Commutative Algebra

  • Rings and hypersurfaces. Consider a ring   and an ideal  , then we define the following set (set  , the  -affine space) which we call (affine) varieties. Finally, let   the space of functionals on  .
  • Spectrum of a ring. Given a ring  , we define the prime spectrum of a ring  We also define the maximal spectrum as the space   as the collection of all maximal ideals. Given a morphism   and an ideal  , the ideal   is also prime, so   induces a morphism  In particular, the projection   onto the quotient by an ideal  , induces a map  , whose image is the set of prime ideals containing  . Also, given multiplicative set  , the inclusion   induces a map  (where   is the localization of   to  ). The image of   are those ideals that are disjoint from  .
  • Radical and nilpotent elements. A nilpotent element   is one such that   for some  . Let  If  , the set   is a multiplicative set, so using the result about prime ideals in  , we can conclude that   is the intersection of all prime ideals in  .
  • Local rings. A ring   is a local ring if has a unique maximal ideal  . Let  be the residue field. It's easy to prove that every non-unit element   belongs to a maximal ideal (consider   and the Prime Ideal Theorem), therefore   is the ideal of all non-unit elements and every   is a unit, with  .

Noetherian Rings

  • Ascending chain condition. Given a ring  , a  -module   is Noetherian if every family of submodules has a maximal element. Consider now a submodule   in a Noetherian module, then the family  has a maximal element  , which must be equal to  , therefore in a Noetherian module every submodule is finitely generated. On the other hand, a module where every submodule is finitely generated, is Noetherian.

Tensor product

  • Exactness of Hom. Consider an exact sequence of modules   and, for a general module  , the induced sequence  first, it's immediate that since   is onto, then   is 1-1, so the first short sequence is exact. Then,  , so  . On the other hand, consider  , which means that  , so we have the following sequence of maps  (where the first map is the inverse of the canonical isomorphism  ), all the previous compositions define a morphism   such that  , thus   and the sequence of Hom modules is exact. On the other hand, suppose that the Hom sequence is exact for all  , then take  , it's easy to see that  (where   is the canonical projection  ), thus by exactness of the Hom sequence (in particular,   is 1-1), we conclude that   and   is onto. Now, since   is onto, we have an isomorphism   such that   (where   is the canonical projection), then  so  . On the other hand, if   is instead the canonical projection  , then  so the original sequence is exact if and only if the Hom sequence is exact for every  .
  • Exactness of Tensor product. By definition,  , so given a exact sequence  then for every pair   of modules, the induced Hom sequence is exact therefore the isomorphic sequence  is exact for every  , which implies (for the previous result), that the sequence  is exact for every module  . In particular, consider the exact sequence  for an ideal  , and a  -module  , then it's easy to prove that  , so we have the following exact sequence  which means   (since   is the inclusion  ).


  • Multiplicative set. Consider a ring  , a subset   is multiplicative if   and  . Thus a multiplicative set is simply a submonoid of  .
  • Localization. Consider a ring   and a multiplicative set  , then let   be the the quotient of   modulo the equivalence  let   be the equivalence class of the pair  , then we define the following operations  and also define the map   as  . Also, notice that   maps to zero those elements that are zero divisors of elements in   (that is,  , then   for some  ). Notice that if   is an integral domain, then   is a multiplicative set and  the field of fractions of  . In case   is the complement of some prime ideal  , we denote   by  .
  • Properties of localization. Given a prime ideal   consider the localization   and the ideal  this ideal is maximal (since every ideal properly greater than   contains an element  , with  , which is a unit with inverse  ) and the unique maximal ideal of  , thus   is a local ring.
  • Local property. A property of a ring is local if "true for the ring  " is equivalent to "true for  , for every prime ideal  ".

Chain conditions and special elements

  • Noetherian/Artinian ring. A ring   is Noetherian if there is no strictly ascending infinite chain of ideals  The ring is called Artinian if there is no strictly descending infinite chain of ideals.
  • Finite algebras and finite type. Given a ring  , an algebra   over said ring is defined as  clearly   is of finite type, thus every finite algebra is of finite type. Consider a Noetherian ring   and an algebra   of finite type, with a subalgebra   such that   is finite as a  -algebra.
  • Prime/Irreducible elements. An element   in a ring is prime if   is a prime ideal (which means that if  ). An element   is irreducible if   (where   is the group of units in  ) and   implies that either   or  .

