User:Dan scott/sandbox/Writings in Architecture - publishing

Step 1: Access points


When you design a room, you have to provide one or more points of access. You can design the most beautiful room, but if you don't include a doorway or some means of getting into the room, when your design is manifested in the real world, your work will remain unseen.

Similarly, if you have written an entirely new page in Wikipedia, your first step is to build access points to that page. You will have seen these elsewhere in Wikipedia: they show up as red links. These are indicators that content is needed, but has not yet been contributed. To create a red link, you add a link to a page that does not yet exist.

So start by finding a relevant entry point to your topic. If you have written about an architect in Sudbury, for example, you could edit the Greater Sudbury page to include a link to the architect. Perhaps you could add a section to the page, under the Economy heading, Architecture that lists the notable firms in Greater Sudbury.

And try to add more than one access point. Perhaps another Wikipedia page already exists that describes a building created by your architecture firm, but that firm hasn't been added as a link. Make your new page accessible there, too!

Step 2: Publish


Once you have created one or more access points to your page, click on the red link and you will be told that the page does not exist. Click Create to start creating the page.

To bring the content from your sandbox to the new page, open a new tab in your browser and open up your sandbox page. Click Edit source and copy the entire content of the page (this works in both the Source Editor and the Visual Editor).

Then open your red link page and paste in the content.

Review the changes to ensure everything looks correct, then click Publish. Add a useful revision comment (something like "Describe the notable architecture firm ABC Sudbury") and submit your edited work!



Remember that you can practice all of these steps (creating red links, and the entire publishing workflow) in your Sandbox!



Add the Accessible Canada Act to the list of national accessibility legislation in the Universal Design page.

Common issues


Ensure your links lead to the correct page.

  • Use the Show preview function to check the links before you actually publish the change.
  • Check for stray punctuation, such as a period or comma, in the link itself.
  • Ensure that none of the links in your newly added text lead to your sandbox. Hover over each link with your mouse to ensure it links to and not