User:Dsmdgold/Manuscript References

Manuscript References

  • *Alexander,J. J. G. ''Insular manuscripts, 6th to the 9th century''. Survey of manuscripts illuminated in the British Isles; v. 1 London : H. Miller, 1978.
  • *Bologna, Giulia. ''Illuminated Manuscripts: The Book before Gutenberg''. New York: Crescent Books, 1995.
  • *Calkins, Robert G. ''Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages''. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1983.
  • *Crinelli, Lorenzo. ''Treasures from Italy's Great Libraries''. New York, The Vendome Press, 1997.
  • *De Hamel, Christopher. ''A History of Illuminated Manuscripts''. Boston: David R. Godine, 1986.
  • *Meehan, Bernard; ''The Book of Kells: an illustrated introduction to the manuscript in Trinity College Dublin''. London: Thames and Hudson, 1994.
  • *Weitzmann, Kurt. ''Late Antique and Early Christin Book Illumination''. New York: George Braziller, 1977.
  • *Williams, John. ''The Illustrated Beatus: A Corpus of the Illustrations of the Commentary on the Apocalypse'', Volume 1, ''Introduction''. London: Harvey Miller Publishers, 1994.
  • *Williams, John, ''Early Spanish Manuscript Illumination'' (New York: 1977).
  • *Wilson, David M. '' Anglo-Saxon art : from the seventh century to the Norman conquest''. Woodstock, N.Y. : Overlook Press, 1984.

Big Bibliography



  • Addison, Julia de Wolf Gibbs: Arts and crafts in the Middle Ages; a description of mediaeval workmanship in several of the departments of applied art, together with some account of special artisans in the early renaissance
  • Alexander, J. J. G.: The decorated letter
  • Alexander, J. J. G.: Medieval illuminators and their methods of work
  • Backhouse, Janet: The illuminated manuscript
  • Berenson, Bernard: Studies in medieval painting
  • Bland, David: A history of book illustration: the illuminated manuscript and the printed book.
  • Bologna, Giulia. Illuminated Manuscripts: The Book before Gutenberg. New York: Crescent Books, 1995.
  • Bradley, John William: A dictionary of miniaturists, illuminators, calligraphers, and copyists, with references to their works, and notices of their patrons, from the establishment of Christianity to the eighteenth century.
  • Brown, Michelle: Understanding illuminated manuscripts: a guide to technical terms
  • Calkins, Robert G. Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1983.
  • Camille, Michael.: Image on the edge: the margins of medieval art
  • D'Ancona, Paolo.; Aeschlimann, E.: The art of illumination: an anthology of manuscripts from the sixth to the sixteenth century
  • De Hamel, Christopher. A History of Illuminated Manuscripts. Boston: David R. Godine, 1986.
  • De Hamel, Christopher: Scribes and illuminators
  • Diringer, David: The illuminated book: its history and production
  • Formaggio, Dino.; Basso, Carlo: A book of miniatures
  • Gutmann, Joseph: The Temple of Solomon: archaeological fact and medieval tradition in Christian, Islamic, and Jewish art
  • Herbert, J. A. Illuminated manuscripts. London: Methuen, 1911.
  • Johnston, Edward: Writing & illuminating, & lettering
  • Kendrick, Laura: Animating the letter: the figurative embodiment of writing from late antiquity to the Renaissance
  • Lejard, André: The Art of the French book from early manuscripts to the present time
  • Loomis, Roger Sherman; Loomis, Laura Alandis Hibbard: Arthurian legends in medieval art
  • MacKinney, Loren Carey: Medical illustrations in medieval manuscripts
  • Mitchell, Sabrina: Medieval manuscript painting
  • Moé, Emile-A. van. The decorated letter from the VIIIth to the XIIth century
  • Myers, Robin.; Harris, Michael: A millennium of the book: production, design & illustration in manuscript & print, 900-1900
  • Nordenfalk, Carl. Color of the Middle ages A Survey of Book Illumination Based on Color Facsimiles of Medieval Manuscripts. Pittsburg: University Art Gallery, 1976.
  • Olson, Mary C.: Fair and varied forms: visual textuality in medieval illuminated manuscripts
  • Pächt, Otto: Book illumination in the Middle Ages: an introduction
  • Palladino, Pia: Treasures of a lost art : Italian manuscript painting of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
  • Porcher, Jean: Medieval French miniatures
  • Randall, Lilian M. C.: Images in the margins of Gothic manuscripts
  • Randall, Lilian M. C.; Oliver, Judith: Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the Walters Art Museum
  • Robb, David M: The art of the illuminated manuscript. Cranbury, NJ: A. S. Barnes, 1973.
  • Ross, Leslie: Text, image, message: saints in medieval manuscript illustrations
  • Valentine, Lucia N.: Ornament in medieval manuscripts; a glossary
  • Watson, Rowan: Illuminated manuscripts and their makers
  • Whitley, Kathleen P.: The gilded page: the history and technique of manuscript gilding
  • Wieck, Roger S.: Painted prayers: the book of hours in medieval and Renaissance art
  • Wieck, Roger S.: Time sanctified: the Book of hours in medieval art and life
  • Williams, John: Imaging the early medieval Bible
  • Wilson, Elizabeth B.: Bibles and bestiaries: a guide to illuminated manuscripts
  • Wormald, Francis.; Alexander, J. J. G.; Brown, T. Julian, and others: Collected writings