Integral ring extensions

  • Integral extension. A ring extension   is an integral extension if every element   is the zero of a monic polynomial, that is, in the form 
  • Noether normalization theorem. Given a field   and a  -algebra   that is of finite type (that is, it is a finitely generated  -algebra), then there are elements   such that the canonical morphism  is an isomorphism and the ring extension   is integral. In particular, if   is a field (thus we have a field extension  ), then   is a field, since every element   has an inverse   which satisfies a polynomial  so, the inverse of   is   and   is a field. But, a ring of polynomials can be a ring if and only if   and thus the extension   is integral. Also, an integral  -algebra of finite type is finite as a  -vector space.
  • Hilbert Nullstellensatz. Given a proper ideal  , there is a maximal ideal   containing  , thus the field extension  is a finite field extension and   is an element in   which is a zero of all polynomials in  . In particular, if   is algebraically closed, then   and every ideal   has a zero in  . Now, every point   induces a ring homomorphism  and its kernel   is a maximal ideal. Thus we have a map (where  ) This map is 1-1, but not necessarely onto. If   is algebraically closed, then every maximal ideal   is contained in (an thus equal to) an ideal in the form  , for some   (and this ideal is necessarely unique), therefore we have an inverse morphism  Now, consider a field extension   that is the algebraic closure of  . This map induces a map   and so, for every point   we have a map thus, we defined a map from   to the space of maximal ideals of   Now, the space   comes equipped with an action by the group   of  -linear ring automorphisms of  . Then the action of   extends to   as  Then notice that for every polynomial   and  , we have  , so two elements in   with the same orbit under  , have the same image under  .


  • Radical of an ideal. Given an ideal   in a commutative ring, we define the following  In particular,   is the ideal of nilpotent elements in  , so   is the pullback of   in   under the projection  . It can be proven that if   for an algebraically closed field  , then  where  . Clearly  .
  • Operations on ideals. Consider the ring   also, given a family of ideals  , clearly  (since  , the inclusion   is obvious, while a point that is a zero for every element of every  , is also a zero of every linear combination of elements from these ideals and such combinations are all the elements in  ). Now, given two ideals    then  . On the other hand, if   does not belong to  , there are   such that  , thus   and  , so  

Quasi-affine varieties and their dimensions

  • Zariski topology on  . Consider an algebraically closed field  , then for every ideal  , we call   Zariski-closed (or z-closed). By the properties of the correspondence   we proved before, the collection of z-closed subsets of   form the closed sets of a topology on  , called Zariski topology. Since   is algebraically closed, the correspondence   is 1-1 between z-closed subspaces and ideals in   such that  .
  • Noetherian spaces. A topological space   is Noetherian if one of the following equivalent conditions is satisfied
    • There is no infinite descending chain of closed subspaces  
    • Every non-empty collection of closed subspaces has a  -minimal element
    • Every open subset is quasi-compact
  • In particular, a sequence   corresponds to an increasing sequence  , which cannot exists, since   is a Noetherian ring, therefore   with the Zariski topology is a Noetherian topologica space.
  • Irreducible spaces. A topological space   is irreducible if one of the following two conditions holds
    • If  , with   closed subspaces, either   or  
    • Every two non-empty open subspaces have non-empty intersection
    • Every non-empty open subspace is dense
  • An irreducible subspace is a closed subspace which is irreducible in the subspace topology. Given an irreducible subspace   and  then, if   are two polynomials such that  , then   and thus  , therefore, by irreducibility, either   or, equivalently,  , which implies that, assuming the first case  therefore   is a prime ideal. On the other hand, suppose   is prime and that  , then  . If   and  , then there are   not in   such that  , contrary to   being prime. Therefore irreducible subspaces corresponds to prime ideals.
  • Codimension. Given an irreducible subspace   of a Noetherian space  , we define its codimension as  The value of the codimension can also be infinite. The dimension of   is  
  • Quasi-affine varieties. An affine algebraic variety is an irreducible, z-closed subspace  . A quasi-affine algebraic variety is a non-empty, z-open subset of an affine variety. So, a quasi-affine variety is one in the form  with   a z-open in   and   is an affine variety. A function  , for   a quasi-affine variety, is regular at   if there is a neighborhood   in   and polynomials   such that   and  If   is regular at every point, we call   regular. Let   be the ring of regular functions on  . In particular, every polynomial   is regular and if  , then  . Now consider the case  , for a prime ideal  , and take the correspondence  Clearly the kernel of this map is the ideal of polynomials that are zero over  , which is, by what was proved before, to be   (the radical of a prime ideal is the ideal itself). So, we have a 1-1 map  . This map is not only 1-1, but also onto, so  To prove it, consider  , then for every point   there is an open   and polynomials   such that   and  Since   is a subspace of a Noether space, it is Noether space itself and it is compact, so there are   such that  . Now, by definition  on the open subspace  . But, an open subspace of an irreducible space is dense, therefore   on all  . By definition, every point   belongs to the complement of some  , therefore  But, by Hilbert's Nullstellensatz, if the ideal   is proper, it would have a zero, contrary to the last equation, therefore it must be equal to  , so there is are   such that  which means that   over  . Now, consider the polynomial  , then for every   and    so, since  , we conclude that   and, since the same can be done for every  , we conclude that   in  , proving surjectivity.
  • Morphism of varieties. Consider two quasi-affine varieties  , then a function   is a morphism of varieties if there are   such that  Consider now   and   and define  . Now, consider   and  , then there is   and polynomials   such that   and  Now, there are open neighborhoods   of   and polynomials   such that   and  So, in the open neighborhood   of    Finally, we just need to collect all the   at denominator, so that we are left with a quotient of polynomials multiplied by powers (eventually negative) of  's. The result is that, Given a morphism   of varieties, this induces a morphism between structure sheaves On the other hand, a function   with the previous property is a morphism of varieties, since where   is the  -th projection (which is equal to the polynomial  , therefore  ). In particular, a morphism   is regular if and only if it induces a map  . In particular, we have a morphism  At the same time, to a morphism   we can associate the map   which is a map  . Suppose  , for some prime  , (so   is an affine variety) and take  , then given    since   (because  , thus   by definition). Thus   is a morphism  . Clearly   (since the  -th coordinate of   is  ). On the other hand,  which means that  , since   generate   as a  -algebra. Thus Given a variety   and quasi-variety  , there is an isomorphism  Notice that every   is an integral domain (since it is isomorphic to  , where   and   is prime) and a  -algebra of finite type. On the other hand, given a  -algebra of finite type that is a domain  the kernel   is a prime ideal (since the quotient by the kernel is isomorphic to  , an integral domain), therefore   So Every  -algebra of finite type that is an integral domain is isomorphic to an algebra  , for some affine variety  . This proves (together with the previous result) that the category   of affine varieties is equivalent to the category of domains of finite type over  .
  • Isomorphism of affine and quasi-affine varieties. Consider an affine variety   and  , then   is a quasi-affine variety defined as the locus of zeros of   which are not zeros for  . Consider now the ideal  generated by   and  , where   is a polynomial such that  . Consider now the two maps  and  Both maps are clearly morphisms of varieties (in particular, they are continuous) and are inverse of one another, therefore  . Now,   is the open subspace of an irreducible space, therefore it is irreducible as well and so is  , thus   is prime and   is an affine variety. A quasi-affine variety   is isomorphic to an affine variety  
  • In particular, consider a quasi-affine variety   (by definition a quasi affine variety is the complement in an affine variety of an affine variety). For a point   there is a   such that  , so  and   is isomorphic to an affine variety, thus Every point of a quasi-affine variety has a neighborhood isomorphic to an affine variety.

