 45 years old, white male, does not work in an office, probably spent time in the military, and definitely hates his mother. [hands the file back to Randy]
Lt. Randall Disher: How did you know that?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: 'Cause that's what they always say. That's scrap paper. [Monk is looking at a board of victims' photos] What about the ten dollar bills? Anything on them?
Lt. Randall Disher: They’re from a bank in San Mateo, Wells Fargo, untraceable.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Of course they are. [addresses the other detectives] All right, everybody, listen up! Listen up! We’re not gonna find him flailing in the dark. Let’s communicate, keep each other briefed. We’re going dumpster diving. We’re gonna-[stops as he notices Randy putting up a sheet of paper on the crime board]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: What are you doing? What is that?
Lt. Randall Disher: I’m leaving a space for the next victim.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Take that down. Take it down! [Randy does so] There is no "next victim". We’re stopping the son of a bitch at ten.

Mr. Monk and the Paperboy [2.10]

Monk: Why do you torture me like this?
Sharona: Because I can.

Capt. Stottlemeyer: Listen to this: this is "News from Around the World," Paris, France. There is an unsolved murder; a woman was found strangled, and both of her hands were cut off.
Sharona: Oh my God!
Lt. Disher: That happens all the time: no fingerprints. Makes it harder to ID the body.
Capt. Stottlemeyer: Now here's the thing: they found the hands. They were a couple of meters away from the body in the grass.
Monk: The killer cut off both hands, but then left them near the body?
Capt. Stottlemeyer: Yeah. She and her husband both worked as curators at the prison museum in the Bastille.
Monk: Prison museum?
[cuts to a Paris police prefecture. A police lieutenant comes into his captain's office]
Lieutenant Lafitte: [in French] Captain Dupres, there is a detective calling from America. He has solved the murder of Madame Beaudreau.
Captain Dupres: [in French] He solved it?
Lieutenant Lafitte: [in French] By reading a newspaper, from 9,000 kilometers away! [Dupres sighs and picks up the phone]
Captain Dupres: Captain Dupres, Prefecture de Police. [cuts to Monk's apartment]
Capt. Stottlemeyer: Bonjour. Je m'appelle Captain Leland Stottlemeyer. Je travaille avec le department de police de San Francisco. Uhhhh, parlez vous English? ["Hello, my name is Captain Leland Stottlemeyer. I work for the department of police of San Francisco. Do you speak English"]
Captain Dupres: I speak enough. What can I do for you?
Capt. Stottlemeyer: Uh, hi, I've got a friend. His name is Adrian Monk.
Monk: [into the phone] Bonjour.
Capt. Stottlemeyer: He has a theory about an unsolved case of yours. Here, I'll put him on. [hands the phone to Monk] He speaks English well enough. [Monk wipes down the phone, pressing several of the other buttons]
Monk: Yes, yes, hello. I think I know who killed Madame Beaudreau.
Captain Dupres: [skeptically] Oui, Monsieur Monk, what is your theory?
Monk: I think her husband did it.
Captain Dupres: Well, we suspected him from the beginning. But why did he cut off her hands?
Monk: He must have used a pair of handcuffs from the museum to restrain her.
Captain Dupres: I do not follow you.
Monk: They were antique handcuffs, very distinctive, so they could easily have been traced back to him.
Captain Dupres: Mon Dieu...
Monk: He must have lost the key. So he was desperate, he had to get them off the body.
Captain Dupres: Well, that makes sense! Lafitte, why didn't I think of that? Monsieur Monk, you are a genius! Perhaps someday, you will come to Paris so I can thank you in person.

[Monk, Sharona, Stottlemeyer and Disher arrive at a body shop to arrest a businessman named Malcolm Cowley for a hit-and-run death]
Malcolm Cowley: Is there a problem?
Capt. Stottlemeyer: I was reading about you in the newspaper. [Shows the copy of the paper to Cowley] That's you, isn't it? "It Just Wasn't His Day." It says here that you had two accidents in the course of ten minutes: first you hit a little tree, and then you drove another half a mile and hit a lamppost.
Malcolm Cowley: That's right. Is that a crime?
Capt. Stottlemeyer: Uh, yeah, it is if you were intentionally damaging your car so you wouldn't have to explain a smashed-in grille. See, Mr. Monk found this other article. [turns to a front page article] "Hit-and-Run Driver Kills a Grandmother." Same neighborhood. Same approximate time. We thought there might be a connection.
Lt. Disher: [looking at Cowley's car's headlights] Captain. Blood.
Capt. Stottlemeyer: Turn around. Put your hands on the car. [Cowley complies and Stottlemeyer handcuffs him] You sir, are under arrest, for vehicular manslaughter, leaving the scene of a crime, and for the murder of Nestor Alvarez. Come with me. :[He starts to lead Cowley away]
Monk: He's not the guy.
Capt. Stottlemeyer: What? Monk, we've got him dead to rights.
Monk: He is guilty of the hit-and-run, but he didn't kill the paperboy. He didn't know who I was. There is something else in this newspaper, something I'm missing. [He drops the newspaper, disgusted, realizing that he has accidentally wiped his hands with a garage rag, smearing them with oil.] Oh, my God! Oh, the humanity!

[Disher walks into Stottlemeyer's office while Stottlemeyer does work on his laptop]
Lt. Disher: Captain, I have a thought. [Stottlemeyer doesn't look up, and waves his fingers] About paperboy. [Stottlemeyer continues gesturing with his fingers]
Capt. Stottlemeyer: This means "hurry up".
Lt. Disher: It was a burglary; the paperboy interrupted a B&E in progress. It fits: there were five break-ins on that block last year alone.
Capt. Stottlemeyer: [stands up] Nope. I already looked into that. All of those break-ins were hot prowlers - forced entry with a crowbar.
Lt. Disher: Right.
Capt. Stottlemeyer: Our guy was empty-handed.
Lt. Disher: What about a car thief?
Capt. Stottlemeyer: Well, that doesn't explain the taking of the newspapers, doesn't it? [He puts on his overcoat]
Lt. Disher: Right. So we're back to Monk's theory?
Capt. Stottlemeyer: I'm afraid so. [shows Randy the door] And this means "we're leaving".

