User:Eurosong/UK telephone code misconceptions

Widespread UK telephone code misconceptions, in particular brought on by the Big Number Change in 2000, have been reported by regulator Ofcom since publication of a report it commissioned in 2004.[1] A further study was commissioned in 2005, which found that only 13% of respondents correctly identified the code for London ("020") without prompting: 59% incorrectly identified it as "0207" or "0208".[2]

Due to the marked increase in demand for more and more telephone numbers to be available for allocation since the 1990s, the United Kingdom's telephone numbering system has been restructured several times on both a national and regional level, resulting in several modifications to the way British telephone numbers are written. As a consequence of these changes, millions of people who did not follow them have been left with a misunderstanding of how the system of area codes and local numbers operates.

The most affected regions are London, Cardiff, Coventry, Southampton, Portsmouth and Northern Ireland. However, areas still affected due to earlier telephone code changes include Leeds, Sheffield, Nottingham, Leicester, Bristol and Reading.



A standard United Kingdom fixed telephone number (i.e. a landline, or geographical number, as opposed to a mobile telephone number or special rate non-geographic fixed line) is divided into two parts, an STD code (area code) and a local number. The STD code indicates the geographical area of the number, and is dialled before the local number. When dialling within the same area, the area code can be omitted.[3] Some telephone service providers differentiate ordinary calling costs using the relevant area code(s).

The area code plus local number can have varying total and composite digit lengths, for historical and operational reasons, but as a rule they do not exceed 11 digits in combined length. For readability, and to distinguish geographic location, telephone numbers are often spoken, displayed and published with a gap between the area code and local number, and/or with the area code in brackets. Problems occur for the reader when this spacing or formatting is incorrectly applied by the publisher.

Multiple changes in London (020)

Further information: 020

The telephone area code for most of Greater London and some surrounding areas is 020. It is not "0207", "0208" or "0203".[4] All London telephone numbers have eight digits, most clearly expressed as two sets of four. The London number (020) 7222 1234 can be dialled as 7222 1234 from any other land-line whose area code is also 020.

However, according to research by regulator Ofcom in February 2005, only 13% of respondents identified the code for London correctly without prompting: 59% incorrectly identified it as "0207" or "0208".[2]

History of the confusion


When the UK's original STD codes were allocated, London was given the code 01, for example, (01) 222 1234. The local number comprised seven digits.

In May 1990 the single London area was split into two areas, due to increased demand. Inner London was given the code 071, for example, (071) 222 1234, and the rest 081. Consequently, there potentially then existed two separate numbers 222 1234, because they were in different area codes. The local numbers remained as seven digits. This doubled the numbers available for London, but it also meant that a person from outer London, when calling a central London number (and vice versa), had to dial the full number including prefix.[5]

To free up more numbers for future use, on Easter Sunday, 16 April 1995 (dubbed "PhONEday"), an extra digit "1" was inserted after the initial zero into all geographical area codes nationwide, so Inner and Outer London became 0171 and 0181 respectively (e.g. (0171) 946 0357).

Re-unification of London


Further increased demand for telephone numbers in London led to the need for more number-space: rather than again split area codes, it was decided to add an extra digit to the start of each London local number, and merge the 0171 and 0181 area codes back into one, thus increasing the available numbers fivefold.

From 1 June 1999, a new code for a re-united London was created, 020. All the old seven-digit numbers had a 7 or 8 prefixed to them, depending upon whether they had been part of 0171 or 0181. Thus:

(0171) xxx xxxx became (020) 7xxx xxxx
(0181) xxx xxxx became (020) 8xxx xxxx

Direct dialling of 8-digit local numbers was not implemented until 22 April 2000. After this date, London became once more fully united and all local numbers could be connected correctly from anywhere in the area. The following diagram shows the history of London's code, starting with the original unified 01 code and ending with the reunified 020 code:




Although London was re-united, people still frequently quote and write London numbers as if the city and surrounding suburbs were still split up into central and suburban areas by saying and writing "0207" and "0208".[6][7] If the number is dialled in full as 0207 222 1234, the destination will be reached, but it is incorrect to place the pause as shown above because, if a number such as 222 1234 were dialled from within London - as if it were a local number - it would not be connected because it would be missing the first digit (of eight). On the day of the changeover, one in three callers failed to correctly use eight-digit local dialling.[8][9]

Possible causes for the misunderstanding include the confusion created during the period from 1 June 1999 to 22 April 2000, where it was not possible to dial eight-digit local numbers; the fact that people had become very much accustomed to the audio rhythm of a four-digit area code (from hearing the old codes, "0171" and "0181" repeated previously); and that incorrectly formatted caller ID data was transmitted for some time after the change.

