What are Wikipedia userboxes? A way to pollute your Wikipedia User page.
See a list of recent userboxes created by crazy wikipedians here:
Here are my self-made Userboxes.
Neuros OSD
This user records TV as MPEG-4 with the open, networked Linux-based Neuros OSD PVR. |
My last creation so Wikipedians who use a Neuros OSD can tell the world proudly that they record digital video using this device.
You can embed it by including in your user page the following:
Centro Smartphone
This user uses a Palm_Centro smartphone. |
If you use a Centro smartphone from Palm Inc.
Embed it by including in your user page the following:
This user reads IT news at SemiAccurate. |
Display SemiAccurate.com as one of your IT news sources.
Embed it by including in your user page the following:
This user reads IT news at The_Inquirer. |
Display TheInquirer.net as one of your IT news sources.
Embed it by including in your user page the following:
This user prefers Brunettes and black haired women over blondes, redheads, and fake blondes. |
Display your love of Brunettes and dark haired women.
Or your contempt for blondes and fake blondes. Any way you like it. ;)
Embed it by including in your user page the following:
I Luv Palm OS
This user admires the simplicity of Palm_OS devices. |
Because simple and smaller is better.
Use it if you love the Palm_OS based devices.
Embed it by including in your user page the following:
This was the first Userbox I created. It links to Bugzilla.mozilla.org so others can view what Mozilla software bugs you have reported and/or voted. I had to redraw a red lizzard on my own to avoid any image copyright issues. It's not the same, but it's not too different either. :)
Link: User:Fcassia/Userboxes/MozBugzilla
You can embed it by including in your user page the following:
Hope you like it. :)
This user is in love with, or uses Sun Microsystems' Javafx technology. |
Show your love for Javafx technology.
Wired Ethernet Home LAN
A wired Ethernet network can't be beaten, tapped into by your neighbors, or the MAN.
Show with pride you've got no Wi-Fi security hole...
it looks like this:
And you embed it by including in your user page the following:
Gigabit Ethernet Home LAN
So you can show with pride that you haven't succumbed to the Wireless fad.
it looks like this:
This user has wired his home to the bone with Cat5e+ cabling to create a Gigabit_Ethernet home LAN. |
And you can embed it by including in your user page the following:
Black and White version
GDocs - For the Google Docs user
This user uses Google Docs too. |
Show your use of Google_Docs.
it looks like this:
This user has wired his home to the bone with Cat5e+ cabling to create a Gigabit_Ethernet home LAN. |
And you can embed it by including in your user page the following: