Om Sri Sadguru Sainathayanamah                                                   
Sai Baba of Shirdi
DiedOctober 15, 1918.
Era19th to 20th Century



Saibaba of Shirdi is known for his excellency in attracting the people across the world of diff religions, cast and creed..The steps that he has followed are unremarkable and are the base stones for the "Universal Family" where people belongs to all religions will closely move with each other and Pray together ..

One such a step that Saibaba has taken is - Naming to his Demolished Maszid where he has stayed for more that 58 years-- That is "DWARAKA MAI".

As called by many Great people across the world, Considering the INDIA as Holy Mother of earth, Even this "DWARAKA MAI" is the icon of heritage for this HOLY MOTHER. This is a Love of Ocean and symbol of Compassion.

The meaning of the word "DWARAKA MAI" is -The Place which is Well opened the doors for all people irrespective of religion, cast and creed - and blessed with the CHATURVIDHA PURUSHARDHA'S.

Here if you speak about these words individually-
MAI the word stands for - MOTHER
DWARAKA the word stands for - ENTRANCE..

Swamy Jagadvikyata ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````

No body knows Saibaba's religion and his cast and Creed.. Many of Hindu devotees believe that he is the incarnation of Lord Dattatreya..And the same way Muslim Devotees believe that he is a great Aulia(One of their PEER or Paigambar / SIDDIPURUSH).Same way the Christians and Sikhs and many other too.

Lets come to the point who is this DATTATREYA ? and what is his SAMPRADAYA(Tradition)?




Lord Dattatreya
Lord Dattatreya
BornNo birth
DiedNo Death

Whole Hindu Tradition believes in DATTATREYA as HE is none other than GOD himself in Human Form came to earth to Guide the Humanity in righteous path and show them 'What the LIFE is'? , 'What should be the REAL AIM'? and 'How to attain it'?

He is the KING of SADGURU's ( PERFECT MASTER's) of All religions and Yogic Traditions. And the below are the first FIVE incarnations of Lord DATTATREYA on earth:

Sripada Sri Vallabha
Sri Narasimha Saraswati
Sri ManikyaPrabhu Maharaj
Sri Akkalkot Maharaj
Sri SaiBaba Of Shirdi

The above sadguru's are ultimate icons of the Sri Datta Sampradaaya.. Now come to the point - what is DATTA SAMPRADAYA?


  - A tradition of all religions which never ends on this earth since then it created.       
Sri Datta Parampara

As per our ancient scriptures, He(God) is who always available on this earth in the form of Great Sadguru's to serve humanity and teach us the real education which leads us to self realization / Oneness with God. Though these Sadguru's are from different religions, they sacrifices themselves and collectively put their effort in achieving the the universal peace and to serve humanity in all the ways.

As per this law, Jesus Christ of Christianity , Lord Budda of Buddism, Khizir and Mahaboob Subhani of Islam, Kabir and Many other Sadgurus of Hinduism belongs to the same category. Still there are uncomparable Sadguru's who belongs to no religion but pertaining to all the religions also come under the same category. Shri Saibaba of Shirdi is the Kohinoor among them as he has given darshan in the form of all deity's and Sadguru's none like others and blessed the devotees of the respective religion . He Carried them with eternal patience and encouraged them to grow in their own religious path. With this act, he directly stated that, "All religions are true and are the ways to reach the GOD and Hence we need not to fight with each other on religious matters instead maintain the brotherhood". Having this universal principle as a base, the one which is established on this earth to taken forward the humanity in right direction is called 'Sri Datta Sampradaay'.




SriPada SriVallabha
SriPada SriVallabha
RegionPithapuram, Andhra Pradesh

In a village named Pithapuram located near the sacred Godavari River, in East Godavari District in the State of Andhra Pradesh, India, there lived a pious couple, of the Brahmin caste, devoted to Lord Dattatreya, Appala Raju Sarma and Sumati by name. To this pious couple was born Lord Dattatreya as Sreepada Sreevallabha to check the evil ways and strengthen the righteous forces in man. He was the third surviving child of the couple. Since the child born had all the divine features besides celestial radiance, it was fittingly named as Sree pada. This was the first manifestation of Lord Datta in this age of 'Kali'. As per the tradition, Sreepada's "Upanayanam" (investiture with the sacred thread) was performed when he was of eight years old, and from that very moment, being the divine incarnate, instead of learning from a "Guru" (Teacher), started imparting Vedic knowledge to his pupils.

