Deer Mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) (9310532204)

This is a User:page/subpage about a Wikipedian named Deermouse. This page will help me grow if you share your talents with mine, please comment upon the topic/area section pertaining to what you wish to share with User:Deermouse.

Native American cultures gave me a name. It is my nature name. It well describes my character. The universe is my realm. I dwell in the land of the living. The winged-ones are my counselors. I am gifted with story-telling, collecting information, and organizing plunder and so many other things.

Like the deer mouse, I am an Autodidact, learning things as I move about. My early research habits began with two sets of encyclopedias. The need to know everything about any particular subject matter became inherent. Now I find myself editing, as I learn about new things around me.

Considerations for the user page of Deermouse


Given time to ponder this wondrous world of Wikipedia, it becomes clear that editing is more than spelling and grammar checks. Deermouse is trying to figure out which document would be the most beneficial to learn everything all at once. There are very many bytes to digest. "One page leads to another, an interest leads to distraction of purpose, things start to pile up, then one day never comes to finish it all." Which brings the user page to mind. What a wonderful place to stack it all up. (NOT)!

Front page exposure of Deermouse the Wikipedia editor, will reveal my innermost desire to edit and that being reflected in the area which pertains to making the proper edit, with the proper documentation resource, and while allowing visitors to see directly where their talents could help my talents. Facilitating these goals is the User:Deermouse/Storehouse|storehouse where a deer mouse may have anything at its ready beckoning. (Under construction).