User:Dchoy/Adrienne Ida G. Ruben

Senator Ida G. Ruben’s record of achievement spans 31 years in elective office since 2006.

Member of Senate since January 1987. President Pro Tem, 2000-. Member, Budget and Taxation Committee, 1987- (vice-chair, 1997-99; vice-chair, capital budget subcommittee, 2003-, member, 1996-; public safety, transportation & environment subcommittee, 2000-; chair, public safety, transportation, economic development, & natural resources subcommittee, 1995-99). Member, Executive Nominations Committee, 1991-; Legislative Policy Committee, 1991-; Joint Protocol Committee, 1991-; Spending Affordability Committee, 1995-. Co-Chair, Senate Committee on Redistricting, 2001-02.

Member, Special Joint Committee on Economic Development Strategy, 1989 (chair, services advisory subcommittee); Joint Committee on Education Funding, 1990; Joint Audit Committee, (formerly Joint Budget and Audit Committee), 1991-2003; Joint Legislative Work Group on Community College Financing, 1994-95; Joint Committee on State Economic Development Initiatives, 1995; Special Joint Task Force on Transportation, 1995. Majority Whip, 1995-99. Member, Joint Committee on the Selection of the State Treasurer, 1996, 2002, 2003. Chair, Montgomery County Senate Delegation, 1989-.

Member, Women Legislators of Maryland, 1975- (president, 1982-84); Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2005-. Convention chair, National Order of Women Legislators, 1980. Member, Assembly on the Legislatures, National Conference of State Legislatures (transportation committee, 2003-); Southern Legislative Conference of Council of State Governments (economic development, transportation & cultural affairs committee, 1997-).

Member, House of Delegates, 1975-87, representing District 20 (Montgomery County). Member, Economic Matters Committee, 1975-82; Ways and Means Committee, 1982-86. Chair, Montgomery County Delegation, 1981-87 (vice-chair, 1978-81).

Member, Ad Hoc Committee to Study Status of Women, Montgomery County. Member, Committee on Suggested State Legislation and Task Force on Growth and Transportation, Council of State Governments; Child Support Enforcement Advisory Council, 1983-86; Governor's Motor Carrier Task Force for Safety and Uniformity, 1989; Sound Barrier Review Panel, 1995-96; Commission on the Future of Maryland Courts, 1995-97;

Task Force to Study the Effects of Cult Activities on Public Senior Higher Education Institutions, 1999; Study Panel to Review Economic Development Financing Programs, 1999; Commission on Transportation Investment, 1999; Statewide 800-MHz Communications System Oversight Committee, 1999; Transit Policy Panel, 2000; Special Task Force for Transit-Oriented Development, 2000-2001; Virginia-Maryland-District of Columbia Joint Legislative Commission on Interstate Transportation, 2000-; Maryland State Arts Council, 2002-.

Born and attended public schools in Washington, DC. Past president, international board member, treasurer, vice-president, B'nai B'rith Women. Past commissioner, National Anti-Defamation League (national advisory committee). Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 1992, 1996, 2000. Board of Directors, Hebrew Home of Greater Washington, 1986-. Board of Trustees, Adventist Health Care Mid-Atlantic, 1986-. Member, Washington Adventist Hospital Foundation, 1986-. Board member, CHI Centers, 1986-.

Married; four sons; six grandchildren.