At the appropriate time, Sreepada, blessed his two brothers, who were infirm from birth, with his infinite grace and made them normal human beings. Then he granted his Parents, the vision of his divine form. Then taking leave of his Parents, he renounce all worldly ties and christened himself as "Sreepada Sreevallabha". He visited various holy places and settled in a place called "Kurupuram" on the banks of River Krishna. Here, pleased with the devotion of a washer-man, he granted him a boon to be born in a Royal family and reign as a King in his next birth. Thereafter, he also advised a poor Brahmin lady, who was about to end her life by drowning in the Krishna, that she shall be blessed with a noble son equal to him in spiritual stature, in her next life if she spends her life in the worship of Lord Shiva. To keep up his promise, Sreepada Sreevallabha decided to cast-off the physical body by entering into the river Krishna and he willed his own birth once again.

However, unseen, even to this day, the good lord, has been granting wishes to those who serve him and contemplate his divine name:

"Digambara, digambara, Sreepada vallabha digambara"
"Digambara, Digambara, Avadhutachintana digambara"


Sri Narasimha Sarswathi
Sri Narasimha Sarswathi
RegionGangapur, North Karnataka

The second "Avatar" (incarnation) of Lord Datta in this age of Kali was in the form of Sri Nrusimha Saraswati. To the pious couple, Madhava Sharma and his wife Amba, who lived in a village named Karanja or Laad-karanja in the State of Maharashtra, was born this divine child who amazed every one from the time of his birth, not by crying, but by uttering clearly the "Pranava-Nadam" (the sound of OM). The child named "Narahari", grew upto be a handsome boy of five, but he could not speak. This was a cause of worry to the Parents.

One day the young boy conveyed to his mother that he would speak if his "upanayanam" was performed. No sooner than the child was invested with the sacred thread, the divinity in the child swelled out and keeping his promise, he started reciting all the Vedas and immediately sought "Bhiksha" from his mother. He then did "pradakshina" (pacing in a circle thrice around a person(s)/deity etc.) of his Parents and sought their permission to enter the "Sanyasa Ashrama", (i.e. the fourth Stage of religious life).

When they remonstrated to him that he was their only son, he blessed them with his divine form and presented them the wisdom that he was not an ordinary mortal. After a year, with the birth of twins to his parents, they permitted him to renounce the world and he left his home dressed as renunciate. On his way to Badrinath, Narahari visited Varanasi (Kashi) and in accordance with holy tradition, resorted to His Holiness Swami Krishna Saraswati as his "Guru" and from him took the vow of "Sanyasa" and he came to be known as Sri Nrusimha Saraswati. He thereafter visited various Holy places and during the course of his wanderings blessed many devotees, had caused many divine miracles to happen and resurrected many forgotten Holy places like Karaveerapuram, Bhillavati, Ganagapuram etc. The very Trinity in human form that he was, Sri Nrusimha Saraswati, performed many leelas beyond the comprehension of the mortal mind.

Like in his previous incarnation, Sri Nrusimha Saraswati, ended his incarnation by sitting on a float with the leaves of banana and flowers on the waters of river Krishna in Patala Ganga, near Srisailam and drifted along the flowing river to merge in the Pure conciousness.


Sri Datta Parampara
RegionManikya Nagar,North Karnataka

The third incarnation of Lord Dattatreya was in a place called Kalyan in the State of Maharashtra. He was born to a pious couple, Manohar Nayak and Bayadevi on 22nd December, 1871. As a child, Manikya Prabhu used to go alone deep inside Dark Forests and be put there for days together. Even as a child he performed many miracles which showed his divinity.

On being reprimanded by his uncle, he left his house and wandered in different Forests, Caves and sacred places. Many devotees approached him for his benediction. Manikya Prabhus divine qualities attracted even the Muslims so much so that he was called Pir-un-Pir-Dastsagir. Once he was being carried in a palanquin and as it was approaching a place called Humnabad it got entangled and stuck between creepers and would not move. Manikya Prabhu settled there permanently and the place came to be referred as "Manikya Nagaram".

He preached equality of all religions. Festivals of both Hindus as well as Muslims were celebrated with equal fervour. Once the King of Akkalkot visited Manikya Prabhu and requested him to visit their place.Prabhu prophesied that his form will again incarnate in Akkalkot. Sadguru Manikya Prabhu, on an appointed day in the Month of December, 1865, decided to enter a sub-terrain place and sat therein in meditation along with a copy of "Sree Guru Charitra" and attained Maha Samadhi.