[Monk, Sharona, Stottlemeyer and Disher are at the scene of the store clerk's death]
Monk: When did it happen?
Capt. Stottlemeyer: The M.E. is saying two and a half, three hours. He worked as the night manager at the Stop 'n Go on Ridgedale.
Sharona: Oh my God, we were just there! That's where we bought the newspaper. [to Randy] Along with your letter in it to me.
Lt. Disher: It wasn't to you!
Capt. Stottlemeyer: His shift ended at 4:00 AM, he came here to make the night deposit. He got jumped by the killer, stabbed twice: once in the neck, once in the stomach, with that bottle. [Monk looks at the remains of a bottle]
Monk: No prints on the bottle?
Lt. Disher: Nothing yet.
Monk: Surveillance camera?
Lt. Disher: Negative. It's over by the ATM, facing the wrong way. It didn't see a thing. [Stottlemeyer turns to Monk]
Capt. Stottlemeyer: Now what I can't get over, is that we haven't had a homicide in this neighborhood for over four years, all of a sudden we've got two: first your newspaper boy, killed for a newspaper, and now this robbery.
Monk: No, this was no robbery.
Capt. Stottlemeyer: But the killer took the money.
Monk: The killer wants us to think robbery. But why wouldn't he do it in a more secluded spot? He could have killed him anywhere between here and the store.
Lt. Disher: Well maybe the killer just waited for him here by the bank.
Monk: No. No, the killer had to have followed the victim from the store. [points at the bottle] Cream soda bottle. You can't find that brand anywhere else.
Capt. Stottlemeyer: Well how do you know the victim wasn't drinking it? He worked at the Stop 'n Go.
Monk: That's true. [Sharona examines the bottle]
Sharona: It's a woman. There's lipstick on the bottle. [Monk and Stottlemeyer squat and see some lipstick towards the bottom of the bottle]
Monk: How did I miss that?
Capt. Stottlemeyer: She's stronger and smarter than you.
Sharona: [answers phone] Hello? No, I'm Sharona, his assistant. Who's this? Hold on, please. [to Monk] Adrian? You have a brother?
[Everyone looks up, surprised. Long pause.]
Monk: No.
Sharona: [into phone] I'm sorry, sir, you must have the wrong Adrian Monk.
[She hangs up. Immediately, the phone starts ringing again.]
Monk: Wait, wait... I might have a brother.
Sharona: You told me you were an only child.
Monk: I consider myself an only child. We're not close! He has issues.
Capt. Stottlemeyer: [raised eyebrow] Your brother has issues?
Monk: Don't you people have work to do?! There's a dead woman over there!

Sharona: Ambrose, come with us.
Ambrose Monk: Outside? Oh no, I can't.
Sharona: You're just gonna hide in this house for the rest of your life?
Ambrose Monk: That's my plan, yes.

[Adrian introduces Sharona to Ambrose]
Monk: This is my assistant, Sharona.
Ambrose Monk: Hello, we spoke on the phone.
Monk: Oh, so you can dial a telephone! I was worried. I thought you might be paralyzed, or something.
Ambrose Monk: I wasn't paralyzed.
Monk: I was being sarcastic.
Ambrose Monk: You were being sardonic. Sarcasm is a contemptuous ironic statement. You were being mockingly derisive. That's sardonic.

[after meeting Ambrose, Sharona hugs Adrian]
Monk: What's that for?
Sharona: For making my family seem normal.

Monk: He [van Ranken] was at the park all last night.
Sharona: Maybe to bury something.
Ambrose Monk: Yes, he was parked by the southern entrance.
Sharona: How do you know that?
Ambrose Monk: It's obvious. Why don't you tell her, Adrian?
Monk: Um...
Ambrose Monk: The yellow acorns on his truck, which can only mean he was parked under a spotted oak tree...
Sharona: Wow.
Ambrose Monk: Which are found...
Monk: Um...
Ambrose Monk: Near water...
Sharona: Wow.
Ambrose Monk: Which means, he parked by the river, at the southern entrance.
Sharona: Wow!
Monk: Please stop staying "wow."
Ambrose Monk: This detective stuff is easy.
Sharona: Looks like you got a new partner.
Monk: Yeah, for any crime committed within thirty feet of this property.

Mr. Monk and the T.V. Star [2.12]

[Monk tries to recreate the murder of Susan Malloy, and has Sharona play the victim]
Sharona: I think you enjoy shooting and stabbing me.
Monk: No, I don't enjoy it. But it's my job.

[Monk solves the case]
Monk: Oh, my God. I think I know what happened here. Sharona, you're not going to like this. Just-just try to keep an open mind, hear me out...
Sharona: [sadly] He did it, didn't he?

Mr. Monk and the Missing Granny [2.13]

[Stottlemeyer and Monk are interrogating Ron Abrash, a suspect in a kidnapping.]
Adrian Monk: You look familiar, Ronnie. Didn't I see you last week at the opera?
Ron Abrash: What have you been smokin', man?
Adrian Monk: I've been smokin' THE TRUTH, MAN!
Ron Abrash: What, are you guys playing? "Good cop, crazy cop?"

Granny Parlo: And--and it was raining.
Sharona Fleming: Are you sure? It wasn't raining all last week.
Granny Parlo: Listen, missy. I think I know what rain feels like. And that's what I felt when they carried me from the van into the house.

Lt. Randall Disher: Okay, cool. It'll be the three of us. We can do good cop, bad cop, worse cop.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Randy, it's a two-man job. Just wait here.
Lt. Randall Disher: Okay. I'll just wait here and--
Sharona Fleming: Weep openly.
Lt. Randall Disher: --do some paperwork.
Sharona Fleming: While you weep openly.

[Randy, disguised as a bag lady, walks up to Monk and Sharona at the homeless shelter's serving counter]
Adrian Monk: Oh my God!
Sharona Fleming: [sees through the disguise] What are you supposed to be?
Lt. Randall Disher: I'm undercover. I'm homeless.
Sharona Fleming: What's that on your face?
Lt. Randall Disher: Dirt.
Sharona Fleming: [to Monk] Give the lady some gravy. [Monk does so]

Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Okay, we've got two short hours before this phone call. Are we ready?
Phone Technician: Yeah, we're all set, Captain. We've got two recorders ready to roll and the, uh, phone company's online for immediate track and trace.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: How long do we need?
Phone Technician: Well, if it's a landline, we've got 'em. If it's a cell phone...
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Which it will be.
Phone Technician: ...we'll need 45 seconds.
[Julie Parlo finds Stottlemeyer]
Julie Parlo: Excuse me, Captain Stottlemeyer?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Yep.
Julie Parlo: Hi, I'm Julie Parlo. Uh, where is the FBI? This is a kidnapping. I happen to be a lawyer, so I know in a kidnapping situation the FBI has jurisprudence!
Lt. Randall Disher: That's only true if your grandmother's been taken across the state lines.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Or if she's been held for more than 24 hours. And I think you meant to say "jurisdiction," right? What kind of lawyer are you?
Julie Parlo: Well, I never said I was a lawyer.
Lt. Randall Disher: Yes, you did.
Julie Parlo: I’m a law student at Garland College. And I know that I have certain rights! And if you don’t do everything to get my grandmother back, I could sue you all for malpractice!
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: No, you can’t.
Julie Parlo: I can’t?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: No. Miss Parlo, you live here with your grandmother, right?
Julie Parlo: Yeah, I moved in after both my parents died. That was four years ago.
Lt. Randall Disher: So it’s just the two of you?
Julie Parlo: Well, yes sir. Well, and the cat.
Lt. Randall Disher: [sneezes] Yeah, I know about the cat.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Is your grandmother wealthy?
Julie Parlo: No, that’s why this doesn’t make any sense. Why Nana? She’s 76 years old, she’s not rich, she doesn’t have an enemy in the world and she’s out there somewhere right now scared to death! Captain, you’ve got to do something! Oh, what about that detective I was reading about? The Monk?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Monk. His name is Monk.
Julie Parlo: Yeah, I read an article about him. They quoted you. You said he was brilliant.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Yeah, um, Adrian Monk is a former homicide detective who we use on a consulting basis from time to time, once we’ve hit a wall. But we haven’t hit a wall, Miss Parlo. Everything is under control.
Lt. Randall Disher: Sorry.

Mr. Monk and the Captain's Wife [2.14]

[Stottlemeyer prepares to lead a raid on the transportation union's headquarters]
Lt. Disher: Captain! That was Monk!
[everyone freezes]
Lt. Disher: He said he solved the case.
Capt. Stottlemeyer: He what?
Lt. Disher: He says it's not a union thing.
Capt. Stottlemeyer: Is he sure?
Lt. Disher: He's Monk.

Capt. Stottlemeyer: Did Adrian Monk just jump into a garbage truck?

Mr. Monk Gets Married [2.15]

Sharona: Have you been drinking?
Lt. Disher: Yes, I have. I couldn't think of any other way to get all this Scotch into my body.

Sharona: Adrian, you have to sit. This is a picnic.
Monk: I - I don't sit on the ground. Animals do things on the ground - terrible, terrible things.

Sharona: We're never going to get away with this! They're never going to believe we're really married.
Monk: We have nothing in common. I annoy you all the time. Why wouldn't they believe it?

Monk: I can't sleep with a crooked shelf in the room.
Sharona: Well, when you turn the light off you won't see it.
Monk: I wish you could hear yourself sometimes! You live in a dream world.

Mr. Monk Goes to Jail [2.16]

[Two officers discuss an inmate who will be executed soon]
Warden Christie: Where's Ray Kaspo?
Guard: In the holding cell, having his last meal. Ribs and chili.
Warden Christie: Ribs and chili? That might kill him before we do.

Monk: It seems prison agrees with you, Dale.
Dale "The Whale" Biederbeck: Well, why wouldn't it? After all, [indicates his stomach] I've been inside this prison all my life.
Monk: That's very poetic.
Dale "The Whale" Biederbeck: Of course, it doesn't compare with the prison you built for yourself.

Dale "The Whale" Biederbeck: I want to make you an offer...
Sharona: Oh please, drop dead!
Dale "The Whale" Biederbeck: Well, you'd think I would have by now, wouldn't you? [laughs]

[while pretending to be a convict, Monk tapes a picture of Trudy to his cell wall]
Spyder Rudner: Is that your old lady?
Monk: Yes.
Spyder Rudner: Is she waiting for you?
Monk: Yes, she is.

Spyder Rudner: All right, Adolf, let him go!
Lody: It's not about you, Spyder!
Spyder Rudner: The guy's a friend of mine.
Lody: He's a cop!
Spyder Rudner: Yeah, so I've heard. Let him go.
Lody: You'd side with a cop over us?
Spyder Rudner: I'd side with a cucaracha over you.

Season 3


Mr. Monk Takes Manhattan [3.01]

[The federal authorities are refusing access to Warrick Tennyson]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: How long does he have?
Captain Walter Cage: Two, three days. He's being deposed in connection with that federal racketeering case, and they're afraid they're gonna lose him before they get what they need. They're not letting anybody else near him.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: You gave me your word.
Captain Walter Cage: Come on, I didn't lie to you! If we close the ambassador case...
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Look, I don't care about the frigging ambassador! He means less than zero to me, okay? My friend's wife got blown up! You understand? And it killed him, too! In a way. [silence]
Captain Walter Cage: If we close this case, we can call the press, we can call City Hall, we're gonna have juice. Come on, you know how this works! They won't dare say no to us. Captain, it's not just your best shot. It's your only shot.

[Monk accidentally gets pushed onto a departing subway train]
Sharona: Sir, sir! You've got to stop that train, he's all alone-!
Subway Cop: All right, ma'am, just calm down. It happens all the time. [lifts his radio] What's his name?
Sharona: Adrian Monk.
Subway Cop: And how old is he?
Sharona: He's forty-five.

Monk: You... it was you. You filthy, disgusting animal! YOU MAKE ME SICK!
[confused, everyone turns to look]
Busboy: Me?
Sharona: What are you doing? He's a busboy!
Monk: Sharona, don't you recognize him? From the subway! He's the Urinator! Urinator! It was you! Don't try to deny it-
Stottlemeyer: Monk...
Monk: We saw what you did-!
Stottlemeyer: Monk! Could we get back to the quadruple homicide, please?

[Monk and Sharona are in a diner where Monk wants to use his one pair of handcuffs to arrest someone who urinated in public earlier.]
Sharona Fleming: That man took a whizz in the subway. That man [gestures to Steven Leight] killed four people in cold blood. Now who do you think we should arrest? [Monk thinks it over]
Adrian Monk: [hesitantly] The murderer.

Warrick Tennyson: You were the husband?
Adrian Monk: I am the husband.
Warrick Tennyson: Forgive me.
Adrian Monk: Forgive you? This is me, turning off your morphine...
[Tennyson's eyes widen in horror]
Adrian Monk: ...and this is Trudy, the woman you killed, turning it back on.

Lt. Randall Disher: [describing his "Rolex" to the others] I can tell you what time it is all around the world. It's 5:30 here; in Denver, 3:30; in California, 12:17; in Paris, France... time has stopped.