Numerous examples of incorrectly formatted telephone numbers may still be seen in and around London, including signwriting on shopfronts and commercial vehicles, and in newspaper advertisements. The incorrectly-placed pauses are also heard in speech everywhere: in radio and television advertisements, and said by office workers misquoting their office numbers as "0207 ... ...." - unaware that this simply perpetuates the confusion.

While some clear publicity explaining the change was produced[10], BT's directory-assistance service quoted the codes incorrectly and, until November 2009, their online phonebook still incorrectly showed "0207" and "0208" as "London Inner" and "London Outer" codes respectively.[11]

A 2005 television advertisement for the mobile telephony provider O2 promoted a service that allows a user to select two area codes they can call for a reduced price; it also incorrectly showed 0207 and 0208 as different "area codes".

There is also sporadic usage of incorrect 'codes' such as '02070', '02076' and '02077' also seen from time to time.[12]

New London numbers


From June 2005 new local numbers in London have begun to be allocated with an initial "3" - for example, (020) 3222 1234. Due to the lingering confusion, people unaware of the correct format are beginning to erroneously assume that there is now a new London code, "0203". Even some newspapers, both local and national, have given this misinformation.[13][14] Some people report mis-dialling of London 3xxx xxxx numbers, where callers are dialling 0207 in front of the local number part instead of just 020. This call connects to the owner of a 73xx xxxx number instead of to the expected person.

The geographical significance of the "7" or "8" has been lost with regard to new number issues, so that, for example, some newly allocated numbers in central London now begin with an "8".

Big Number Changes (02x)



City New numbering Old numbering[15] Notes
Cardiff (029) 20xx xxxx (01222) xxxxxx 22 = CA
(029) 21xx xxxx   New phase of numbers from June 2005.

The Cardiff area code is (029). A large number of places use the incorrect 02920 format. The misconception could become more widespread as new numbers now being issued begin with 21 rather than 20.[16]

The newer Cardiff numbers now use the 21xx xxxx range. Mis-dialling is now happening where people either prefix the new number with '20', or else they swap out the '21' they were told, for '20' that they think they know. These types of mis-dialled numbers connect to the wrong person, and inconvenience the person that was called. This is a change. In the past, most mis-dialling was caused by people not dialling enough digits. In those cases, the call failed because it was not connected at all.

Some businesses continue to advertise their old (0222) xxxxxx or (01222) xxxxxx number, and a very few advertise those old codes while adding initial digits '20' to the local number part. All of those numbers will fail to connect when called as shown.

The 029 code has been reserved for the possibility of the introduction of a full all Wales 029 code, at some future point, if required.[17]

Examples of the code incorrectly given as 0292 are also present.[18]


City New numbering Old numbering[15] Notes
Coventry (024) 76xx xxxx (01203) xxxxxx 20 = CO
(024) 77xx xxxx   New phase of numbers, released from 2005.

Many people and businesses are still inclined to misquote the Coventry (024) area code as 02476. The number (024) 7623 4567 (formerly (01203) 234567) incorrectly appears as 02476 234567. This leads to confusion as dialling six digits as a local number will always fail.

Now that the 76xx xxxx range has been exhausted, new Coventry numbers are being issued as (024) 77xx xxxx. With the new number range comes the problem that people either prefix the 77xx local number with an erroneous 76, or else refuse to believe the 77xx is real and dial 76xx instead. In both cases the call will fail, but could potentially be connected to a real 76xx number.