Shri Swami Samarth
Shri Swami Samarth
RegionAkkalkot, Maharastra

The fourth incarnation of Lord Dattatreya in this Kaliyuga manifested in a Place called Akkalkot in the State of Maharashtra. This was confirmed by none other than Sri Manikya Prabhu himself. Swami first manifested himself in the year 1856 in Akkalkot and remained there throughout till he attained his Samadhi. Swami had travelled extensively throughout the Country visiting various Holy places. This was narrated by Swami himself which was also corroborated by many others.

Swami treated people of all religions alike and used to visit the temple as well as the Dargah. Vedic chants and abuses flowed with equal ease from his mouth forcing people to initially consider Swami as a "mad person". However, he came to be gradually considered as God incarnate and revered and worshipped by all.

On the evening of a Tuesday in the month of April 1878, Swami requested his disciples to take him to the Banyan Tree when amidst the singing of Bhajans,(Songs in the praise of Lord) Swami sitting in the Padmasana (yogic posture) attained Samadhi. Akkalkot Swami or Maharaj is also referred to as Swami Samarth.


Sri Saibaba of Shirdi
Sri Saibaba of Shirdi
RegionShirdi, Maharastra

Sai Baba, one of the foremost saints of modern India, the Fifth avatar (incarnation) of Lord Dattatreya in this age of Kali, lived in the tiny village of Shirdi in the State of Maharashtra for sixty years and elevated it to the status of a great spiritual centre. He never preached, toured nor discoursed. He never advertised himself. Yet by the sheer brilliance of his spiritual fire did he draw innumerable devotees to him from all over the country, irrespective of their caste, creed or religion.

Surprising as it may sound, a Saint of his stature and fame is without a name. No one knows his original name, time and place of birth, his religion, caste and not even of his caste. "Sai Baba", the name by which he came to be known, is what has been used by one of his first devotees to greet him on his second arrival at Shirdi. 'Sai' means a saint and 'Baba' means father. The name is thus just an expression of love and reverence due to such a spiritual giant as he and is not a personal name.

His arrival at Shirdi was very sudden. He appeared, one day, as a boy of sixteen or seventeen, seated under a neem (margosa) tree in the outskirts of the village of Shirdi, about the year 1854. He stayed under the neem tree for about three years, not bothering about the vagaries of the weather nor did he approach any one for his daily needs. The boy disappeared suddenly the way he had appeared. None knew where he went or why. After a year or so, he again returned to Shirdi and stayed on there for full sixty years.

Sai Baba converted an old dilapidated Mosque as his residence and had named it as 'Dwarakamai' and in this unique place, the essence of all the principal creeds were united and the common worship of the universal god brought home to each and all in a unique and loving manner. The presence of Dhuni (sacred fire) was a temple to the Hindus and the Parsees, the nimbaru (niche) on the western wall made it look like a mosque; and to the Christian it was a church where the bells announce prayers. Shri Shirdi Sai Baba attained his "Mahasamadhi" on the auspicious "Vijayadasami" day in 1918.

by anji 9032262626

Other Perfect Masters Of The Same Tradition


Hazrat Hazi Waris Ali Shah

Hazrat Hazi Waris Ali Shah

Sure that not only many of the scholars and learned, Muslim devotees were even did not heard this name. Not only as the master of 'Saibaba Of Shirdi', By himself, He was a mastreo of Sufism, Learned and great scholar too.. Most suprising thing that happened in his life was, No body has seen him reading holy books of Islam or any other religious texts. His claimed miracles, Well versed training to his innumberable disciples and his ultimate spiritual esteem makes the learners and scholars to think of -- Definitely he would be from the group of 5 supreme and ultimate masters of universe under whose direction entire universe will be ruled.

There are some other reasons also for the Hazrat to be considered from the Group of great FIVE by scholars:

> Just at the age of 7 he wore the Prestegeous HAZI chrone.

> He had given darshan to many of his divotees and disciples as very old fakir of his own frame just at the age of very young above not even 12 years.

>Wherever he roam always his feet were so clean like cristal clear manner. they never be dusty..He used to say the below words -- 'DUST NEVER BE ATTACHED TO THIS FEET. THESE ARE VERY ANCIENT AND HOLY ONES'.

