User:Earth Defender/Global Network for the Forecasting of Earthquakes



In 2003 came the discovery of a principally new physical effect of three-dimensional gravitational field variation sensed at huge distances (1000 km to 10000 km away from the epicenters) before strong earthquakes. This effect laid the foundation for creating a principally new physical instrument, a PCT patented torsion detector of three-dimensional gravitational variations. On the basis of the said detector, ATROPATENA earthquake forecast station was developed and made, which automatically and independently registers three-dimensional variations of the gravitational field and transmits that information to the Central Database. Since then, newest modifications of the ATROPATENA station have been deployed in Baku (Azerbaijan), Islamabad (Pakistan)[1], Yogyakarta (Indonesia)[2], Istanbul (Turkey) and Kiev (Ukraine)[3] and integrated into the unified GNFE network. The Global Network for the Forecasting of Earthquakes (GNFE) was established in 2008. The main purpose of GNFE is short-term earthquake prediction and prompt warning of Global Network member states about predicted strong shocks. The Global Network allows short term prediction of earthquakes all over the Eastern Hemisphere with a 90% probability, ( according to its website). GNFE participating countries (ATROPATENA station owners) presently include Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey and Ukraine.



The ATROPATENA earthquake forecast station was developed, using as a basis a patented instrument [4], which is described as a torsion detector for three-dimensional gravitational variations. This station automatically and independently registers three-dimensional variations of the gravitational field and transfers such information to the US (La Habra) based Central Database. Since 2007, when the first ATROPATENA-AZ station was put into operation, short-term earthquake predictions have been regularly sent to the Presidium of IAS (International Academy of Science H&E, Innsbruck, Austria), Pakistan Academy of Sciences (Islamabad, Pakistan) and Gadjah Mada University (Yogyakarta, Indonesia).

In 2009, full scale functioning of the Global Network for the Forecasting of Earthquakes was begun, with short-term earthquake predictions and transfer of such information to Global Network member countries[5]. [6]. Along with the countries participating in the Global Network’s activity (Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Pakistan), organizations from a number of countries are involved as associate partners, including SETAC, VisioTek (Turkey), NPK Prognoz (Kazakhstan), Institute of Seismology (Uzbekistan)[7].

GNFE participating countries (ATROPATENA station owners) and partners (parties to cooperation agreements) include Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan.

Official meetings of GNFE




In 2008, the Global Network for the Forecasting of Earthquakes [8] [9] together with WOSCO [10][11] came forward with an initiative to prepare and present the “GEOCHANGE Communiqué”[12] on global changes of the geological medium, which was submitted to United Nations Organization, European Union, international organizations and heads of state[13]. The Communiqué was prepared under the chairmanship of Victor Efimovich Khain.



GNFE President is Professor Elchin Khalilov

GNFE Vice-President is Dr. Bertan Goger.

Regional Secretary of the GNFE in the Near and Middle East and Southern Europe (Turkey, Istanbul)is Sevinj Yatman.

Location Details


Central Headquarters – secretariat is in London.

Central Database is placed in La Habra, USA.

Control Center is situated in Baku, Azerbaijan, on the premises of the Scientific Research Institute for Prognosis and Study of Earthquakes of International Academy of Science H&E. The ATROPATENA-AZ earthquake forecast station is set up in the same building

Duplicating Database is in Innsbruck, Austria.

Regional scientific centers are in Islamabad, Pakistan (ATROPATENA-PK earthquake forecast station)[14] and Yogyakarta, Indonesia (ATROPATENA-PK earthquake forecast station)[15].

