My created pages

Ira Cook
Rockingham Township, Iowa

Pages I am actively helping with major edits, or have actively edited in the past

Credit Island
Suburban Island
Offerman's Island
Scott Community College
User:ErikVKing/Scott Community College

Pages I have made minor contributions to

Bix Beiderbecke
Geology of Iowa
German American Heritage Center
J.H.C. Petersen's Sons' Store
Modern Woodmen Park
Scott County, Iowa
Union Pacific Railroad
Union Station and Burlington Freight House
Von Maur

Places I've Been

  Countries around the World
  Bahrain   Canada   Dubai   Fujairah
  Germany   Hong Kong   Kuwait   Mexico
  Philippines   Qatar   Singapore   United States

  United States
  California   Florida   Hawaii   Illinois
  Indiana   Iowa   Michigan   New Jersey
  New York   Virginia   Wisconsin