> His disciples and devotees includes not only humans and also angels & Jins.


Sri Gananan Maharaj Of Shegaon
Sri Gananan Maharaj Of Shegaon
DiedSeptember 8th, 1910
Era19th to 20th Century

Gajanan Maharaj is prince amongst saints who first appeared in Shegaon on 23rd February 1878 . A rich moneylender Bankatlal Agarwal is credited with discovering Maharaj at 12.22 pm while scratching food particles from abandoned patravalis to give credence to the saying that Food is Bhahma and should not be wasted. " Annam Brahmeti " is what Maharaj seemed to have expressed. Maharaj was scantily attired and made gesticulations befitting an insane person. But it is the greatness of Bankatlal who did not consider him as insane and logically argued as to why Maharaj must be scratching food particles when sumptuous food was available nearby in a family celebrating a fertility ritual. There are different schools of thought as to the origin of Maharaj. However no one has been able to conclusively prove when and where Maharaj was born and how he came to Shegaon.

Many are of the opinion that Maharaj seldom spoke and often made utterances which were cryptic which people could not immediately relate or understand.Some researchers are of the opinion that Maharaj ran away from home when a small child of 11 or 12 years . He is supposed to have born to a couple identified as Bhavaniram and Shahubai. Gana Sable is supposed to be Maharaj’s name according this group.It is claimed that Maharaj was born in Thal , a hamlet close to Shegaon. A group of people headed by Shri Dada Pandey of Nagpur are setting up a Pratisthan called Sri Gajanan Maharaj Janmasthan Pratishthan in Thal.

It is said that Maharaj was seen by his mother in a fair and when she pleaded with to return home , Maharaj then unknown is supposed to have said – "Ab hum tumhare nahin aur tum hamare nahin" ( now I am not yours, nor you, mine )

It is believed that Maharaj was in the ashram of Akkalkot Swami Samartha for a few days. The young boy when on the way to Akkalkot made Swami say " Ganapati aala re aala " while playing chess, with a reference to Bal Gajanan ( Maharaj). A photo of 11 year old maharaj can be seen in Amravati in Narayan Jamkar’s temple. After getting initial lessons, Maharaj was directed to go and seek training from Yashwant Deo Mamlatdar in Nasik. Maharaj is supposed to have abandoned all his clothes and ran towards Nasik. There in Nasik, Maharaj used to hold several parleys with Brajabhooshan , a great devotee of the Sun God. Deo is supposed to have also put Maharaj in contact with Raghunathdas who was staying near Kapildhara . Thus a rough cut diamond was being polished to attain glitter. Maharaj imbibed lessons in Yoga sadhana, meditation, and detachment. and later attained tremendous prowess in Yoga sadhana under Narsing baba of Akot, a disciple of Kotashya Valli who came from Punjab to Akot in 1850.


Tazuddin Baba Of Nagpur
Tazuddin Baba Of Nagpur
Born21st Jan,1861.
DiedAugust 17, 1925.
RegionNagpur, India

Tajuddin Baba of Nagpur was born on the 21st of January in the year 1861 at a place called Kamptee situated near Nagpur in the state of Maharastra. He was one of the Five Perfect Masters of Meher Baba. Tajuddin Baba was born as a unusual child. It is said that he did not cry as a baby and physical torture was done to him by his parents in order to make the child cry. Baba wore the marks of these tortures on his body until last.

Like Narayan Maharaj, Tajuddin Baba also lost his parents at a very tender age. His maternal grandmother and uncle Abdul Rahman looked after his needs. While studying as a child in a Madarasa or a School in Kampti, near Nagpur, he came in contact with a spiritual master Hazrat Abdulla Shah, who immediately recognized the spiritual potential in the child and initiated him to the path, by giving him a dry fruit to eat. Baba was given the instruction to "Eat less, sleep less and speak less. Read Quran”, by Hazrat Abdulla Shah. With this contact Tajuddin Baba lost all his material consciousness and started enjoying oneness of "Adwaita". His personal experience of the oneness made him isolate from the world and he remained in personal seclusion, away from the world.

Later at the age of 20 during 1881, He joined the Nagpur Army Regiment as a sepoy (Soldier). The gift of the Master was in His heart and He hardly found any solace in the day to day working of the Army. After this regiment was posted to Sagar, Baba spent most of His time with Hazrat Baud Saheb, a very well known spiritual person of Sagar. This Hazrat Baud Saheb thus became a spiritual Guru of Hazrat Tajuddin Baba. With more and more time being spent with Hazrat Baud Saheb, His official work suffered and ultimately he tendered resignation to become free, which He already was.