Spectrum and localization

  • Spectrum of a ring. Given a ring  , let   be the collection of prime ideals in  , while let   be the collection of the maximal ideals. On   we define the Zariski topology with closed spaces for   a generic ideal of  . Given a multiplicative set   (i.e.   and  ), let   be the localization of   at  . We denote by   the localization at  .
  • Absolutely flat rings. Let   be absolutely flat (that is, for every   there is   such that  ). If   is local, then  implies that either   is a unit or that   belongs to the unique maximal ideal   of  , which implies that  , which means that   is a unit and  , so An absolutely flat, local ring is a field. In particular, if   is a multiplicative subset, then   is absolutely flat, so if we take  , we have that   is an absolutely flat, local ring, therefore it is a field. So If   is absolutely flat, then   is a field, for every prime ideal  . On the other hand,  where the first equality comes from the isomorphism  , for  -modules  . In particular,   are ideals in  , which is a field, so they are equal and their quotient zero. So  which implies  . So   is absolutely flat if and only if   is a field, for every prime  . Consider the canonical map  , the induced map  this map has an inverse, sending   into   (which is a prime ideal). The two maps are inverses of each other, thus they are 1-1 onto. In particular, consider   absolutely flat and  , with   prime, then  clearly the condition   is equivalent to  , so In an absolutely flat ring, there is no strict inclusion between prime ideals. Suppose that every prime ideal is maximal. Given a prime ideal  , we have the following chain of morphisms  the second map is an homeomorphism (easy to prove). The first map has image the prime ideals in   contained in  , which are in 1-1 correspondence with the prime ideals contained in  . But, by hypothesis, every prime ideal is maximal, thus   has a unique element  But, this means that the nilradical of   is   (since the nilradical is the intersection of all prime ideals), but the nilradical of   is  , for   the nilradical of  . In this case  so   is the unique prime ideal and   is a field, for every prime  , so   is absolutely flat. Since  , we can assume that our ring has   and is thus absolutely flat. Then for   there is   such that  so   and  , so if the quotient   is absolutely flat, then   is Hausdorff and totally disconnected.
  • Torsion module. Consider a module   and define  , called torsion submodule, as the submodule of elements   such that   is non zero. A module such that   is called torsion free and   is one such modules.
  • Faithfully flat rings. Consider   such that   is a flat  -algebra. Consider the following exact sequence  Tensoring with   we still have an exact sequence (since   is flat)  but   is 1-1, since it has a retraction  , so  . So, For a flat  -algebra  , we have that the map   is 1-1 if and only if   implies  . On the other hand, suppose   is 1-1, for every  -module  . Consider   prime, then  But   is 1-1, so the kernel of   (which is equal to  ) is equal to the kernel of  , so  So if the map   is 1-1, then  , for every prime ideal  . Now we show that   implies  , for some  : Take  , then there is a prime ideal   disjoint from   and containing  , so   and  , so   and  is onto. Now, clearly this implies that for every maximal ideal  , we have   (otherwise, for a prime ideal  , it would imply that  ), so if   is onto, then   for every maximal ideal  . Finally, suppose for a maximal ideal  , we have  . Take a non zero  , we have the following exact sequence  where   is a maximal ideal containing   and the last map is  . Tensoring with   we still have the exact sequence  if  , then  . But,   (since  ), implying  , absurd, so   is non zero. Therefore, if   for every maximal ideal  , then   implies  , for every  -module  . If any of the previous equivalent conditions is verified by a flat  -algebra  , then we say that   is a faithfully flat  -algebra.
  • Fibers. Consider a morphism   and a prime ideal  , then let   be the localization at  , so the map   restricts to a map  (where we can identify   with the ideals in   contained in  ). Now, given a morphism   and an ideal  , then the morphism   restricts to  (where we can identify   with the ideals in   containing  ). Therefore, the map   restricts to a map  therefore the fiber   is homeomorphic to   of  (where   is the residue field of  ). Therefore, given a morphism  , we call   the fiber of   over  .