  • Backhouse, Janet: The illuminated page: ten centuries of manuscript painting in the British Library
  • Crinelli, Lorenzo. Treasures from Italy's Great Libraries. New York, The Vendome Press, 1997.
  • Delaissé, L. M. J.: Medieval miniatures from the Department of Manuscripts (formerly the "Library of Burgundy") the Royal Library of Belgium
  • Hassall, A. G.; Hassall, W. O.: Treasures from the Bodleian Library
  • Kren, Thomas: Masterpieces of the J. Paul Getty Museum. Illuminated manuscripts
  • Miner, Dorothy Eugenia: Illuminated books of the Middle Ages and Renaissance: an exhibition held at the Baltimore Museum of Art, January 27-March 13
  • Pächt, Otto; Alexander, J. J. G.: Illuminated manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford
  • Rosati, Tony.:Vision of a collector: the Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection in the Library of Congress
  • Rothe, Edith: Mediaeval book illumination in Europe; the collections of the German Democratic Republic
  • Tanis, James; Jennifer A Thompson: Leaves of gold: manuscript illumination from Philadelphia collections
  • Unterkircher, Franz: A treasury of illuminated manuscripts; a selection of miniatures from manuscripts in the Austrian National Library


  • Boyle, Leonard E.: Medieval Latin palaeography: a bibliographical introduction
  • John, James. "Latin Paleography" in Medieval Studies, ed. J. M. Powell, pp 1-68. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1976.
  • Lovett, Patricia: Calligraphy & illumination: a history and practical guide
  • Lowe, E. A. Handwriting, Our Medieval Legacy. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Lettratura, 1969.

Late Antique and Early Christian

  • Gameson, Richard. The Early medieval Bible : its production, decoration, and use
  • Weitzmann, Kurt. Ancient book illumination
  • Weitzmann, Kurt. Illustrations in roll and codex; a study of the origin and method of text illustration. Studies in Manuscript Illumination 2. 2d ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970.
  • Weitzmann, Kurt. Late Antique and Early Christin Book Illumination. New York: George Braziller, 1977.


  • Folda, Jaroslav: Crusader manuscript illumination at Saint-Jean d'Acre, 1275-1291
  • Galavaris, George: The illustrations of the liturgical homilies of Gregory Nazianzenus
  • Pelekanides, Stylianos M.: The treasures of Mount Athos: illuminated manuscripts, miniatures-headpieces-initial letters
  • Weitzmann, Kurt,; Vikan, Gary: Illuminated Greek manuscripts from American collections; an exhibition in honor of Kurt Weitzmann
  • Weitzmann, Kurt: The Place of book illumination in Byzantine art
  • Weitzmann, Kurt: Studies in classical and Byzantine manuscript illumination


  • Henderson, George: From Durrow to Kells: the Insular Gospel-books, 650-800
  • Meehan, Bernard; The Book of Kells: an illustrated introduction to the manuscript in Trinity College Dublin. London: Thames and Hudson, 1994.
  • Nordenfalk, Carl Adam Johan: Celtic and Anglo-Saxon painting: book illumination in the British Isles, 600-800


