Deejay Royal D is a young talented man with the aim of promoting music and art in africa at large.Goes by the real(official) names, Derrick Kirimi Gituma. The love for music and deejaying started quite at a tender age age which is around 13 years.At that particular time people,to be specific kenya which was the environment did not take deejaying as a career.instead,it was sort of leisure or can i say a hustle for the illiterate.Today,Deejaying is one of the most paying career.personaly my goal is to revive and improve the Kenyan and the african music(art).i started deejaying back in 2012.At that time i was those already in te industry show me how its done.Getting someone to intoduce me was not a simple task.But with the passion,i kept trying a thousand and one times.Currently am based in Nairobi,Kenya.i am the founder and the Executive Director of BIG FORCE ENTERTAINMENT.I do various sorts of events.Weddings,Birthday parties,Private and public corporate events,Night clubs and all sorts if events.For more information click here .I am also a founder of a non profitable initiative,well known in goes by the name MARSHALL FOUNDATION KENYA. INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK TWITTER .I am a tutor at BIG FORCE DJ ACADEMY.I hire pubblic address for events too.For booking,contact me via my email([email protected]),FACEBOOK ,INSTAGRAM ,TWITTER or my WEBSITE my mobile numbers also are in my all social medias.Don't forget to follow and like too.Watch my video mixes onYOUTUBEdont forget to also can watch onVIMEO bless. WWW.DEEJAYROYALD.COM