[Sharona, Stottlemeyer and Disher have lost track of Monk after getting out of their cab]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Where is he?
Masul the Cabbie: Who?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: The guy in the front seat, where is he?
Masul the Cabbie: The nut?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Yeah, the nut! Where'd he go?
Masul the Cabbie: What is he complaining about? My taxi is very clean! Why is he wiping, wiping, wiping everything?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Sir, your taxi is perfect! But where did he go?
Masul the Cabbie: Look, I don't care! I never pick him up again! I see him again, I keep driving! I don't care if I lose my license! You tell him, I'll keep driving!

Mr. Monk and the Panic Room [3.02]

[Monk is patching up Benjy after he got into a fight at school.]
Adrian Monk: What's a wedgie?
Benjy Fleming: It's when you pull a kid's underwear all the way out of his pants.
Adrian Monk: When I was a kid they called it something else.
Benjy Fleming: What?
Adrian Monk: An "Adrian."

Adrian Monk: Uh-oh...
Benjy Fleming: What?
Adrian Monk: The Band-Aid.
Benjy Fleming: It's okay, it doesn't have to be perf- [Monk rips it off] OW!

Sharona Fleming: Now Benjy, you're grounded! That means no TV, and no Playstation!
Benjy Fleming: Mom!
Adrian Monk: Sharona, he was just sticking up for a friend.
Sharona Fleming: Adrian, you stay out of this! You're not his father!
Adrian Monk: That's true, but I care about him as much as any father.
[He rips off the Band-Aid again.]
Benjy Fleming: OW!

Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: They call it a panic room. I know that's a difficult concept because for you every room is a panic room.
Adrian Monk: Thank you.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: If there's an intruder in the house, you run in there, you lock the door and wait for the cavalry.

[Stottlemeyer and Disher arrive at Sharona's house]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: I hate this.
Lt. Randall Disher: Why don't you stay back, sir? I can handle this.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Oh, you can? Since when? [Sharona opens the door]
Sharona Fleming: Hey.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Sharona, we need to talk.
Sharona Fleming: About what?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: I think you know. [They walk into the house, which looks like it has been hit by an earthquake] What happened here? Did you have a party?
Sharona Fleming: It's Benjy. He never picks anything up.
Lt. Randall Disher: Sharona, where's Darwin?
Sharona Fleming: What are you talking about?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: We're gonna find him. Is he here?
[Randy takes out his gun and begins going from room to room]
Sharona Fleming: Hey, would you put that away?! This is my house!
Lt. Randall Disher: He's killed before.
Sharona Fleming: No he hasn't!
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Sharona, we know that you took him. Now either you tell us where he is or I'm going to have to take you in. That is the law.
Lt. Randall Disher: [walks back out of the living room, speaking into his walkie-talkie] Living room secure. Heading to the kitchen.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Randy, you don't have to use the walkie-talkie. I'm ten feet away!
Lt. Randall Disher: Roger that.
[puts down the walkie-talkie and continues searching]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: [notices some vomit on a wall, and a lot of crooked pictures] Hey, what happened here?
Sharona Fleming: Benjy threw up.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: [incredulously] On the wall?
Sharona Fleming: It was pretty awful.
Lt. Randall Disher: [heads into the kitchen, and opens the closet, which swings open to reveal a stuffed teddy bear] Monkey! Monkey! Monkey! False alarm! False alarm!
[Sharona grabs the teddy bear from Randy]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Sharona, you were seen. The animal shelter has a surveillance camera. It recorded your car's license plate number as you drove away.

[Dr. Kroger is at Monk's apartment because Sharona left Darwin loose with Monk.]
Dr. Charles Kroger: I can see your space has been violated, and I think you're handling it very well. I'm proud of you. How do you feel?
Adrian Monk: [high-pitched voice] I'm fine. These things happen, what can you do?
Dr. Charles Kroger: Exactly, exactly. These are all just material objects. You can always replace anything that he breaks, or chews, or... [sees] pees on.
Adrian Monk: Chews or pees on... Chews or pees on...

Mr. Monk and the Blackout [3.03]

[During a blackout]
Monk: [groans]
Sharona: Benjy, hold his hand.
Benjy: Ow! He's squeezing it!
Sharona: Let him squeeze it.
Monk: When will it be over?
Sharona: Adrian, calm down, they're working on it now, it won't be long.
Monk: When will it be over?
Sharona: I'm telling you, I don't know, they're working on it.
Monk: When will it be over?!
Benjy: Make him stop!
[The lights come back on]
Sharona: See? I told you.
Monk: I didn't know when it would be over.
Sharona: So I heard.

[Monk and Sharona are talking to Michelle Rivas at the power plant. Michelle hears a noise, looks up, and sees Gene Edelson coming down the ladder]
Michelle Rivas: Gene, what are you doing up there?
Gene Edelson: What am I doing? I am checking the auxillary generator.
Michelle Rivas: Well there's a reporter looking for you.
Gene Edelson: Well you're the company mouth. You talk to them. It's not my job. [spots Monk tapping one of the gauges on an instrument panel] Excuse me! Uh, do you see the sign? [Monk notices the "DO NOT TOUCH" sign over the gauge]
Adrian Monk: Ah, no problem. I got it. [He straightens it a few centimeters. Michelle laughs]
Michelle Rivas: I've been dying to do that for six months. [Stottlemeyer and Disher return]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Hey Monk, we've got the prelim on the explosives. [Monk joins them to examine the remnants of the bomb] We think... four to five pounds of a high density plastique with a magnesium charge. It was detonated with an egg timer.
Adrian Monk: You mentioned the letters. Is that the letter?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Yeah, three pages, taped to the back door outside. [Monk looks over Randy's shoulder to see the note]
Lt. Randall Disher: Yeah it's a basic environmental laundry list: solar power, fossil fuels, Saudi Arabia, "it's the only planet we have."
Adrian Monk: [reading] "We are free men... unshacked by your barborous laws." I know that phrase. I've heard that before. "Unshackled." "Barborous laws." [He thinks for a few seconds] Ten years ago, that exact same phrase was in a letter, written by a guy named Winston... No yes, Winston Brenner. Trudy wrote an article about him.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: I remember that guy. He was a serious radicalist in Boston. He blew up a recruiting station; a couple of soldiers got killed.
Lt. Randall Disher: Looks like he just came out of retirement.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Let's check him out.