His oneness with God made Him unaware of the world around Him and He started roaming in the streets of Sagar naked like a Mast. Gradually His relatives and friends came to know about this and they called Him back to Kampti near Nagpur. All medicines and various Doctors were tried but of no avail Tajuddin remained in His state of absolute forgetfulness of the world. Although the stories of His miracles spread, yet the society started opposing His naked roaming from here to there and unfortunately He was admitted to a Mental Asylum on 16th of August 1892. Hazrat Tajuddin Baba's glory spread from the Nagpur Asylum as He was often seen outside the Asylum in Nagpur and at various places in Kamptee. The British officers of the Army who were surprised at this, made proper investigations and found Him properly locked up in the Asylum. Ultimately the investigating officials became His disciples, and started to regularly visit Him.

The Hospital became a place of pilgrimage to the growing number of visitors day by day, who came to Baba for blessings. Later Maharaja Bahadur Shrimant Raghoji Rao Bhonsle, the Maharaja of Nagpur became a disciple of Hazrat Tajuddin Baba and moved an application for His release to the Governor, against a security deposit of Two thousand rupees. On the 21st of September 1908, after His release, Baba was brought to Maharaja's 'Palace'. Since then this Palace, which is now within the heart of the Nagpur City, Baba became the epicenter of Tajuddin Baba's divine work.


Hazrat Babajan
Hazrat Babajan
RegionPune, india

Born in a Royal Muslim family at Baluchistan between 1790 and 1800, she was known as "Gul Rukh" as a child. The name means "Face like a rose". This name was most befitting for Babajan, as she was most pretty as a child. It was much later when Babajan was more than hundred years old that she came to Pune and settled down under a neem tree, near Dastoor road, where Merwan was staying.

Merwan who later became Meher Baba, regularly used to pass by the neem tree, under which he always saw Babajan sitting. One day in the month of May, year 1913, the old Lady called Merwan to come closer, and Merwan stopped the bicycle and went near to Her. Merwan was just 19 years old.

Babajan looked in to the eyes of Her beloved son, and Merwan stood speechless, absorbed in the divine ocean of love flowing from the eyes of the Divine Person Babajan. Merwan instantly knew that Babajan was no ordinary soul, but was the Ocean of Love and Grace. Tears started rolling our of the eyes of Babajan who embraced Merwan calling him "My Beloved Son". Babajan knew the destiny of Merwan, the Avatar of the Age. Speechlessly, Merwan had come to understand that a transformation had taken place in his normal consciousness.

Merwan became a regular visitor to the neem tree, and both Babajan and Merwan, often sat together in silence for hours. There was no need of words. The inner joy of the Self makes one speechless. Merwan's consciousness was on the brim of the Ocean, preparing to be merged with the infinite Treasure, of Sat, Chit and Anand. In January 1914 that which was destined to happen did happen. One evening when Merwan was sitting near Babajan, in Silence, and as he was about to depart to return home, Babajan held his face in Her hand and kissed him on the forehead.

Instantaneously Merwan lost all consciousness of "Duality" and became One with God. His "self" merged into the real infinite and indivisible "Self" of consciousness. The purpose of Merwan's life on earth was revealed. Merwan was awakened to the Reality of Oneness of God. Babajan often said, referring to Meher Baba, that one day "my beloved son ("Mera Pyara Bachha") will shake the world". The veil of ignorance on his Divine Person was removed.....

Meher Baba's reverence for Babajan was continuous - he hailed her as the Emperor. Out of respect, He named His first school the "Hazrat Babajan School" upon its founding at Ahmednagar in 1925.

Meher Baba later toured the entire world, went to many countries and traveled across India, but always remembered Babajan and referred to the State of Infinite Bliss that He received with the one kiss on the forehead from the Graceful Sadguru.

Hazrat Babajan's "Samadhi" is still in Pune under the same old neem tree, where Merwan and Babajan sat in Silence with tears flowing from the eyes of the Hazrat and Merwan. Babajan is still remembered by the people of Pune and worshipped. Meher Baba's "Samadhi" is in Ahmednagar district on the Pune-Dhond Highway, and is open for Darshan from 6 A.M. to 8 P.M. every day.

