ASThis user has Asperger syndrome.

I've been on Happy Tree Friends a lot. I liked the character Flaky so much that I made her my favorite character. Unfortunately people started making fun of her for being afraid of everything, but who wouldn't after dying every two minutes. So I tried to defend her and they verbally attacked me. I asked them to stop and I was IP banned. I now have my own forum as eaglewing and I'm still obsessed. I make sprite animations too. I hope to make sprites for the HTF characters. I like to exaggerate things quite a lot, and have been nearly killed multiple times, as well as having a hacker who follows me around with the sole purpose of hacking me. Even if he has to destroy entire websites to get my password, he will. Oh and if anyone edits this. I'll know and edit it right back.

I get really annoyed whenever someone confuses asperger's syndrome with retardation because not only do i have it, but because of the confusion i thought i was retarded my first few years of life. I also hate confusions between furries and yiffs.

I write my own fan series branching off of Happy Tree Friends and I consider the new official episodes dead to me.

Dead to Me List

  • New Happy Tree Friends Episodes
  • Ski Ya
  • Encyclopedia Dramatica (flaky is a ******* girl!)
  • Everyone I have ever known. No one will ever love me.