[Stottlemeyer walks into his office when Disher calls to him]
Lt. Randall Disher: Captain! [Stottlemeyer walks back out to Randy's desk] Monk was right. And you're right too sir, about Monk being right. Check this out. Good work.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: What have you got, Randy?
Lt. Randall Disher: [hands a file to Stottlemeyer] Winston Brenner. He was an activist in the 90s. He was indicted in a series of bombings in Boston. Pretty angry individual. [grabs evidence bags with two different notes; he holds up the left one first] Here, look at this. This is the note from the power plant. [holds up the one in his right hand] This one is from 11 years ago. He uses a lot of the same phrases: "The blood I shed today."/"The blood I shed today." "The price of absolute freedom."/"The price of absolute freedom." And check this out. [rotates his desk lamp to show the comparison in the writing sample, also shining the light right into Stottlemeyer's face] The handwriting is identical. This is definitely the guy. The only thing is, is that back then, Brenner didn't really care about the environment. Anti-military was his thing.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Did you read the rest of the file, Randy? [Randy produces surveillance photos]
Lt. Randall Disher: We've got some pictures too. They're blurry, but good.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Read the rest of the file, Randy.
Lt. Randall Disher: Which part?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: The part here where it says that he died: "Deceased, 1995." Blew himself up before the trial.
Lt. Randall Disher: He's dead.

[Monk, Sharona, Stottlemeyer and Disher arrive at a construction site to talk to tree-hugger Alby Drake]
Alby Drake: No I'm not being reasonable, I'm sick and tired of being reasonable. I'm not coming down until you agree to build your stupid condos somewhere else!
[Monk and Sharona arrive]
Sharona Fleming: Did you call Michelle?
Adrian Monk: No.
Sharona Fleming: Did you think about it?
Adrian Monk: No.
Sharona Fleming: Did you think about thinking about it?
Adrian Monk: Sharona, I'm a married man.
Sharona Fleming: Captain, Lieutenant.
Lt. Randall Disher: Sharona, Monk.
Sharona Fleming: What's going on?
Lt. Randall Disher: Tree hugger.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: His name is Alby Drake. He was Winston Brenner's oldest friend; they were roommates at MIT.
Adrian Monk: How long has he been up there?
Construction Foreman: Ten days. He'll be down soon. The judge will be ordering an eviction notice by tomorrow morning.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: The FBI, in their infinite wisdom, now agrees that Winston Brenner may have faked his own death back in 1995. If Brenner is still alive, [points a bullhorn up at Drake] that scruffy bird up there might still be in contact with him.
Sharona Fleming: How does he go to the bathroom? [Almost immediately, everyone except for Randy steps back]

[Monk has a date with Michelle Rivas]
Sharona Fleming: Are you excited?
Adrian Monk: Yes... if by excited, you mean petrified and full of regret.
Sharona Fleming: "Petrified and full of regret". Welcome to the world of dating.
[They walk around the remains of Alby Drake's tree to meet Stottlemeyer, who climbs over one of the fallen branches to meet them]
Adrian Monk: Captain!
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Monk. Sharona. I'm sure you've noticed by now that there used to be a big tree standing right over there.
Adrian Monk: What time?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: 4:35 AM. A security guard heard somebody start up the bulldozer. Moments later, ch-ch-ch, "Timber!" Drake was dead on impact.
Lt. Randall Disher: He made a phone call though at around midnight.
Adrian Monk: To a payphone, right?
Lt. Randall Disher: You guessed it: Palo Alto.
Sharona Fleming: Oh, well it had to be to Brenner. He's the guy.
Adrian Monk: So not only is Winston Brenner alive and well, he's making sure that his old pals don't rat him out.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: That's right. The FBI's calling at Palo Alto tonight. They want to compare notes; synchronize watches.
Adrian Monk: Ouch, whoa-whoa, I-I can't make it.
Sharona Fleming: He has a date.

[Monk is on the phone with Michelle Rivas]
Adrian Monk: That used to be my nickname, Mr. Punctuality.
Michelle Rivas: In college?
Adrian Monk: Kindergarten.

[Monk, Michelle and a pregnant woman are trapped in an elevator due to Winston Brenner's second blackout]
Adrian Monk: [pushing the Emergency Call button] Lobby, lobby, lobby, lobby, lobby...
Person in Elevator: Sir, the power is out. That means you can't reach them.
Adrian Monk: ...Yeah, you're probably right. [resumes pushing button] Lobby, lobby, lobby...

[during yet another blackout]
Adrian Monk: [stumbles and hits something] I cannot find my night-vision goggles. There is a fatal flaw in the night-vision goggle plan!

[Stottlemeyer and Disher burst in and point their guns at Winston Brenner]
Adrian Monk: Lieutenant, these are night-vision goggles! Turn the lights back off, I'll have the advantage! Turn them off!
Lt. Randall Disher: Yeah, we could do that... or we could just arrest him.

Mr. Monk Gets Fired [3.04]

[Sharona is confused about Monk's near-catatonia after he lands a magazine job on his first interview.]
Sharona: What's the problem? It's a great job!
Monk: I had a great job. I-I was a cop, that's all I ever wanted to be. I couldn't fix the whole world, I knew that. But I could fix... little pieces of it, one little piece at a time. Put things back together. Sharona, I-I need it. I miss it, I-I miss it so much...
Sharona: Hey, hey. I miss it too.

Monk: I solved the case!
Sharona: What are you doing?
Monk: I'm dancing a jig!
Sharona: That's not a jig.
Monk: What is it, then?
Sharona: I don't know, I don't want to know.
Monk: I'm back, baby!

Sharona: 74 percent is good enough for me! [tackles the Commissioner and wrestles to grab his toupee]

[Randy has given Stottlemeyer an update on an arson fire]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: What did the fire marshal have to say?
Lt. Randall Disher: Two points of origin. And the test for artificial accelerant came back negative. Uh, positive. [turns to Karen's camera] Could I--should I go back and do it again?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: No. Now the question is... why would anybody torch a wig factory?
Lt. Randall Disher: Probably the owner, for the insurance. [pause]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Yeah that's an interesting theory, Randy, but um... the guy's dead, right? He died in the fire.

Mr. Monk Meets the Godfather [3.05]

[Sharona has her car in the shop for repairs.]
Adrian Monk: Tell him about that noise your radio keeps making.
Sharona Fleming: That's my music.

