Hi, nice to meet you.
My name is [REDACTED] but you can call me Ditzy.
I'm just a very curious creature that gets unreasonably invested in Wikipedia pages about random things, especially if things seem vaguely epistemologically fishy. I'm not so good at having detailed knowledge of specific fields, but sometimes I can tell the source listed for some things is clearly misrepresented or the way things are worded is heavily misleading. I can't just leave it be despite not being fluent in the topic of discussion, so if my edits seem amateurish, I beg anybody with better knowledge of the topic to fix them and save me from public humiliation (though please do consider what issue I had with the version I edited, I do try to put in a lot of effort into making sure I'm not just ignorant in my criticism)
I love it here, thanks everybody for the hard work