  • Kessler, Herbert L.: The Illustrated Bibles from Tours
  • Mütherich, Florentine.; Gaehde, Joachim E.: Carolingian Painting


  • Dodwell, C. R.: The Canterbury school of illumination, 1066-1200
  • Temple, Elzbieta: Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts, 900-1066

Early Spanish

  • Williams, John, Early Spanish Manuscript Illumination. New York: 1977.
  • Williams, John. The Illustrated Beatus: A Corpus of the Illustrations of the Commentary on the Apocalypse, Volume 1, Introduction. London: Harvey Miller Publishers, 1994.




  • Alexander, J. J. G.: Norman illumination at Mont St. Michel, 966-1100
  • Cahn, Walter: Romanesque Bible illumination
  • Pächt, Otto: The rise of pictorial narrative in twelfth-century England


  • Avril, François.: Manuscript painting at the court of France: the fourteenth century, 1310-1380
  • Branner, Robert: Manuscript painting in Paris during the reign of Saint Louis: a study of styles
  • Coen Pirani, Emma: Gothic illuminated manuscripts
  • Defoer, H. L. M.; Korteweg, A. S.: The Golden age of Dutch manuscript painting
  • Delaissé, L. M. J.: A century of Dutch manuscript illumination
  • Harthan, John P.: The book of hours
  • Hindman, Sandra: Sealed in parchment: rereadings of knighthood in the illuminated manuscripts of Chrétien de Troyes
  • Marks, Richard; Morgan, Nigel J.: The golden age of English manuscript painting, 1200-1500
  • Meiss, Millard: French painting in the time of Jean De Berry: the late Fourteenth century and the patronage of the Duke
  • Meiss, Millard.; Smith, Sharon Off Dunlap,; Beatson, Elizabeth H.: French painting in the time of Jean de Berry: the Limbourgs and their contemporaries
  • Morgan, Nigel J.: Early Gothic manuscripts
  • Sandler, Lucy Freeman: Gothic manuscripts, 1285-1385
  • Thomas, Marcel: The golden age: manuscript painting at the time of Jean, Duke of Berry
  • Weiss, Daniel H.: Art and Crusade in the age of Saint Louis
  • Wilson, Adrian.; Wilson, Joyce Lancaster: A medieval mirror : Speculum humanae salvationis, 1324-1500


  • Alexander, J. J. G.: Italian Renaissance illuminations
  • Alexander, J. J. G.: The Painted page: Italian Renaissance book illumination, 1450-1550
  • Kanter, Laurence B. Painting and illumination in early Renaissance Florence, 1300-1450
  • Kren, Thomas: Illuminating the Renaissance: the triumph of Flemish manuscript painting in Europe
  • Kren, Thomas; Backhouse, Janet: Renaissance painting in manuscripts: treasures from the British Library
  • Smeyers, Maurits,; Stock, Jan van der.: Flemish illuminated manuscripts, 1475-1550

Eastern European

  • Popova, Ol’ga Sigismundovna: Russian illuminated manuscripts
  • UNESCO: Czechoslovakia: Romanesque and Gothic illuminated manuscripts


  • Narkiss, Bezalel.; Stone, Michael E.: Armenian art treasures of Jerusalem


  • Leroy, Jules: Ethiopian painting, in the late Middle Ages and during the Gondar dynasty
  • Mercier, Jacques: Ethiopian magic scrolls
  • Wright, Stephen: Ethiopia; illuminated manuscripts


  • UNESCO: Turkey: ancient miniatures


  • Gold, Leonard Singer: A Sign and a witness: 2,000 years of Hebrew books and illuminated manuscripts
  • Gutmann, Joseph: Hebrew manuscript painting
  • Metzger, Thérèse.; Metzger, Mendel: Jewish life in the Middle Ages: illuminated Hebrew manuscripts of the thirteenth to the sixteenth centuries
  • Narkiss, Bezalel: Hebrew illuminated manuscripts

-- (talk) 23:39, 6 May 2008 (UTC)