[FBI agent Colmes wants Monk to wear a wire into a meeting with mob kingpin Salvatore Lucarelli]
Adrian Monk: Okay, okay. Here's the thing: I can't have anything taped to my chest.
Agent Colmes: Ah, that's fine. Come here, I'll... let me show you this. Ah, you see, these days... [pulls out a piece of paper] We can put a transmitter just about anywhere on the human body. You have six options.
[Monk and Sharona examine the list, with Disher and Stottlemeyer looking over their shoulders.]
Adrian Monk: Number One... is out. Number Two... uh, you-you wouldn't actually shave me there, would you? [Colmes nods.] Okay... no thank you. Number Three...
Sharona Fleming: What if you had to sit down?
Adrian Monk: Right. Good point. Number Four... [slowly looks up at Colmes, then turns to Sharona] Even if I die, don't let them do Number Four.
Lt. Randall Disher: Number Five.
Adrian Monk: I'll do... okay. I'll do it. I'll try that.
Sharona Fleming: That's only for women!
Lt. Randall Disher: Oh! Right.
Adrian Monk: Oh, yeah. Ah, Number Six... Number Six. I'll... I can do that.
Agent Colmes: Number Six? Great.
Adrian Monk: Not Four.

[Mob "associate" Vince insists on guarding Monk and Sharona.]
Vince: Uncle Sal told me [to] keep an eye on you. It's for your own protection.
Adrian Monk: It's a little insulting. I haven't needed a babysitter since I was nineteen.
Sharona Fleming: You had a babysitter when you were nineteen?
Adrian Monk: Everyone did. It was the seventies; it was a crazy time.

[Monk gets a confession from the real culprit, but discovers the wire wasn't working.]
Adrian Monk: Maybe we can trick him into... saying it again.
Agent Colmes: Oh, really? How're we gonna do that?
Adrian Monk: Well, I'll just go back there, sit down, and say... "What?"

[Colmes refuses to support Monk's reinstatement since their sting didn't turn up any evidence against Salvatore.]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Let me tell you something. Adrian Monk may be afraid of germs, heights, elevators, and puppies... but you couldn't pack that man's lunch.
Agent Colmes: Ah, that's true. I've seen that man pack a lunch. He's insane.

[Stottlemeyer and Disher find Monk and Sharona at the FBI's post]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Hey! I showed them my ID downstairs. I just got to talk to my friend! What, you reaching for your gun? If you're reaching for your gun, you'd better pull it. Stand aside. [to Monk] Monk. [to Colmes] Colmes! Whaddaya think you're doing?!
Agent Colmes: This is a federal operation, Captain. You have no business being here.
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Well, neither does he! What's going on?
Sharona Fleming: They want Adrian to go undercover in the Lucarelli family. [Randy looks at a surveillance photo of Sharona speaking with Fat Tony outside Salvatore's restaurant]
Lt. Randall Disher: What's up with this picture of you and Fat Tony?
Sharona Fleming: Nothing! And don't call him that!
Lt. Randall Disher: What? Are you defending him?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Why don't you start by telling them, what happened to the last agent that tried to infiltrate the family? Oh, start by telling them where we found the body buried!
Sharona Fleming: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. Buried?
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Actually the parts that they found.
Agent Colmes: Okay, that's a different situation. That agent's cover was blown. Monk's been invited in. They already know that he's a cop.

Mr. Monk and the Girl Who Cried Wolf [3.06]

[Sharona thinks she is losing her sanity like her father, and believes it's due to the stress of taking care of Monk. She is at Dr. Kroger's office.]
Sharona: I swear to God, if I have a breakdown, I'll never forgive him.
Dr. Kroger: Your father?
Sharona: Adrian.

Varla Davis: [Picks up piece of paper] "List of Adrian Monk's fears and phobias." Hmm... "Germs, Needles, Snakes, Heights, Milk, Cr..." MILK? You're afraid of milk?! My three-year-old nephew isn't even afraid of milk!
Adrian Monk: You must be very proud of him.
Varla Davis: Yes, I am proud of him, not because of that, but because he's normal. You're not anything near that!

[Monk just explained to Varla Davis what the boot tip means.]
Monk: Wipe.
Varla Davis: Wipe what!?
Monk: I say wipe and you give me a wipe. That's how it works.
Varla Davis: Well you better get over "it" fast!

Mr. Monk and the Employee of the Month [3.07]

[Monk steps on some bubble wrap on the ground at the crime scene and is compelled to pop it to make it even.]
Capt. Stottlemeyer: Having fun?
Monk: No.

Capt. Stottlemeyer: Are you going to pop all of these?
Monk: No choice.
[Stottlemeyer picks up another side and starts popping it.]
Monk: You've gotta depress it with your thumb—
Capt Stottlemeyer: Monk, I know how to pop bubble wrap!
[He calls two more officers over]
Capt. Stottlemeyer: Start popping these.
[They keep popping for a few seconds.]
Officer: Is there any reason why we're doing this?
Capt. Stottlemeyer: Nope. Just keep popping.
Monk: Thanks. I really appreciate it.

[Sharona, Disher, Monk, and Stottlemeyer are in a "Mega-Mart" warehouse.]
Sharona Fleming: Tired?
Lt. Randall Disher: I was up all night with my girlfriend.
Sharona Fleming: Yeah, those imaginary girlfriends can be pretty wild.
Lt. Randall Disher: She's not imaginary.
Sharona Fleming: [sarcastically] Really? What's her name?
Lt. Randall Disher: Crystal.
Sharona Fleming: [sees box labeled "Crystal Glassware"] What's her last name? Glassware?
Lt. Randall Disher: No, it's Smith.
Sharona Fleming: You have a picture?
Lt. Randall Disher: [Takes picture from wallet, gives picture to Sharona]
Sharona Fleming: Oh, she's pretty. [Turns over picture] Randy, this came with the wallet!
Lt. Randall Disher: Yeah, I know. She's a wallet model.
Sharona Fleming: That's sad.
Lt. Randall Disher: Sharona, she's one of the world's top five wallet models! Thank you very much.

[Monk is late for dinner]
Sharona: So where is he, anyway?
Joe Christie: Last I saw, he was putting away boxes in the shoe department.
Sharona: He's putting boxes away?
Joe Christie: [laughing] Yeah...
Sharona: Oh, God. Maybe we'd better go ahead and start ordering now, you know?

Joe Christie: [indicates the prize mug] What do you think?
Adrian Monk: I think Edna was killed over this mug.
Joe Christie: Really?
Adrian Monk: No.
Joe Christie: Well, maybe it's made out of gold and painted over.
Adrian Monk: Joe... [He taps the mug with his pen. It's obviously ceramic]
Joe Christie: Hey, you said try 300 theories until one fits.
Adrian Monk: I said that?
Joe Christie: Yeah. I remember everything you ever said, God help me.

