Sorry my page looks blah. I'm not very experienced with the different Wikipedia commands yet.



I'm Dr. P., but you may call me Matt. I'm a 16-year-old male currently living in a backwater Tennessee town. I'm nearly positive I suffer from Obsessive-compulsive disorder. I'm very laid back, but I would still advise you not to get on my bad side. You never know what I might do. ;)

Also, I'm very fond of using many different fonts colors, so don't be surprised if you see my signature showing up in about 10,000 different colors.

Origins of Dr.P.


Well, you see I am part of the NSider forum where I coined the screenname PICHUMASTER.

About six or so months ago I was speaking with a friend about a problem he was having. After a bit, he thanked me and told me I had helped him with his dilemma. On the spur of the moment, I decided to tell him I was like a tennage Dr. Phil. He PMed (personal messaged) me a few moments later and told me I should try and combine the two (my screenname and Dr. Phil) into one name. I quickly decided I should call myself Dr.P. And the rest, as they say, is history.