The city of Shiraz is one of the oldest cities of Ancient Persia and dates back to 2000 BC. The city has been a regional trade center for over a thousand years, and during the 13th century, Shiraz was the leading center of arts and letters with many Persian artists and scholars living in the city. During the Zand dynasty, from 1750-1800, Shiraz was the capital of Persia.

Today, the city is the 6th most populous city of Iran with a population of 1,500,000. Shiraz is one of the most popular cities for tourists, and the There are many famous mosques, gardens and bazaars in Shiraz.Vakil Mosque – one of the most colourful mosques that I saw in Iran. The Arg of Karim Khan – an 18th century citadel in the center of Shiraz, The Zand Era was founded by Karim Khan Zand who moved Persia's capital to Shiraz. He transformed the city into a hive for arts, culture and trade. Here are photos of his private bathhouse and guesthouse where he received foreign dignitaries. What a life!. Colour Wonderland at Nasir al-Mulk Mosque

My favourite place of all in Shiraz was the Nasir al-Mulk Mosque, built during the Qajar era, from 1876-1888. From the outside, Nasir al-Mulk looks like any other Iranian mosque, but a beautiful secret is hidden inside. Stepping inside the mosque was like walking straight into a kaleidoscope. In the early morning, the extensive stained windows turn the inside of the mosque into an otherworldly wonderland of colour, a sight that is absolutely enchanting.

We spent ages in there taking one picture after another – it never seemed to be enough. I could’ve kept on snapping pictures forever. I can’t remember ever being so amazed by light and colour before, it was candy for my eyes. I’d be the happiest of all humans if I could live in a room like that!. In the affluent area of ​​Afifabad, Shiraz, this complex was built in 1863. This complex includes a former royal mansion, a museum of historical weapons and an Iranian garden, all of which are open to the public. Our house is located in Shiraz next to this beautiful garden. Hafez was a Persian poet who "lauded the joys of love and wine but also targeted religious hypocrisy".His collected works are regarded by many Iranians as a pinnacle of Persian literature and are often found in the homes of people in the Persian-speaking world, who learn his poems by heart and still use them as proverbs and sayings. His life and poems have become the subjects of much analysis, commentary and interpretation, influencing post-14th century Persian writing more than any other author. My city of Shiraz has many cultural, historical and artistic places, but I mentioned only a few places that I was very interested in.