Neighbourhoods are a feature in Los Angeles that allows people to rent a personal neighbourhood for $149 per month, which is counted as 30 days after initial purchase. A person can enter another people's neighbourhood through their invitation or the confirmation, with proper permission. Neighbourhoods can hold up to fifty players, more than the standard neighbourhood's size of twelve players.

Customization and Settings

Players can customize their Neighbourhood through the neighbourhood shop, which can only be accessed by those who have purchased a neighbourhood. There are various shops that can customize a neighbourhood to the people's liking.

Name Change


When a person purchases a neighbourhood, the default name is "[Player]'s Neighbourhood". The neighbourhood Owner can change the name by interacting with the "Change Name" button, and then contact the government which can change the name of the neighbourhood and those who are in it.

Who Can Enter The Neighbourhood


Owners can manage which groups of players can join their neighbourhood. They have three toggles that can be interacted with:

  • "Everyone" (Anyone can visit the host's neighbourhood.)
  • "Friends" (Only their friends can enter.)
  • "No one" (Only the Owner can enter.)

Max People


People who own a neighbourhood can change the neighbourhood size. These neighbourhood sizes can change from one to fifty players, and can be changed at any time. But note that there is not additional plots for people, rather when the person count exceeds 12, people would have to spawn without a plot in the city centre in order to prevent lag in the game.

Banned People


Neighbourhood Owners can ban certain people from joining their Neighbourhood if they believe it is right to do. When a banned person tries to join a neighbourhood they're banned in, a bodyguard standing here will recognize the person from the blacklist.

Note: None of these commands are case-sensitive.

The host of the neighbourhood has a few commands they can use.