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Sininaniinaninaan (literally, in the presence of the Blue Lady) is the religion of the goddess Eequor. It recognizes the impermanence and transience of all things in life and suggests a quiet humility in the face of these facts.

Entropy is the natural state of the universe. All things must come to transformation and eventual destruction. Nothing in life should be held with such great importance that its loss is unbearable; indeed, such loss must be expected and even valued when it occurs: for loss brings a recognition of worth, however final.

Chaos is all things. Chaos can create or destroy; it can wound or heal. It can be hostile and destructive; it can be loving and generative. It is to be feared, respected, loved, and worshipped.

Sininaniinaninaan rejects the idea that there is always "one right way" as dictated by laws. There is always more than one way to do anything. The individual must look to all possibilities, able to change their path in any direction when unforeseen obstacles arise.

The emphasis of Sininaniinaninaan is on the healing and constructive elements of chaos. Senseless, random violence and destruction is abhorrent to Eequor. All should strive to find harmony with humankind and with nature: in this way the unpredictability of life can be guided to construct rather than destroy.

At the focus of this construction is love. Love is the most vital and least understood of emotions. It should never be taken lightly and never claimed unless it is truly felt. Too easily love is confused with lust -- the simple hormonal urge to procreate. True love has no desires except to sustain itself and to benefit its target. Love needs nothing to sustain itself except a belief that it exists.

The Greeks had four terms for the kinds of love that may be felt. These are:

  • agape - unconditional love
  • philia - love of a friend for another
  • storge - love within a family
  • eros - lust

Of these, only agape is true. Philia and storge are placeholder terms to allow one to claim love when it is not true. Eros is an animal instinct and has nothing to do with love. Agape is all that an individual should need.

One must learn to love and hold love for all things throughout their transient existences. The greatest ability is to appreciate an entity in all its ways and to venerate it in its passage from one's life.



See also

