T - 10 seconds and counting... Information demands freedom.
T - 9 seconds and counting... Your information will be acquired for Wikipedia.
T - 8 seconds and counting... You are now being assimilated into our information on Wikipedia.
T - 7 seconds and counting... Your knowledge is being transported to Wikipedia.
T - 6 seconds and counting... Resistance is futile.
T - 5 seconds and counting... You have become addicted to Wikipedia.
T - 4 seconds and counting... Information is being liberated from tyranny.
T - 3 seconds and counting... Your life is being robbed of information for the good of Wikipedia.
T - 2 seconds and counting... You are becoming obsessed with Wikipedia.
T - 1 second and counting... You no longer have any choice. Wikipedia is your master.
Information transfer status = complete. Assimilation status = complete.
You have now been transformed into a Homo Vicipaedien.