Some businesses continue to advertise their old (0203) xxxxxx or (01203) xxxxxx number, and a very few advertise those old codes while adding initial digits '76' to the local number part. All of those numbers will fail to connect when called as shown.

Examples of the code incorrectly given as 0247 are also present.[19]


City New numbering Old numbering[15] Notes
Southampton (023) 80xx xxxx (01703) xxxxxx 70 = SO
(023) 81xx xxxx   New phase of numbers, released from 2005.
Portsmouth (023) 92xx xxxx (01705) xxxxxx 70 = PO
(023) 93xx xxxx   New phase of numbers, released from 2005.

In Southampton and Portsmouth, many examples of 02380 and 02392 incorrect area code usage can be seen being used by people and businesses, instead of using the correct (023) 80xx xxxx and (023) 92xx xxxx format. Now that these local number ranges have been exhausted, new numbers are being issued as (023) 81xx xxxx and (023) 93xx xxxx respectively.

There are multiple problems here. Initial mis-dialling problems were mainly caused by people continuing to dial six digits instead of eight. Those calls would always fail. Additionally, knowledge that Southampton numbers could be dialled from Portsmouth, and vice versa, as eight-digit local numbers without the (023) prefix was seemingly overlooked by large numbers of people.

Nowadays, with the new additional number ranges in place, some people are dialling an erroneous 80 in front of 81xx numbers and 92 in front of 93xx numbers, much in the same way as has been happening in the other (02x) cities, and again with the same failed-call result each time.

As in other areas with these decade-old code changes and recently active new number ranges, some people refuse to believe the new number range exists and simply substitute 80xx in place of the 81xx they were given, or 92xx in place of the 93xxx they were given. These types of mis-dialling often result in being connected to a real, but incorrect, number.

Some businesses in Southampton continue to advertise their old (0703) xxxxxx or (01703) xxxxxx number, and a very few advertise those old codes while adding initial digits '80' to the local number part. All of those numbers will fail to connect when called as shown. Some businesses in Portsmouth continue to advertise their old (0705) xxxxxx or (01705) xxxxxx number, and a very few advertise those old codes while adding initial digits '92' to the local number part. All of those numbers will fail to connect when called as shown.

Examples of the code incorrectly given as 0238 or 0239 are also present.[20][21][22][23]

Northern Ireland

Further information: Big Number Change
City New numbering Old numbering[15] Notes
Northern Ireland
Example given is Belfast - see below
(028) 90xx xxxx (01232) xxxxxx 23 = BE
(028) 95xx xxxx   New phase of numbers released from 2005.

Northern Ireland has the single area code (028), but many people incorrectly include the first two or more digits of the local telephone number as if it were a part of the code. For example, Belfast numbers are often incorrectly presented as 02890 xxxxxx rather than the correct (028) 90xx xxxx. In Northern Ireland, however, BT uses the first two digits of the subscriber's number to determine which calls within the 028 area qualify for 'local' rates and which are charged as 'national' due to the larger area.[24][25] At the time of the changeover, only 3% of NI residents correctly identified their area code.[26]

Some businesses continue to advertise their pre-PhONEday (0xxx) xxxxxx number, or pre-Big Number Change (01xxx) xxxxxx number, and a very few advertise those old codes while adding various initial digits to the local number part. All of those numbers will fail to connect when called as shown.

Changes between PhONEday and the Big Number Change (011x)


Reading, Berkshire

Town New numbering Old numbering[15] Notes
Reading[27] (0118) 9xx xxxx (01734) xxxxxx 73 = RE;
changed between 1996 and 1998, not on PhONEday [1]
(0118) 3xx xxxx   New phase of numbers, released from 1998.
(0118) 4xx xxxx   Further phase of numbers, first allocated December 2009.[28]

All local numbers within the (0118) area code originally began with a 9, but this area now has numbers beginning with 3 and 4 as well. Previously, the principal error has usually been to omit the initial digit of seven (the leading nine) when attempting local dialling. Those calls always failed to connect, as not enough digits had been dialled. Users are prompted to incorrectly dial when they see the number formatted as if 01189 were the area code.