Gul Rukh became Hazrat Babajan and Merwan become Meher Baba. The beloved son of Babajan, observed Silence for long 44 years. His work encompasses service to lepers and God-intoxicated (but apparently mad) souls called "masts". He summoned humanity to awaken to the real Truth that all religions teach, leaving aside rites and ceremonies, which, he explained, never free a soul from bondage.









OM NARAYANA ADHI NARAYANA Sri Venkaiah Swamy was born to a pious couple Smt Sompalli pitchamma and Sri Penchalaiah as their eldest son at Nagulavellatur - a village in Nellore district. He has two brothers and a sister. No one is alive now.We do not have exact date of birth of Sri Swamy. Swamy said he was 13 at the time of great famine in the year DATU.By that, Swamy should be more than 100yrs at the time of his maha samadhi (this was from a old lawyer in Nellore).

In his boyhood, he was just like any other boy of his age. For a few days he went for a private tution, during nights, to Sri Siddiraju Ramaiah. After one or two months due to poverty he discontinued his studies at his tutor. From the age of 5 he is a lover of loneliness. When his playmates invited him to play then he used to avoid them politely by saying "Brother! I have commited a theft; now the police will come and arrest me. If you are with me you will also be arrested. Please go away from me". When the children went away he used to sit behind a door for meditation(says Komarigiri Ramaiah a servant who had served Swamiji nearly 30 yrs). Swamy used to go to jungle along with his friends to collect date fruits. He will sit behind a bush and carry on meditation. If any of his friends disturb him he will tell the same words and send them away.

It is always the tough times which shows the differences of a common man from a yogi. A true saint will take all his troubles as a tests from god and see divine bliss after crossing every hurdle. Similarly, Sri Venkaiah Swamy has took all responsibilities of his family at very early stage. At the age of 16 he used to earn expenses for his family. He used to cut firewood and sell it in the near by town. He also used to bring banyan leaves, which were used for the preparation of leave plates, from the forest and sold them at Nellore (a near by town to his village).

His sister Mangamma who died in 1989 at Golagamudi narrated his boyhood in this manner.

He learned ploughing at the age of 12 which was impossible for any one at that age. Every one was surprised on how Swamy learnt all the work without any help, but at that time there were none to guess a yogi within Sri Swamy. He performed all sorts of agricultural work to the best satisfaction of elders. He did every work to utmost precision that every one wondered and cannot control their expression to appreciate Sri Swamy. The furrows laid in the field were so straight that the egg kept at one end was seen from other end. They were like the lines drawn using ruler. He cut the crop so neatly that it resembled machine cutting. All the crop was cut at the same height. All the heaps was of equal bulk and not even a single plant was scattered. He demonstrates us that doing even a smallpiece of work assiduously, was yoga itself. He used to work in the fields for the daily wages also. His parents treated him with great regard. They used to send swamy's sister or brother to assist him to get the grain home. When Swamy was 5, he sowed tamarind, margosa etc around his house. Even though they did not take proper care of them, they grew up into big trees. At that time we could not know that they are miraculous hands of a yogi.

Sri Swamy's sister says, "Even from his childhood he was very intelligent and was respected. Even though I was quite younger to him, he never addressed in singular name. He always called me by full name. I used to call him Venkanna just like his playmates." But he corrected me saying "You should not call me Venkanna like the other boys, Sister! You should call me "brother" You should not call me by name."

"He was leader for all his playmates. They came to him to settle their disputes. At the time of my marriage he was not considered a lunatic. My mother wanted to seek an alliance, for my marriage, from a faroff village, Rajapadmapuram. Sri Swamy was not willing to send me to such a distant place. So he quarrelled with my mother on this issue. But my mother was adamant and settled the same alliance. He did not attend the marriage function and slept in the fields expressing his dissatisfaction. "

This is the turning point in Sri Swamy's life to move out of his home to continue his spritual goals. For an external world it may appear that he is going aganist his family but one point to guess here is he took his family responsibilities till his sister is married. In Indian tradition, it is one of the major responsibilities for a elder brother to get his sister married which Sri Swamy fulfilled according to sastras. Now he turned towards his Spritual quests.

Link: Also, please find more details about Jeevitha Charitra of Golagamudi Bhagavan Venkaiah Swami on Link:

Hazrat Hazi Waris Ali Shah


Hazrat Hazi Waris Ali Shah