Joe Christie: 89-cent plastic commemorative plaque. Would you kill someone to get this?
Adrian Monk: I'd kill someone not to get it.

[At a Mega-Mart staff meeting, Brent Donovan declares Jennie Silverman the Employee of the Month for the second consecutive month]
Brent Donovan: So this will come as no big surprise to anybody, but the Employee of the Month for the second straight month is, drum roll please, is Jennie Silverman. [Everyone applauses and pretends praise] Well done, Jenny. And as winner, Jenny will enjoy another month of special privilages: the Employee of the Month parking spot in front of the main entrance, of course the--Mega-Mart mug, the gift certificate for dinner for two at the Lobster Barrel on 17th Street - good only on weekdays and does not include lobster - and the winner's plaque, which will be on display right at the main entrance for the entire month, which should inspire all of us.

[Monk and Christie look through Jenny's special privilages]
Adrian Monk: Tell me about the Lobster Barrel.
Joe Christie: It's a family place. It's noisy, there's a million kids. You wouldn't last five minutes. It's got a great all-you-can-eat buffet with seven different kinds of shrimp: jumbo shrimp, batter-dipped shrimp, tempura shrimp...
Adrian Monk: Okay, stop telling me about the Lobster Barrel.
Joe Christie: ...barbecued shrimp...
Adrian Monk: Stop.

Mr. Monk and the Game Show [3.08]

[first lines; Lizzie Talvo is showing an old tape of a Treasure Chest game to her boss]
Roddy Lankman: Doesn't prove anything.
Lizzie Talvo: It proves everything and you know that! Do you wanna see it again?!
Roddy Lankman: No thanks, I hate watching myself on TV.
Lizzie Talvo: Roddy, why did you do it?
Roddy Lankman: You ever been in debt, Lizzie? And I mean real debt. It changes everything.
Lizzie Talvo: That's no excuse. [goes to her dining room with the VHS tape, which she puts into an envelope and addresses to Dwight Ellison]
Roddy Lankman: What are you doing?
Lizzie Talvo: The right thing!
Roddy Lankman: Look, Lizzie, if this is your way of asking for a raise, it worked! Hey, how much do you want?
Lizzie Talvo: I don't want money, Roddy, I'm not you.
Roddy Lankman: All right, you don't want money. Whaddaya want?
Lizzie Talvo: I want to be able to sleep at night. I want to be able to be proud of the show the way I used to be!

[Before the show, Monk and Dwight talk to Val Birch while a crew member adjusts his outfit]
Dwight Ellison: Val Birch? This is my old friend Adrian Monk.
Val Birch: Adrian? Ooh, gym glass must have been hell with a name like that.
Adrian Monk: Yes, yes it was-
Val Birch: [to his stagehand] Are you nearly done or do you just like touching me?
Stagehand: Almost done.
Dwight Ellison: Adrian's here from San Francisco.
Val Birch: Oh, Frisco? God-awful town! I was there last year. It was foggy the whole week! When are they gonna do something about all that fog?
Adrian Monk: Well, I-I don't know. I'll make some calls.
Val Birch: [pops the tab off his soda can] I couldn't see a damn thing! Not even that, um, uh, golden bridge they've got.
Adrian Monk: The Golden Gate.
Val Birch: No, genius, the bridge.
Adrian Monk: Right, that's what they call it: the Golden Gate-
Val Birch: [to stagehand] Okay, okay! Testing 1-2-3, we're done! [walks away]
Dwight Ellison: [to Monk] That idiot's won seven times in a row!

[Monk notices that Kevin has picked up a pencil from Roddy Lankman]
Adrian Monk: What are you doing? What is that?
Kevin Dorfman: Roddy Lankman's pencil. Yeah those are his teeth marks. This is what you call a "collectible": you can look, but don't touch.

[During the game]
Roddy Lankman: The next question, for $1,500: Which monarch is sometimes known as the Tragic Queen? Was it: A) Queen Elizabeth, B) Marie Antoinette, C) Catherine the Great- [He is cut off when Birch buzzes in]
Val Birch: B: Mary Ann Tonette.
Roddy Lankman: Uh, that is correct: Marie Antoinette.

[Kevin and Monk are looking inside Val Birch's house, and are debating whether they can go in]
Kevin Dorfman: I know, I'll lean in.
Adrian Monk: What?
Kevin Dorfman: Yeah, you can lean anywhere you want to. It's in the Constitution.
Adrian Monk: I can't imagine what Constitution you're referring to.

[Monk and Kevin have been to Birch's house and Monk decides he has to get closer]
Adrian Monk: I have to get closer.
Kevin Dorfman: Closer? Yesterday, we were in the front row. You can't get much closer than that.
[cuts to another Treasure Chest show in the process of being taped]
Roddy Lankman: Please welcome to the show Adrian Monk! [Monk feverishly steps onto the set, and uprights a gold goblet on the display before taking his place at his podium] Welcome to the show, Adrian. [Kevin and Dwight are watching the show on the backstage monitors]
Kevin Dorfman: Mr. E, you are not going to regret this!
Roddy Lankman: [onstage] -Before we start, is there anybody you would like to say hello to?
Adrian Monk: Yes.
Roddy Lankman: Who'd that be?
Adrian Monk: Sharona. She's in New Jersey, visiting her mother.
Roddy Lankman: That's very nice. How long have you and Sharona been married?
Adrian Monk: No, no, no. Sharona is my nurse. I was married but my wife Trudy was killed by a car bomb. [cuts to backstage]
Dwight's assistant: Did he just say "car bomb"?
Adrian Monk: [continuing] Which is why I've devoted my life to putting criminals behind bars.

