The Myth


There once was a boy. The boy had a Mother; as most boys do. The boy grew up in a rough neighborhood in Bronxville, Litenfiskutanhjärna. His mother was famous for her biscuits. The young boy ate the biscuits voraciously. Concurrently, he stood on the corners of the city trying to start his Gangsta Rap career. Out on tha' cornerz, future legend Peter Williams first noticed his talent. He was one of the first to notice the rising star's potential. He is rumored to be the first to give him his nickname. Many previous and prior had noticed that his rhymes matched his inhalation of biscuits: that is to say voraciously and wit' a quickness.

The Norse Myth


There once was a boy. The boy had a Mother; as most boys do. The boy grew up in the countryside of Litenfiskutanhjärna. His mother fixed biscuits everyday and soon the child grew to be the size of a small Indian casino. He grew and grew and grew until his poor mother's house could not support him. He struck out on his own, living in the woods. His mother would still bake him biscuits, but she would have to send them via the currents of the river. Everyday she made biscuits, hoping her son would once more enjoy them. She threw them into the river with the cry, "Flow, biscuit!!". The name stuck.