User:Dcary/SampleRcvResults/Oakland Mayor 2014



This page provides illustrates some improved ways of reporting ranked choice voting results, using the November, 2014 contest for Oakland Mayor as an example. This sample offers some improvements by:

  • Giving a summary of votes in terms of the maximum votes counted for each candidate, which recognizes all transfers to the candidate, rather than just first-choice or first round votes.
  • Providing a graphical representation of key vote count components for quicker and more intuitive understanding of the overall contest, integrated with supporting text quantities.
  • Providing an uncluttered table of round-by-round vote counts with candidates ordered by descending maximum votes.

The numbers used in this sample are based on the results published by the Alameda County Registrar's office at the end of the business day, November 9, 2014.

Oakland mayor 2014 election results


The following table shows a summary of the instant runoff for the election. The table shows the round in which each candidate was defeated or elected the winner, the votes for the candidate in that round, and what share those votes were of all votes counting for any candidate in that round. There is also a bar graph showing those votes for each candidate and categorized as either first-round votes or votes that were transferred from another candidate.

Oakland mayoral election, 2014[1] Preliminary results as of November 9, 2014
Party Candidate Maximum
Share in
Maximum votes
First round votesTransfer votes

non-partisan Libby Schaaf 14 39,973 50.88%
non-partisan Rebecca Kaplan 14 20,446 26.03%
non-partisan Jean Quan (incumbent) 14 18,143 23.09%
non-partisan Joe Tuman 13 15,051 17.93%
non-partisan Dan Siegel 12 13,574 15.50%
non-partisan Bryan Parker 11 7,528 8.42%
non-partisan Courtney Ruby 10 3,067 3.41%
non-partisan Jason Anderson 9 1,488 1.65%
non-partisan Charles R. Williams 8 1,000 1.11%
non-partisan Ken Houston 7 500 0.55%
non-partisan Peter Liu 6 445 0.49%
non-partisan Eric Wilson 5 344 0.38%
non-partisan Pat Mccullough 4 325 0.36%
non-partisan Nancy Sidebotham 3 233 0.26%
non-partisan Saied Karamooz 2 228 0.25%
non-partisan Write-In 1 0 0.00%
Oakland mayoral election, 2014[2]
First Round Ballot Summary
Count Share of
Continuing Votes 90,913 97.88%
Over Votes 511 0.55%
Under Votes 1,456 1.57%
Contest Ballots 92,880 100.00%
Registered Voters 999,999
Contest Turnout 9.29%

Vote counts by round


The following table shows how votes were counted[3] in a series of rounds of instant runoffs. Each voter could mark which candidates were the voter's first, second, and third choice. Each voter had one vote, but could mark three choices for how that vote can be counted. In each round, the vote is counted for the most preferred candidate that has not yet been eliminated. After votes are tallied for a round, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated. Votes that counted for the eliminated candidate are transferred to the voter's next most preferred candidate that has not yet been eliminated.

Candidate Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Round 7 Round 8 Round 9 Round 10 Round 11 Round 12 Round 13 Round 14
Libby Schaaf 27,479 27,479 27,501 27,521 27,541 27,552 27,586 27,619 27,659 27,751 28,627 30,308 33,148 39,973
Rebecca Kaplan 12,937 12,937 12,956 12,991 13,030 13,081 13,111 13,209 13,346 13,510 13,789 14,928 18,636 20,446
Jean Quan 14,062 14,062 14,077 14,089 14,114 14,136 14,206 14,238 14,323 14,389 14,565 15,193 17,130 18,143
Joe Tuman 11,207 11,207 11,222 11,236 11,262 11,285 11,321 11,357 11,410 11,455 12,200 13,583 15,051
Dan Siegel 11,258 11,258 11,307 11,320 11,343 11,401 11,441 11,489 11,653 12,490 12,728 13,574
Bryan Parker 6,999 6,999 7,007 7,025 7,053 7,066 7,103 7,157 7,229 7,273 7,528
Courtney Ruby 2,850 2,850 2,863 2,892 2,914 2,931 2,969 2,984 3,029 3,067
Jason Anderson 1,339 1,339 1,360 1,363 1,383 1,396 1,399 1,418 1,488
Charles R. Williams 887 887 890 897 922 957 977 1,000
Ken Houston 426 426 430 442 460 477 500
Peter Liu 392 392 403 411 427 445
Eric Wilson 312 312 318 332 344
Pat Mccullough 308 308 317 325
Nancy Sidebotham 229 229 233
Saied Karamooz 228 228
Write-In 0
Continuing Votes 90,913 90,913 90,884 90,844 90,793 90,727 90,613 90,471 90,137 89,935 89,437 87,586 83,965 78,562
Exhausted Votes 0 0 29 69 120 182 296 438 766 968 1,460 3,290 6,885 12,255
Overvotes 511 511 511 511 511 515 515 515 521 521 527 548 574 607
Undervotes 1,456 1,456 1,456 1,456 1,456 1,456 1,456 1,456 1,456 1,456 1,456 1,456 1,456 1,456
Total 92,880 92,880 92,880 92,880 92,880 92,880 92,880 92,880 92,880 92,880 92,880 92,880 92,880 92,880

Continuing votes are votes that counted for a candidate in that round. Exhausted votes represent votes that could not be transferred because a less preferred candidate was not marked on the ballot. Voters were allowed to mark only three choices because of voting system limitations. Overvotes are votes that could not be counted for a candidate because more than one candidate was marked for a choice that was ready to be counted. Undervotes are ballots that were left blank or that only marked a choice for a write-in candidate that had not qualified as a write-in candidate.

