Dr. Jean-Marc Perelmuter



Doc P in an episode of SPACEGEEK

Dr. J.-M. Perelmuter most recently taught physics at the University of Victoria, British Columbia and published The Sinusoidal Spaghetti a science novel. The storyline revolves around Meni mendel, an astronomer with Tourette syndrome who claims to discover an intelligent message in the radio signal of a pulsar, and his psychiatrist who doesn't believe one ounce of it.
Dr. Perelmuter has done research in cosmology and astrophysics, publishing on topics such as the expansion of the Universe and the formation of galaxies.
Some articles are:
- on cosmology I
- on cosmology II
- on cosmology III
- on astrophysics I
- on astrophysics II

As a post-doc he worked at the Universite de Montreal, in Quebec, where he discovered the progenitor star that exploded into supernova SN1993J.
He received his B.A. in Physics and Mathematics from Beloit College and went on to receive his Ph.D. in astrophysics from the Johns Hopkins University.
Doc P lives in Victoria, Canda, where he is developping video content and working on a book on the relationship between science and religion.
He produces an online video show on space & society, SPACEGEEK; the clips are 2 min to 8 min short, fast paced, filled with special effects and entertaining.
Spacegeek is published on iTunes and gets an average 60,000 hits per month.
You can watch Doc P explain a few things about himself in a Video.

He can be reached through his Contact Page