However, now that the new 3xx xxxx local number range has recently been introduced there's two new failure modes to consider. One occurs when too many digits are dialled, such as when an extra unwanted digit is prefixed onto the local part of the number.[29] For Reading, this happens when people incorrectly believe the area code is 01189[30] and dial this in addition to the full seven-digit local number.

The other failure occurs when the first digit of the local number part is incorrectly replaced by a different initial digit. This happens when people incorrectly believe that all local numbers begin with a 9, so incorrectly replace the initial 3. Both failures occur because people have been used to all local numbers in that area always beginning with a specific initial digit and refuse to believe the newly issued number has been correctly quoted.

Some businesses continue to advertise their old (0734) xxxxxx or (01734) xxxxxx number, and a very few advertise those old codes while adding an initial digit '9' to the local number part. All of those numbers will fail to connect when called as shown.

PhONEday changes (011x)


Dialling errors had gradually become less common in the PhONEday (011x) areas introduced in the 1995 changes, the principal error usually being to omit the initial digit of seven when attempting local dialling. Those calls always failed to connect, as not enough digits had been dialled.

However, now that new local number ranges have recently been introduced in all of these areas there's two new failure modes to consider. One occurs when too many digits are dialled, such as when extra unwanted digits are prefixed onto the local part of the number. The other failure occurs when the first digit of the local number part is incorrectly replaced by a different initial digit. Both failures occur because people have been used to all local numbers in that area always beginning with a specific initial digit and refuse to believe the newly issued number, with a different initial digit, has been correctly quoted.


City New numbering Old numbering Notes
Leeds (0113) 2xx xxxx (0532) xxxxxx 53 = LE
(0113) 3xx xxxx   New phase of numbers, released from 1997.
(0113) 8xx xxxx   New phase of numbers, released from 1997.[28]

The (0113) numbers originally began 2xx xxxx, but this area now also has numbers beginning 3xx xxxx and 8xx xxxx too. Before those new number ranges came into use, most mis-dialling occurred simply as a result of callers continuing to dial just six digits. Those calls would always fail. Users are prompted to incorrectly dial when they see the number formatted as if 01132 were the area code.

Once the new, additional, number ranges came into use, two new problems occurred. Callers would either prefix a '2' before the real number, or would refuse to believe the number began with a '3' or an '8' and would simply dial a '2' instead.[31] In all of these cases the call would be connected to the wrong person, inconveniencing the unwitting recipient.

Some businesses continue to advertise their old (0532) xxxxxx number, whilst others advertise a completely non-existent (01532) xxxxxx or (01532) 2xx xxxx number, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the (0532) area code changed directly to (0113) in 1995.


City New numbering Old numbering Notes
Sheffield (0114) 2xx xxxx (0742) xxxxxx 74 = SH
(0114) 3xx xxxx   New phase of numbers, released from 1997.

The (0114) numbers originally began 2xx xxxx but starting in 2008, (0114) 3xx xxxx local numbers are being issued because the 2xx xxxx numbers are exhausted.[32]

Initial mis-dialling problems were caused by people dialling only six digits instead of seven for local numbers. Those calls would fail. Users are prompted to incorrectly dial when they see the number formatted as if 01142 were the area code.

In more recent times, after the release of the new number range, people are now mis-dialling (0114) 3xx xxxx numbers as 0114 2 3xx xxx.[33][34]

Some callers refuse to believe the number begins with 3 and dial a 2 instead. These calls may very well be connected, but if the call is answered the caller will be connected to the wrong person.

Some businesses continue to advertise their old (0742) xxxxxx number, whilst others advertise a completely non-existent (01742) xxxxxx or (01742) 2xx xxxx number, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the (0742) area code changed directly to (0114) in 1995.[35]


City New numbering Old numbering Notes
Nottingham (0115) 9xx xxxx (0602) xxxxxx 60 = NO
(0115) 8xx xxxx   New phase of numbers, released from 1997.
(0115) 7xx xxxx   Further phase of numbers, first allocated in 2006.[28]

Initial mis-dialling problems were caused by people dialling only six digits instead of seven for local numbers. Those calls would fail. Users are prompted to incorrectly dial when they see the number formatted as if 01159 were the area code.

