User:FenRawk/Skip and the Bobfather

(Dear Wikipedia this is a sub-section of user:FenRawk article of my story (read below)



Skip and the bobfather is a story I FenRawk am writing that i plan on hopefully publishing some day



(pics respectivly belong to's free avatar creator)

[1]Skip Vincent Bo The mild mannered hero of the story Skip is 20years old and is engaged to marry his fiancee Krystal he is the best friend to the 1/4 vamp. Alucard. Skip is very smart and talented as he can juggle and make pottery at the same time

[2]=Krystal Skip's girlfriend who seems to be sweet and caring but when she sets her mind on something or is worried about Skip she goes all out to do whatever she can.

[3]Alucard(Al,Card) Alucard is the 1/4 vamp best friend. He is very jealous of anyone who gets friendly with Skip because Skip is his only friend. There is an air of mystery around him as he knew the location of Satan's house during his aiding Skip.



pt.1 ____

(this is a quick pace of the first part) Skip walks along the sidewalk thinking about the 3 gangs in his small slightly futuristisc town.On his way he runs into the leader of the 3rd gang.After a small chat with him he walks into a convinience store. After finding out he is 50 cents short the clerk says that it is a courtesy of the Bobfather that he wouldnt have to pay the small fee.

pt.2 ____

After walking into his apartment he greets his fiancee Krystal and Alucard he hears gunshots outside he quickly runs out after being shoved Krstal and Alucard. Skip jumps off his 1st story appartment and lands on the ground Skip see's the three gang leaders being taken away by Men in Black as he lands he slip's on the lawn beneath him. Skip is carried slowly after falling and becoming unconcious.

pt.3 ____

Skip enters a pitch black room being greeted by a mysterious voice. He asks the voice it's name but it qucikly retorts "Ye couldn't prounonce it so buzz off!" Skip quickly thinks of a name so the voice reveal it's true self so he calls it "Bubbles" the voice is enraged yelling that he is not Bubbles but the Bobfather.Skip ignores this still refering to him as Bubbles. Bubbles/Bobfather(going to be refered to as Bubbles from now on)turns on the lights revealing a hologram of his fiancee Krystal tied up with a gun against her head.Skip starts panicking at the real to him image He is led to a room were he is confronted by the sillouhete of Bubbles and some of his henchmen Bubbles agrees to let Krystal(which is really still at home)go if he does a task for him. Skip reluctantly agrees as Bubbles offers him one lifeline Alucard appears in his pajamas he dresses in his normal clothes and questions what happened Skip explains.

pt.4 (pt.A) ____

Skip and Alucard stand before Bubbles as he gives him the first task which is to find a vampire tooth. Skip turns around and stares at Alucard inteded on getting his tooth he wrestles him to the floor and knocks it out. Bubbles looks around as he is given the tooth and confused that they completed the last task gives them a second task.... deliver a package to Satan.

(pt.4 part B) _____

Krystal waits at the dinner table set for two Skip and her she walks to her and Skips room and tries to sleep she quickly thinks of one man who can help but it may cost her, her life she slings a pack she has packed and runs put the door.

pt.5 ____

As Skip and Alucard are released out of the bobfather's vicinity they run and end up near some ruins Skip questions why they are here but Alucard grabs out a knife and starts carving on the rocks eventually creating a supernaturl beam of light that sucks them in to hell while going down a large slide towards hell(a referance to the futurama episode robot hell the devil (who later turns out to be 17) shouts at them various taunts about how they tried so hard yet they are doomed to fail. as the slide ends they wind up inside an old grannies home described as a "typical grandma home" they old woman greets them both and says from her chair towards a bright hallway "Satie you have visitors" in a sweet voice.....a door of flames appear and Satan burst out yelling and cursing people and trying tell his grandma his name is SATAN not "satie"