For the CSS code that makes this work see the bottom of this page. When/if you copy that CSS code into your monobook.css you will see different parts of the text below disappear or turn green depending on in which section the text is.

Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.

Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.

Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.

Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.

Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.
Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.
Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible".

Section0green and, sectiongreen.

Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.

First header


Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.

Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.

Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.

Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.

Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.
Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.
Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible".

Section0green and, sectiongreen.

Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.

Second header


And a h3 tag


Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.

Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.

Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.

Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.

Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.
Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.
Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible".

Section0green and, sectiongreen.

Section0hide "visible", sectionhide "visible", and senctionhideall "visible". Section0green and, sectiongreen.

CSS code


When/if you copy this CSS code to your monobook.css you will see different parts of the text above disappear or turn green depending on in which section the text is.

/* David's section based actions styles v0.1 */

/***** Turn different text green depending on section. *****/

/* Turn .section0green on in section 0. */
h3 ~ * .section0green,
h3 ~ * * .section0green,
h3 ~ * * * .section0green,
h3 ~ * * * * .section0green,
h3 ~ * * * * * .section0green,
h3 ~ * * * * * * .section0green,
h3 ~ * * * * * * * .section0green,
h3 ~ * * * * * * * * .section0green
/* And then turn .section0green off again in the other sections */
h2 ~ * .section0green,
h2 ~ * * .section0green,
h2 ~ * * * .section0green,
h2 ~ * * * * .section0green,
h2 ~ * * * * * .section0green,
h2 ~ * * * * * * .section0green,
h2 ~ * * * * * * * .section0green,
h2 ~ * * * * * * * * .section0green
/* Turn .sectiongreen on in the rest of the sections */
h2 ~ * .sectiongreen, 
h2 ~ * * .sectiongreen, 
h2 ~ * * * .sectiongreen, 
h2 ~ * * * * .sectiongreen, 
h2 ~ * * * * * .sectiongreen, 
h2 ~ * * * * * * .sectiongreen, 
h2 ~ * * * * * * * .sectiongreen, 
h2 ~ * * * * * * * * .sectiongreen

/***** Hide different text depending on section. *****/
/* Hide text in section 0. */
h3 ~ * .section0hide,            /* For normal text */
h3 ~ * * .section0hide,          /* For divs */
h3 ~ * * * .section0hide,        /* For divs in divs */
h3 ~ * * * * .section0hide,      /* For tables */
h3 ~ * * * * * .section0hide,    /* For tables in divs */
h3 ~ * * * * * * .section0hide,  /* ForĀ ? */
h3 ~ * * * * * * * .section0hide, /* ForĀ ? */
h3 ~ * * * * * * * * .section0hide /* For tables in tables */
/* And then show text again in the other sections */
h2 ~ * .section0hide, 
h2 ~ * * .section0hide, 
h2 ~ * * * .section0hide, 
h2 ~ * * * * .section0hide, 
h2 ~ * * * * * .section0hide, 
h2 ~ * * * * * * .section0hide, 
h2 ~ * * * * * * * .section0hide, 
h2 ~ * * * * * * * * .section0hide
/* Hide text in other sections. */
h2 ~ * .sectionhide, 
h2 ~ * * .sectionhide, 
h2 ~ * * * .sectionhide, 
h2 ~ * * * * .sectionhide, 
h2 ~ * * * * * .sectionhide, 
h2 ~ * * * * * * .sectionhide, 
h2 ~ * * * * * * * .sectionhide, 
h2 ~ * * * * * * * * .sectionhide
/* Hide text everywhere. But only if the browser is compatible. */
h3 ~ * .sectionhideall, 
h3 ~ * * .sectionhideall, 
h3 ~ * * * .sectionhideall, 
h3 ~ * * * * .sectionhideall, 
h3 ~ * * * * * .sectionhideall, 
h3 ~ * * * * * * .sectionhideall, 
h3 ~ * * * * * * * .sectionhideall, 
h3 ~ * * * * * * * * .sectionhideall

Idea by David. Solution suggested by Ais523 was: #bodyContent h2 ~ * { } Then reworked and extended by David.