Moto moto a worrier for the Aztecs in 1390 CE(common era). Moto fought with the Eagle warriors one of the most elite units of the Aztec military. He fought in The ritual wars of the Aztec Empire were known as xochiyaoyotl or flowery wars(Valenzuela). The Aztecs did fight traditional wars as well, but flowery wars were different.(Valenzuela) They weren't fought to conquer an enemy; they were fought simply to fight. He was one of Huitziláihuitl’s most trusted guards when emperor Huitziláihuitl reigned (1395–1417). Later in moto years of being a guard, he betrayed emperor Huitziláihuitl for moto had become in love with one of emperor Huitziláihuitl’s wives. Moto at first didn't say anything at first but moto saw how emperor Huitziláihuitl treated Queen Miahuaxihuitl. Moto offered to leave with her to a valley far from here and he’ll protect her but she declined and told emperor Huitziláihuitl of moto’s betrayal to him. The emperor so mad he sent him to death days gone by and the day that moto was going to die emperor Huitziláihuitl changed his mind. seeing that moto was ounces his most trusted guard instead the emperor banished him from the city. emperor Huitziláihuitl told him if he came back ever that he wouldn't see another day but moto lived his last days in the jungle by himself regretting what he did.

Valenzuela, Antonio. “The betrayal .”Aztec Empire between 1345 and 1521 CE, edited by Hugo morales, Berghahn, 1980, pp. 61-87.