[Monk's game enters the second round]
Roddy Lankman: Welcome back to Treasure Chest. My name is Roddy Lankman, and our reigning champ, Val Birch, is in the lead again with $3,000. In second place, Susan with $0, and Adrian, you're at -$1,000.
Adrian Monk: Well Roddy, I think my luck is about to change.
Roddy Lankman: Well there's only one way to find out: let's do Round 2 and dig for treasure. For $4,000, the bone that connects your knee to your ankle is the A) fibula, B) tibula- [Monk buzzes in]
Adrian Monk: B) Tibula.
Roddy Lankman: Uh, that is correct! [Applause is heard offstage; Birch scorches a glare at Monk] Next question: how many square yards in an acre? [Birch buzzes in]
Val Birch: It's C.
Roddy Lankman: Uh, C is correct. It's 4,840 square yards.
Val Birch: Lucky guess.
Roddy Lankman: Lucky guess indeed. For $5,000- [Monk buzzes in]
Adrian Monk: D.
Roddy Lankman: Uh, D is correct. Another lucky guess. For $5,500, President McKinley was assassinated in-[Monk presses his buzzer several times]
Adrian Monk: D-D-D-D! The answer is D, Roddy. ["D" is "1901"]
Roddy Lankman: D is correct. The next question, who-[Monk buzzes in insistently]
Adrian Monk: B-B-B-B-B-B!
Roddy Lankman: "B" is correct, it's Jackson Brown. [Susan collapses on her podium] Susan, are you okay?
Susan: I-I just-it looked so much easier when I was watching at home!
Roddy Lankman: Yes it always looks easier at home. For $6,000- [Susan buzzes in]
Susan: C!
Roddy Lankman: No, C is not right. [Monk buzzes in]
Adrian Monk: A.
Roddy Lankman: 'A' is correct, "the wombat". And the last question for $6,000, what element-[Monk rings in]
Adrian Monk: D.
Roddy Lankman: D is correct. And that's the end of Round 2, a couple of really intelligent gentlemen here. Uh, that means Adrian Monk is the winner of Round Two! Val Birch, you're gonna have to sit this one out this time. [Tanya hands Roddy the first bonus round question] Adrian, you understand what happens in Round two: you answer these five questions correctly, you not only win this game, but you win this great big pot of gold! [gestures to the table display with the treasure chests] You know how we play our game, you have five questions. Let's see how you do. [reads from the first card] Adrian, who was the first president to win a Nobel Peace Prize? [SPOILER: the answer is Theodore Roosevelt]
Adrian Monk: Roddy, I understand I can phone a friend.
Roddy Lankman: [scoffs] You wanna phone a friend on the first question? Well, you're the boss. Tanya, let's bring him the phone! [Tanya grabs a treasure chest with the phone while Roddy addresses his viewers] For those of you just joining us for the first time, Adrian is going to call a friend to see if he can get some help on this very important bonus round question. [Tanya hands Monk the phone] All right, who would you like to call?
Adrian Monk: Well, Roddy, I would like to call him. [points to Val Birch]
Val Birch: Me? You want to call me? I don't think I'm at home! [laughs]
Roddy Lankman: Mr. Monk, what are you doing?
[In the booth, Kevin turns to Dwight]
Kevin Dorfman: Do you know what he's doing? Because I don't know what he's doing.
Adrian Monk: I'm trying to prove that you are guilty of murder, Mr. Lankman, or at the very least, manslaughter. Lizzie Talvo, your personal assistant, discovered that you were cheating on the show. [Monk ignores the gasps of the horrified audience]
Roddy Lankman: Uh, can we go to a commercial break? [Dwight immediately turns to his assistant]
Dwight Ellison: You do and you're fired.

Mr. Monk Takes His Medicine [3.09]

[first lines]
[A biker, Dewey Albert, comes out of a store but finds a uniformed police officer and undercover cop waiting by his motorcycle]
Dewey Albert: Aw, man!
Officer Cooper: Hi Dewey. Did you miss me?
Dewey Albert: [to the undercover cop sitting on the bike] Come on, get off the bike. Arrest me, do whatever you want with me, just don't touch the bike!
Officer Cooper: You skipped out on your assault hearing yesterday; made our Captain very very angry.
Dewey Albert: Well you can tell Stottlemeyer he can kiss my ass.
Undercover Cop: You can tell him yourself. He'll be here any second.
Officer Cooper: Come on, you know the routine, put your hands on the car. [Dewey obeys and Cooper tries to handcuff him]
Dewey Albert: Have you guys got anything better to do?
[A light blue Toyota pulls up to the nearby intersection. Upon seeing the cops, the driver - whose face is kept hidden - pulls a pistol out of the glove compartment and aims it out the passenger's side window]
Dewey Albert: Get off my bike.
Undercover Cop: You know? I think I'll take it for a ride.
Dewey Albert: Don't do that. hey! [he tries to move but Cooper restrains him. Stottlemeyer and Disher pull up in their own car]
Undercover Cop: [ogling the motorcycle] What is this, a vintage Softtail? 80 incher? I've always wanted to ride one of these.
[The driver of the Corolla checks the slide as Stottlemeyer and Disher get out of their car]
Lt. Randall Disher: Hey Coop! This guy giving you any trouble? [A gunshot is heard and a bullet shatters the driver's window on Stottlemeyer's unit. The cops duck behind the patrol cars, shouting to each other as the driver continues to fire at them and speeds away]

Adrian Monk: I'm afraid... of change... and I'm afraid of not changing...

Sharona: I am your nurse! Why didn't you tell me?
Monk: Because I knew you'd bring me down! You're bringing the Monk down, man.

Monk: I am so outta here.

Monk: Hey, you know what they say: wherever the Monk is, it's Mardi Gras.

[Monk shows up at Marlene Highsmith's apartment, where Sharona is waiting]
Sharona Fleming: Is it you?
Adrian Monk: I think so. [touches a lamp]
Sharona Fleming: What happened to "the Monk"?
Adrian Monk: Trudy didn't like him.

[Monk walks up to Randy]
Monk: Hey, toystore!
Randy: What did you just call me?
Monk: Toystore. Your name's Disher, dish. Plate, play-to, play-dough...where do you buy play-dough?
Randy: Toystore?
Monk: That's what I'm talking about.

[Monk and Sharona are speeding through the streets to stop Lester Highsmith]
Adrian Monk: A Stop sign is not a suggestion!!
Sharona Fleming: Yes it is!
[cuts to Lester and his accomplice loading money boxes into the back of their van. After finishing loading the money, Lester pulls out his sidearm Glock and draws it on the hostage guard]
Lester Highsmith: Sorry, Kelly. Nothing personal! [Monk and Sharona come speeding into the industrial park. Lester and his partner look up as the car screeches to a stop]
Adrian Monk: Lester! Drop the gun!
Lester Highsmith: You? [starts to lower his gun, but stops] Is that a water pistol? [The barrel is dripping]
Adrian Monk: No. [pause] Maybe. [Lester starts to raise his gun again. Police cars begin to approach just behind Monk] It's... scalding! It's scalding hot water! Just drop it! [As an unmarked unit screeches to a stop, Stottlemeyer hangs out the door]
Captain Leland Stottlemeyer: Lester, drop it!