
1980             born in Ljubljana, Slovenia as a male of Slovene nationality (caucasian)
1994-1997attended Diocesan Classical Grammar School in Ljubljana
1997-....member of Mensa
1997-1999after completing first year (while working), dropped out of Physics at University of Ljubljana
1998-2000worked at Slovenian software developer ZASLON (now part of Hermes Softlab) as Public Key Infrastructure and general computer security consultant on e-banking developed for major Slovenian banks
2000-2002created a C++ X.509 certificate toolkit called Certify (now abandoned)
2000-2003worked on various projects as software developer specializing in cryptography
2001-....cofounder of and lead developer at Bitvise, a small company whose main products are WinSSHD and Tunnelier, a SSH server and client for Windows
2005-2006secretary of Mensa Slovenia

I speak C++, English and Slovenian - roughly in that order. I also have basic knowledge of German, rudimentary Italian and a teeny bit of Latin from high school.



Politically an economic and social liberal, informed by libertarian thought.

Religiously agnostic and critical of religious dogma and doctrine; dogma being destructive and dysfunctional traditionalist beliefs. doctrine being the spreading and reinforcement of those beliefs.

Intellectually inquisitive and a pursuer of constructive, positive as well as rational thought.

Sexually open-minded and a believer in that posessiveness and jealousy are the root of much evil. Espousing polyamorous views. Recommend the book Ethical slut.

Random Thought


As an entrepreneur and an economic subject, I believe that exchanges are not a zero-sum game. A successful exchange should produce added value for each party larger than the compensation being exchanged. Thus, negotiation is harmful in situations when the difference being negotiated is already dwarfed by the added value the party expects to extract.
