Dr.A.W.Richard also known as the First Son Of Mercy is a Nigerian trained medical doctor who was born on 5th May 1995. Full name:Akpa Walter Richard Onuabuchi Onyeagoziri.


Richard was born in Uburu,a community in Ohaozara L.G.A of Ebonyi State, Nigeria to the family of Mr.Walter N.Akpa and Evelyn Walter. For the love he has for his Igbo heritage, Richard became one of the few Igbo's whom on March 2013 decided to have an igbo name "Onyeagoziri" as a baptismal name meaning "The blessed one" in addition to his Igbo name "Onuabuchi" meaning "Mouth is not God".After the death of his mother on 15th October 1998,Richard lived with his father;Mr.Walter N.Akpa, elder sister;Nnenna Walter and grandmother;Margret Njoba Akpa in the village at Umunaga Egugwu Uburu in Ohaozara L.G.A of Ebonyi.


On August 27,2021,few days after passing his final professional exam,he wrote on his Facebook page "As a child who grew up in the village,I was sick most of the times and each time I get sick, one of the 2 nurses will be called and she will give me an injection.You know nurses likes giving people injection.The pain was much on me and I consoled myself by telling myself that oneday I will be like them and I will give other children injections and they will cry just like I cried. My quest for retaliation was met with actions, so I started asking questions about this folks that wear white to my house,gave me injections and behaved as if nothing happened, they said they are nurses,I asked if I can be like them and I was erroneously told that nursing is for women while doctor is for men.The truth is that whenever God wants to do anything in the life of anyone,he will motivate the person with anything,even with what may appear to be foolish in our own eyes. In my case,the quest to retaliate what those two nurses did to me was God's own way of motivating me and though I'm now in the place I dreamt of,over 20 years ago but for the maturity and understanding that comes with age,I've come to understand God's purpose for my life in a better way,being grateful to GodAlmighty;the God Of Mercy who used the 2 nurses to motivate me and my teachers and family to shape my destiny into what he planned before time began.Certainly,doctors have emerged before me and more doctors will emerge after me but this is my story,the story of the first Son Of Mercy".


He started his early education in Ikenegwu Nursery and Primary School in Umunaga Uburu from primary one to three and later proceeded to Presbyterian Joint Hospital International Nursery and Primary school where he repeated primary three and stayed in the school till primary 5 when he joined his senior's to sit for the common entrance examination which he passed.

In 2011,Richard obtained his WASSCE result and proceeded to Doyen Academy Enugu where he sat for Cambridge A Level examination and passed.

In 2012,He was admitted into the Ebonyi State University to study Applied Microbiology and because of his dream to be a medical doctor,he wrote jamb for the third time in 2013 and got admission into Medicine and Surgery.

After 8 years in medical school,he graduated on August 2021 without repeating a class though he was always at the verge of repeating almost every class but end up passing every resit examination he wrote, such that One of his friends and a colleague referred to him as "The Resit Lord", saying that it was impossible for medical students in his set to write resit and he won't be among them but Richard being a very unique person;one not deterred by what people says will always remind everyone, that he is the first Son Of Mercy and God was simply telling everyone that he doesn't want him to depend on his own strength and that no matter how academically weak he may appear,that he;God will see him through.


Richard believes he was called to be a pediatrician and would pursue his dream in pediatrics. He loves talking about politics and admiring beauty and nature. His favorite mantra is "God is not a man".