General references



  • Moore:

<ref name="Moore"> {{cite book | surname = Moore | name = K.L. | authorlink = | coauthors = A.F. Dalley | editorial = De Boeck & Larcier S.A. (trad. française) | editor = | others = | title = Anatomie médicale. Aspects fondamentaux et applications cliniques. | edition = 2eme | date = | year = 2007| month = | location = Bruxelles| id = ISBN 978-2-8041-5309-0 | isbn = | pages = | chapter = | URLchapter = | citation = }} </ref>

Cell and molecular biology

  • Alberts:

<ref name="Alberts">{{cite book | author = Alberts ''et al'' | title = Biología molecular de la célula | year = 2004 | publication = Barcelona: Omega | id = ISBN 54-282-1351-8 }}</ref>

  • Lodish:

<ref name="Lodish">{{ref-libro | author = Lodish ''et al.''| title = Biología celular y molecular| year = 2005| publication = Buenos Aires: Médica Panamericana| id = ISBN 950-06-1974-3}}</ref>

  • Maniatis:

<ref name="Maniatis">{{cite book | author=Joseph Sambrook and David W. Russel|year=2001|title=Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual|edition = 3rd ed.|publisher = Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press|location = Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.|id = ISBN 0-87969-576-5}}</ref>


  • Gelehrter:

<ref name="Gelehrter"> {{cite book | surname = Gelehrter | name = T.| authorlink = | coauthors = et al. | editorial = Williams et Wilkins| editor = | others = | title = Principles of Medical Genetics| edition = 2nd | date = | year = 1998| month = | location = Baltimore| id =ISBN 0683034456 | isbn = | pages = | chapter = | URLchapter = | citation = }} </ref>

  • Thompson:

<ref name="Thompson"> {{cite book | surname = Nussbaum | name = R.L.| authorlink = | coauthors = R. R. McInnes, H. F. Wilard. | editorial = Saunders| editor = | others = | title = Thompson & Thompson Genetics in medicine.| edition = 7th | date = | year = 2007| month = | location = | id = | isbn = 9781416030805| pages = | chapter = | URLchapter = | citation = }} </ref>


  • Kierszenbaum:

<ref name="Kierszenbaum"> {{cite book | surname = Kierszenbaum | name = A.L.| authorlink = | coauthors = | editorial = Mosby Inc.| editor = | others = | title = Histology and cell biology: an introduction to pathology | edition = 2nd | date = | year = 2007| month = | location = | id = | isbn = 0-3230-4527-8 | pages = | chapter = | URLchapter = | citation = }} </ref>

  • Ross:

<ref name="Ross"> {{cite book | surname = Ross | name = L.H. | authorlink = | coauthors = et al. | editorial = Williams & Wilkins| editor = | others = | title = Histology: a text and atlas| edition = 5th | date = | year = 2006| month = | location = Baltimore | id = | isbn = 0-7817-7221-4 | pages = | chapter = | URLchapter = | citation = }} </ref>


  • Abbas:

<ref name="ABBAS"> {{cite book | surname =Abbas | name = A.B. | authorlink = | coauthors = Lichtman A.H. | editorial = Saunders (Elsevier) | editor = | others = | title = Basic Immunology. Functions and disorders of the immune system | edition = 3rd | date = | year = 2009| month = | location = | id = | isbn = 978-1-4160-4688-2 | pages = | chapter = Ch.2 Innate Immunity | URLchapter = | citation = }} </ref>


  • Robbins & Cotran:

<ref name="Robbins"> {{cite book | surname = Kumar, MBBS, MD, FRCPath | name = V.| authorlink = | coauthors = Abul K. Abbas, MBBS, Nelson Fausto, MD and Jon Aster, MD| editorial = | editor = Saunders (Elsevier) | others = | title = Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease| edition = 8th| date = | year = 2009| month = | location = | id = | isbn = 978-1-4160-3121-5| pages = | chapter = | URLchapter = | citation = }} </ref>


  • Katzung:

<ref name="Katzung"> {{cite book | surname = Katzung | name = B.G. | authorlink = | coauthors = et al. | editorial = The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. | editor = | others = | title = Basic & Clinical Pharmacology | edition = 11th | date = | year = 2009| month = | location = | id = ISBN 978-0-07-160405-5 | isbn = | pages = | chapter = | URLchapter = | citation = }} </ref>


  • Jackson:

<ref name="Jackson"> {{cite book | surname = Jackson | name = B.A. | authorlink = | coauthors = C.E. Ott | editorial = Fence Creek Editors | editor = | others = | title = Renal system. Integrated medical science. | edition = | date = | year = 1999 | month = | location = | id = ISBN 9781889325316 | isbn = | pages = | chapter = | URLchapter = | citation = }} </ref>

  • Klabunde:

<ref name="Klabunde"> {{cite book | surname = Klabunde | name = R.E. | authorlink = | coauthors = | editorial = Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | editor = | others = | title = Cardiovascular physiology concepts | edition = | date = | year = 2005| month = | location = | id = ISBN 0-7817-5030-X | isbn = | pages = | chapter = | URLchapter = | citation = }} </ref>

  • Leff:

<ref name="Leff"> {{cite book | surname = Leff | name = A.R. | authorlink = | coauthors = P.T. Schumacker | editorial = W.B. Saunders Co | editor = | others = | title = Respiratory physiology: basics and applications | edition = | date = | year = 1993| month = | location = | id = ISBN 0721639526 | isbn = | pages = | chapter = | URLchapter = | citation = }} </ref>

  • West:

<ref name="West"> {{cite book | surname = West | name = J.B. | authorlink = | coauthors = | editorial = Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | editor = | others = | title = Respiratory physiology: the essentials | edition = | date = | year = 2008| month = | location = | id = ISBN 0-7817-7206-0 | isbn = | pages = | chapter = | URLchapter = | citation = }} </ref>


  • Acheson:

<ref name="Acheson"> {{cite book | surname =Acheson | name = Nicholas H. | authorlink = | coauthors = | editorial = John Wiley & Sons Inc | editor = | others = | title = Fundamentals of Molecular Virology | edition = 1st | date = | year = 2007| month = | location = | id = | isbn = 0-471-35151-2| pages = | chapter = | URLchapter = | citation = }} </ref>

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