Additional independent information sources on GNFE activity

  • For 2011–2015, the highest cycle of volcanic and seismic activity is predicted [1].
  • Kazakhstan is to have new earthquake prediction methods developed [2].
  • The Heart Of The Global Network Of Forecasting The Earthquakes Finally Beats [3].
  • Yogyakarta Dirikan Pusat Deteksi Gempa [4].
  • FTSP UII dan PU-ESDM Propinsi DIY Selenggarakan Seminar Prediksi Gempa Atropatena [5]
  • Yogyakarta Dirikan Pusat Deteksi Gempa [6]
  • Yogyakarta dirikan pusat deteksi gempa [7]
  • DIY Dipasangi Alat Detektor Dini Gempa [8]
  • Jogja Pasang Alat Deteksi Gempa [12]
  • DIY Dipasangi Alat Detektor Dini Gempa [13]
  • Atropatena : Teknologi baru untuk Memprediksi Gempa bumi [14]; [15]
  • Earthquake study station established in Islamabad [16]
  • Полностью подтвердился первый прогноз землетрясения сетью GNFE [17];
  • International Academy of Science H&E [18]

Main publications on GNFE

  • V.E.Khain, E.N.Khalilov. Cycles in geodinamic processes: their possible nature. Moscow, Scientific World, 2009,520 p.
  • V.E.Khain, E.N.Khalilov. Space-time regularities of seismic and volcanic activity. Bourgas, Bulgaria, SWB, 2008, 304 c.[19][20];
  • E.N.Khalilov. Global Network of Forecasting the Earthquakes: New technology and new philosophy. SWB, London, 2009, 65 p.[21]
  • E.N.Khalilov. Gravitational waves and geodynamics. (Edited by academician, Prof.Dr.V.E.Khain), Moscow-Baku, IAS/ICSD, 2004, 330 p. [22][23]
  • V.E.Khain, E.N.Khalilov. ABOUT POSSIBLE INFLUENCE OF SOLAR ACTIVITY UPON SEISMIC AND VOLCANIC ACTIVITIES: LONG-TERM FORECAST. SCIENCE WITHOUT BORDERS. Transactions of the International Academy of Science H & E. Vol.3. 2007/2008, SWB, Innsbruck, 2009 ISBN 978-9952-451-01-6 ISSN 2070-0334 [24][25];
  • V.E.Khain, E.N.Khalilov. GLOBAL CLIMATE FLUCTUATION AND CYCLICITY OF THE VOLCANIC ACTIVITY. Transactions of the International Academy of Science H & E. Vol.3. 2007/2008, SWB, Innsbruck, 2009 ISBN 978-9952-451-01-6 ISSN 2070-0334 [26][27];
  • E.N.Khalilov. ABOUT POSSIBILITY OF CREATION OF INTERNATIONAL GLOBAL SYSTEM OF FORECASTING THE EARTHQUAKES “ATROPATENA” (Baku-Yogyakarta-Islamabad).NATURAL CATACLYSMS AND GLOBAL PROBLEMS OF THE MODERN CIVILIZATION. Special edition of Transaction of the International Academy of Science.H&E.ICSD/IAS, Innsbruck, 2007, pp. 51–69. ISBN 978-9952-81-15-2-0 [28]
  • Walter Kofler,Elchin Khalilov. ON PERSPECTIVES OF APPLICATION OF NEW TECHNOLOGY OF SEISMIC RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION IN YOGYAKARTA SPECIAL TERRITORY (INDONESIA). SCIENCE WITHOUT BORDERS. Transactions of the International Academy of Science.H&E. Vol.2, Innsbruck, 2005/2006, pp. 340–360. ISBN – 978-9952-25-049-7.[29]
  • E.N.Khalilov. Global Network of Forecasting the Earthquakes. SWB, Bourgas, 2009, 55 c. ISBN 978-9952-451-02-3
  • E.N.Khalilov. ABOUT INFLUENCE OF GEODYNAMIC PROCESSES ON THE RESULTS OF MEASUREMENTS OF CAVENDICH BALANS.SCIENCE WITHOUT BORDERS. Transactions of the International Academy of Science H&E. Vol.3. 2007/2008, SWB, Innsbruck, 2009. ISBN 978-9952-451-01-6 ISSN 2070-0334

