Lil D is an American rapper. His real name is unknown, although in his songs, you can hear, “Dylan” or “Corey.” Those are the names heard the most. It is unknown however. He is an autorapper. His first song produced in 2016, named, “Taci.” The voice in the song belongs to, Rylan Lucas Atteberry, who is only 4 or 3 at the time of the song, two years ago. The second song he produced, titled, “Corey Gaming”, is being sung by his friend, Corey, whom he made other songs, like his most famous, “Go To Bed”, with. Corey could also be Lil D, but, since his name is Lil “D”, we assume it’s Dylan. His other hit song, “Go To Bed, is about his 7th grade English teacher, Mrs. Probst. It’s mostly rapped by Corey, but Lil D has a line that says, “Shut the fuck up.” The song gained 50 views in 2 years. He is also known for dissing the user, ThisAppBad, twice, in. “Trump.” Corey dissed Lil D in the song, “Dylan Ain’t Got None.” Which pretty much confirms Lil Ds real name is Dylan. The song is also one of their best. His final songs before he returned, were 3 mixed songs, titled, “Youtubers.” In which he disses McJuggerNuggets, BigBrudda, Pshyco Dad, ToProForUGames, and many more. 2 years later he returned with, “Gods Plan.” He also made, “I’m Back”, “Enjoy”, and his newest, “Mr. Reed Ain’t Got None”, which he disses his biology teacher, Mr. Reed. He has an upcoming album, titled, “2 Years.” Which hints that it’ll include all his songs from two years ago. He has uploaded one too YouTube, his others can be found on AutoRap. He has leaked the album cover. The song “Taci” is a private song, and he will soon release it on his album. He says the album will come sometime next month, or at the end of this month. He has collabed with, “Rylan Atteberry”, “Corey Gaming”, “ThisAppBad”, and “Smule”, in his song, “Accidental Diss”, where he dissed the makers of the rap app.