The (0115) numbers originally began 9xx xxxx but this area now has numbers beginning 8xx xxxx too. By dialling an extraneous 9 in front of the newer 8xx xxxx numbers, calls are mis-directed - as happens in all of the 011x areas.

Some callers refuse to believe the number begins with 8, and dial a 9 instead. These calls may very well be connected, but if the call is answered the caller will be connected to the wrong person.

Some businesses continue to advertise their old (0602) xxxxxx number, whilst others advertise a completely non-existent (01602) xxxxxx or (01602) 9xx xxxx number, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the (0602) area code changed directly to (0115) in 1995.


City New numbering Old numbering Notes
Leicester (0116) 2xx xxxx (0533) xxxxxx 53 = LE
(0116) 3xx xxxx   New phase of numbers, released from 1997.
(0116) 4xx xxxx   Further phase of numbers, allocated from December 2009.[28]

Initial mis-dialling problems were caused by people dialling only six digits instead of seven for local numbers. Those calls would fail. Users are prompted to incorrectly dial when they see the number formatted as if 01162 were the area code.

The (0116) numbers originally began 2xx xxxx but this area now has numbers beginning 3xx xxxx too. Some people continue to believe the area code is 01162 and not the correct (0116). For these people, when they dial a local 3xx xxxx number, and insert an extra unwanted digit, they will be connected to the wrong person.

Some callers refuse to believe the number begins with 3, and dial a 2 instead. These calls may very well be connected, but if the call is answered the caller will be connected to the wrong person.

Some businesses continue to advertise their old (0533) xxxxxx number, whilst others advertise a completely non-existent (01533) xxxxxx or (01533) 2xx xxxx number, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the (0533) area code changed directly to (0116) in 1995.


City New numbering Old numbering Notes
Bristol (0117) 9xx xxxx (0272) xxxxxx 27 = BR
(0117) 3xx xxxx   New phase of numbers, released from 1997.
(0117) 2xx xxxx   New phase of numbers, released from 2007.[36][28]

Initial mis-dialling problems were caused by people dialling only six digits instead of seven for local numbers. Those calls would fail. Users are prompted to incorrectly dial when they see the number formatted as if 01179 were the area code.

The (0117) numbers originally began 9xx xxxx but this area now has numbers beginning 2xx xxxx and 3xx xxxx too. The result of confusion is very simple to understand. Someone wanting to call a number in the new 3xx xxxx range, for example, (0117) 321 3210 but incorrectly thinking the area code for Bristol is 01179 will end up connected to 0117 9321321, and not the number they wanted.

Some callers refuse to believe the number begins with 2 or 3, and dial a 9 instead. These calls may very well be connected, but if the call is answered the caller will be connected to the wrong person. With the introduction of the new local number ranges shown above, the frequency of mis-connected calls has been increasing in recent years.

Some businesses continue to advertise their old (0272) xxxxxx number, whilst others advertise a completely non-existent (01272) xxxxxx or (01272) 9xx xxxx number, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the (0272) area code changed directly to (0117) in 1995.

All-figure dialling areas created in the 1980s (01x1)

City All-figure Numbering[37]
Tyne and Wear/
County Durham
(0191) xxx xxxx

Very little confusion occurs within this area, as the initial change to all-figure dialling and seven-digit local numbering happened nearly three decades ago. Just occasionally a post-PhONEday number incorrectly formatted like (01x1x) xxxxxx can be seen - incorrectly mimicking the six-digit local number format that most numbers in the immediately surrounding geographical areas do correctly use. The biggest problem is businesses that continue to advertise their number via incorrect signage with a pre-PhONEday area code, one with the initial '1' missing. Usage of the much older (pre-091) 0632, 0385, 0894, 0783 codes is almost non-existent these days.

