“What can I say about this book?” Well it’s been a working project since I was teen, back when I used to pen and write songs, which were often aired on a regional radio station. That was a lifetime ago now and unfortunately it didn’t work out due to many factors, such as being a bit of a dickhead in my younger days so much crime and drama with no schooling since the age of fourteen..

But when reality struck and a black hole appeared from nowhere I did what I had to do in search of that elusive treasure trove but lucky for me I was fully aware of my consciousness and I finally Woke, I became attentive about politics and the way it brainwashes the world.

I’m not going to go into that too much right now though, I’m going to let you find all that out for yourself in this volume of work, all I can say really is that in one incident in 2015 I was sentenced to prison at her majesty’s prison and spent my days inside  Walton then Kennet.

It was definitely an eye opener to life behind bars and how a corrupt system works from within... Not all that bad inside to be honest, if it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t have rekindled my love of words and rhyme which in turn lit the light of the vast world of poetry in my brain.

I found a way to express my younger days to this very moment, hence the title of the book “MOMENTS”. Got a lot of stuff off my chest soon as the pen hit the pad, it gave me a voice, it gave me reason and it gave me a sort of remedy.

So this is my first volume of “MOMENTS” the beginning of the end!

Hope you enjoy the ride... Because life is a rollercoaster, one minute you’re up, the next you’re deep in the abyss trying to dig your way out of the shit with a spoon.