Changes in excel extension during the time

Description 2003 2007 2010 2013 2016 Remark
Normal Workbook .xls .xlsx .xlsx .xlsx .xlsx Use for normal function
Macro File .xls .xlsm .xlsm .xlsm .xlsm Use for VBA coding
Binary File .xls .xlsb .xlsb .xlsb .xlsb Use to Minimize size of file
Add-Ins File .xla .xlam .xlam .xlam .xlam Use for global using of Excel tools
Template File .xlt .xltx .xltx .xltx .xltx Use for sample file
Macro Template .xlt .xltm .xltm .xltm .xltm use for macro sample file
CSV (Comma Separated) .CSV .CSV .CSV .CSV .CSV Use for huge data file