Dr. Menjo is a Cartoon Character, created by Cameroonian entertainer, writer and social activist F. Menjo (K.Lloyd).

His persona, Cartoon character is aimed to educate, sensitive and in some way act as an activist to the socio-economic and political issues facing his society.

He uses a style of comedy to teach and educate with a high level of witty words and a positive, pragmatic and equivocal use of satirical criticism.

His appreciations ( - & +) are never intended to hurt but correct and will never intentionally hurt, downplay , whitewash or disregard any individual(s), group(s) , act or ideolog(ies)y

His ideas gamuts or ranges from advocating gender equality, human rights and rights of the LGBTQ , volunteering on humanitarian activities and social education which have a big sloop in the Cameroonian society ..

Some of these may be against his personal norms such but as a purpose goal- oriented animation, it's not about him but about the society.