User:Daanschr/ Historical maps/ Constantinus I (part IV)

Licinius defeated Maximinus Daia in 313, and so only he and Constantine I were left as Roman emperors. In either 314 or 316, war broke out between the two, leading to the Battle of Cibalae and the Battle of Mardia, which were both won by Constantine. Pannonia, Dacia and Macedonia were ceded by Licinius to Constantine.

Constantine was fighting the Visigoths or the Sarmatians in 324 and pursued them into Thrace, which was the territory of Licinius. Licinius didn't accept this breach of the border and fought Constantine. He was defeated in 324 at the Battle of Chrysopolis. Licinius surrendered to Constantine on the promise of keeping his life. Constantine didn't keep his promise and Licinius was hanged in 325. Constantine was now sole ruler of the Roman Empire.

Between 330 and 336, Constantine fought wars against the Goths with the aid of the Sarmatians in the Lower Danube region. The Sarmatians felt insecure because they were losing ground against the Germanic Peoples. In 334, hundred thousands of Sarmatians settled south of the Danube in the Roman Empire. In 336, the Goths had been defeated in such a way, that most of Dacia could be added to the Empire again. In the years afterwards, many Goths on the roman borders became romanized.

In 336, Persia invaded Armenia under prince Narseh and installed a Persian vassal ruler on the Armenian throne. Armenia was suffering from civil wars between christian and animist Armenians. The wars continued and king Khosrov III the Small of Armenia remained in his country as well. The Persian intervention was a breach of the pact of 299, so Constantine prepared for war. However, he got sick, halted the camaign and died in 337. King Shapur II invaded the Roman Empire a few months before Constantine's death.

Preceded by Head of state in Leiden as emperor of the Roman Empire
Succeeded by