User:Dschwen/Timeline of History of the Ottoman Empire

Dissolution of the Ottoman EmpireDecline of the Ottoman EmpireStagnation of the Ottoman EmpireGrowth of the Ottoman EmpireRise of the Ottoman EmpireEarly Stage of the Ottoman EmpireFrench RevolutionNorthern RenaissanceModern EuropeEarly Modern EuropeMiddle AgesMurad VMustafa IVMustafa IIIMustafa IIIbrahim ISelim IMehmed IIBeyazid IMehmed VIAbd-ul-AzizSelim IIIOsman IIIAhmed IIMurad IVAhmed ISelim IIMurad IIMurad IMehmed VAbd-ul-Mejid IAbd-ul-Hamid IMahmud ISuleiman IIMustafa IMurad IIIBeyazid IIMurad IIOrhan IAbd-ul-Hamid IIMahmud IIAhmed IIIMehmed IVOsman IIMustafa ISuleiman the MagnificentMehmed IIMehmed IOsman II Constitutional Era in the Ottoman EmpireII Constitutional Era in the Ottoman EmpireHistory of Ottoman EgyptTanzimatGreek War of IndependenceRussian Expansionism and Ottoman EmpireOttoman Military Reform EffortsRise of Nationalism under the Ottoman EmpireTulip Era in the Ottoman EmpireBattle of ViennaGreat Turkish WarBattle of ChaldiranFall of ConstantinopleSiege of SalonikaBattle of AnkaraBattle of KossovoOttoman Dynasty