Welcome to my User Page. Began this account on 7 June 2024 on a whim. Not much detail to see here, mostly because I don't care. Also I really don't like writing about myself so this user page has been quite the exercise.

General gist of myself Political stuff (I don't plan on editing political articles) Interests, I guess
I was born in 2005. I don't support Scottish independence. I enjoy listening to older music, more specifically 70s Progressive-rock and late-70s to early-90s New Wave and Synth-pop. Occasionally listen to Folk and Country.
I live in the Orkney Islands. I am not a member of any political party. I tend to be reading about programming, music theory, wartime history, phonetics, and a whole load of random pointless topics.
I am male. I vote for the Liberal Democrats as they're the largest unionist party in my area. I spend most of my time either working or doing sweet nothing. Used to be playing strategy games all the time but now I seem to have just grown out of it all.
I essentially only speak English, with some Orcadian Scots words in my vocabulary. I am very much anti-SNP and anti-Scottish Greens. *insert something here later idk*
I am gay. "Woke" and "Anti-Woke" are just as cringe as each other. *insert something here later idk*