Grassmanian Manifold

  • Grassmanian coordinates. Let   be the collection of  -dimensional subspaces of  . From   we take   points   which generate the subspace, then the matrix  has rank  , meaning that the minors of order   don't all have zero determinant where   is the minor of the previous matrix from the columns   (picking different points only changes the matrix by a constant factor, resulting in the same point in the projective space).

Sheave and Schemes

  • Sheaves. Given a functor  , this induces a map   given by precomposition with  . Now, given an object   we define the category   with objects the pairs  with a morphism   is a morphism   such that  . Now, given a copresheaf  , we define the following diagram  (where   is the projection   onto the first component). Since   is complete, assuming that the categories involved are small enough, the following definition makes sense The functor   is called inverse image functor. Now, given a natural transformation   we can define for each   a cone   by sending   to the map  it easy to prove from the definition of morphism in   that this is a cone, therefore there is a unique lift to a map  , with this is easy to prove that   extend to a functor which is a left adjoint to  .On the same vein, define the category   and  where   is the projection like the one above. The functor   is right adjoint to  , so that we have the following triple of adjunction  we call this an effective geometric morphism between   and  .
  • Geometric morphism for presheaves on topological spaces. Consider the case of a continuous map   and set  (with   the topology of the space  ). The map   induces a functor   between the categories of open subsets. This, in turn, define first a functor  and then, by the above construction (and the fact that   is always small, for every space), we other two functors, namely  . By unraveling the definition above, the two functors are defined as  In particular, we can induce another adjunction   by restricting   to   (  preserve sheaves), while restricting   to   and the map   to its associated sheaf. In particular, given a point  , we call   the skyscraper functor, while we call the functor   is called the stalk functor at  , we also indicate  .
  • Scheme. Consider a commutative ring   and the corresponding spectrum  . Let  , for a point  , the localization at the complement of  . Given   open, we define   as the space of the sections   of the map  sending   to  , such that for each there is a cover   and   and   such that   for every   and  We call the pair   a spectrum. A ringed space is a pair   made of a topological space   and a sheaf of rings  , then every affine scheme is a ringed space. A morphism of ringed spaces   is a continuous function   and a sheaf homomorphism  The space   is called locally ringed space if the stalk   at every   is a local ring. A morphism of locally ringed spaces is a morphism of ringed spaces, such that, for each  , the induced map on stalks  is a map of local rings (that is, counterimage of the maximal ideal in   is the maximal ideal in  ). A ringed space   is an affine scheme if  for some ring  . We call   the structure sheaf. Given a spectrum  , notice there is a map, for every   containing   this map induces a morphism   which is onto: For every  , with  , take  , then   for every  , by definition, so define   as constant  , then  , proving surjectivity. As per injectivity, if  , for  , then there is   such that  , but then take   (since  , so  ), where   is an open neighborhood of   such that   in  , thus   for every  , and so   in every  . So   In particular, notice that   is a local ring, therefore   is a local ring and   is a locally ringed space. A scheme is a locally ringed space   for which there is a cover   such that   is an affine scheme.