Original all-figure dialling areas created in the 1960s (01x1)

City All-figure Numbering[37]
Birmingham (0121) xxx xxxx
Edinburgh (0131) xxx xxxx
Glasgow (0141) xxx xxxx
Liverpool (0151) xxx xxxx
Manchester (0161) xxx xxxx

Very little confusion occurs within these areas, as the initial change to all-figure dialling and seven-digit local numbering happened over four decades ago. The biggest problem in these areas is businesses that continue to advertise via signage their number with a pre-PhONEday area code, one with the initial '1' missing. Just occasionally a number incorrectly formatted like (01x1x) xxxxxx can also be seen - incorrectly mimicking the six-digit local number format that most numbers in the immediately surrounding geographical areas do correctly use.

See also



  1. ^ Ofcom (2004-11-16). "Telephone Numbering Program - The London Project" (PDF). Office of Communications. Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  2. ^ a b Ofcom (2005-04-14). "London telephone numbers: New sub-range for London: (020) Research report, February 2005" (PDF). Office of Communications. Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  3. ^
  4. ^ Ofcom (2009-08-20). "Telephone numbers – the facts and figures : (Boxout) Is it (020) 7 or 0207?". Office of Communications. Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  5. ^ Associated Press (1990-05-06). "London Will Divide Its Telephone Prefix, Fraying Composure". New York Times. Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  6. ^ Ofcom (2004-11-16). "Telephone Numbering : London Telephone Numbers" (PDF). Office of Communications. Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  7. ^ Rhodri (2004-10-05). "Don't lose that number". Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  8. ^ BBC (2000-04-22). "One in three fails number change challenge". BBC News. Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  9. ^ Charles Arthur (2008-08-28). "Misdialling fuels fears of phone meltdown". The Independent. Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  10. ^ "Providing a big help with The Big Number" (PDF). British Telecommunications PLC. Retrieved 2009-12-02.
  11. ^ "The Phone Book : UK Codes : 0207". British Telecommunications PLC. Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  12. ^
  13. ^ Sean O'Neill (2004-07-14). "Coventry confusion as capital rings changes". The Times. Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  14. ^ Nick Goodway (2004-07-13). "0203 to be third telephone code [SIC]". Evening Standard. Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  15. ^ a b c d e These areas had added a '1' to the area code at PhONEday. Previous to that, these codes were 0xxx with six-figure local numbers.
  16. ^
  17. ^ Ofcom (2001-03-20). "National Code & Number Change Framework Document. Issue 20 March 2001. 2.14.3 Use of (029) code for other areas in Wales" (DOC). Office of Communications. Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  18. ^
  19. ^
  20. ^
  21. ^
  22. ^
  23. ^
  24. ^ "UK Telephone Charging Groups : 028 area". Clive Feather. Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  25. ^ "BT site for determining local call area". British Telecommunications PLC. Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  26. ^ BBC (2000-03-22). "NI slow to dial into code changes". BBC News. Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  27. ^ Numbers in Reading separately migrated to 0118 several years after PhONEday and a couple of years before the Big Number Change.
  28. ^ a b c d e
  29. ^ Reporter (2007-04-07). "Dialling mix up on hospital calls". Newbury Today. Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  30. ^ "Applegate's list of businesses in the Reading 01189(sic) area". Applegate. Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  31. ^ Calls for Leeds 247 xxxx numbers incorrectly routed to Leeds 224 7xxx owner when area code is dialled as 01132 instead of 0113
  32. ^ Ofcom (2009-06-19). "Telephone numbering : New (0114) 3 number range for Sheffield". Office of Communications. Retrieved 2009-11-11.
  33. ^ David Walsh (2009-06-23). "Calling Sheffield (0114) 3". Sheffield Star. Retrieved 2009-09-28. Sheffield Star article showing people incorrectly dialling area code as 01142 and getting wrong number for new (0114) 3xx xxxx numbers.
  34. ^ "Applegate's list of businesses in the Sheffield 01142(sic) area". Applegate. Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  35. ^ "Sheffield dialling code". Sheffield Forums. 2009-09-16. Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  36. ^ Ofcom. "The National Numbering Scheme : Telephone Numbers administered by Ofcom". Office of Communications. Retrieved 2009-10-28.
  37. ^ a b These areas had added a '1' to the area code at PhONEday. Previous to that, these codes were 0x1 with seven-figure local numbers.