User:DaBigLebowski/sandbox/Wra: Unique Creature

Wra: the unique cry of the creature

Wra is the cry of a unique Creature that roams a distinct ecosystem. Wra is also a language as the Creature uses this to communicate with the other lifeforms in its ecosystem. The Wra can be modulated through inflections, lenght of the sound but also intonation. The language of the Creature may seem simple to the untrained ear but the Wra is complex and very flexible. It can communicate anger, correctness, conviction. It can be interrogative, exclamative or even neutral in tone.

Here are some examples of the Wra dialect the creature may employ.

Wrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! (denotes arrival in an area and marking territorry)

Wraaaaa? (denotes a question, usually repeated as the creature is often quite slow in understanding

Wra wra wra (denotes a statement of some sort)

