Notes for editing


For motovlogs I would add information regarding famous motovloggers and why they do it. People want to know about the vloggers and what makes them popular.

added a section called famous motovloggers


Assignment 1


The article about video blogs has information which is all related to video blogs but different elements about the subject such as youtube, vid con and world records for video blogging. The information itself seems to be very informative and gives a brief synopsis of what video blogging is.

One thing that surprised me about the article is that it has 29 sources for a relatively short article. This is probably a good sign as using many sources can help to ensure that the information is correct. Lots of the sources come from vloggers themselves, which can be somewhat bias, but the information about different vlogging conventions and records are neutral sources.

I am somewhat familiar with many famous video bloggers and feel that this article misses information in not talking about the most famous video bloggers. It would give the reader a better insight into the most famous vloggers and what they do.

This article properly sited often during the article and seems that a source is referenced every couple sentences which means that a lot of the information was not made up. But the question remains, are the sources reliable. To see if the sources are reliable I decided to click and review some of the sources. The first source I clicked on turned out to not exist. The source says it is from bloomberg, which is usually a reliable source, but having a 404 error come up is suspicious. I then proceeded to try and opened he link to a UK journalism site and that sourced article did not show up. Having two sources that do not actually exist make the accuracy of the information in the article questionable. Just because there are many sources does not mean all of the information is accurate. Although there were a handful of sources hat were questionable, there were many sources that were real and from reputable sources such as the guardian, usa today and other amazon affiliated data sites.

The author had some questionable paraphrases that were close to the original work and used some similar words which could have easily been changed. The rest of the article is free of plagiarism as the author does a good job at paraphrasing the sources. For example, when explaining the plot to a video blogging movie, the author completely changes the description of the movie in the IMDB source while still explaining the same plot. The author of the video blog article makes the plot summary more concise and goes on to explain what the movie does for vlogging.

There is a small and awkward sentence about vlogging while on a motorcycle and this has no sources. It is only one sentence and seems like the author randomly put it in to show that vlogging is expanding, but this article would be better without this brief confusing sentence.

Overall, this article gives the reader a brief insight into what video blogging is. Although it is not in depth, it does give the reader a wide variety of information about video blogging such as records, conferences and general ideas. Another strength is that many of the sources are reputable and make the article more reliable itself. I would trust this article because of its strengths besides two non working sources.