Russ Fan


An employee of Glu Mobile. I play a lot of games.

I'm also the co-founder of the Supreme Commander Wiki.

There's too many user boxes that apply to me. Here's a smattering.

I suppose I could fill this out like a Yahoo Personal, but with more words and less censorship.

Me and my Thought Process


The overarching drive in my life is games. While this sounds like a narrow view of the world, allow me to elaborate.

There's a lot of things in the world that I will never get a chance to experience. Some may be too dangerous, too exotic, or too nonsensical. Games allow passage into those experiences with relatively minor risk and cost.

Don't get me wrong. If I can afford the risk and the cost, I'd happily do the real thing. But in real life, I'm a working stiff, and can't really afford the whims of my addled mind.

Games also give me a good look at the subculture involved with the subject matter involved. My favorite example is to go into Sephora, a major make-up store. Glancing around the stainless steel tools, I have to wonder about some of them. The thought process is this. Someone had a problem directly related to make-up application, and had to devise a specific tool to address that problem. Necessity is the mother of invention.

Games are also a way to unwind. The esteemed James T. Kirk once said, “The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play.” Danny Hillis, author, computer scientist and inventor described in his 2000 GDC Keynote about how he and Richard Feynman once got into a food fight involving dry spaghetti while trying to explain the breakage pattern of spaghetti.

Plato once wrote, "You can discover more about a person in an hour of play, than in a year of conversation."

Let's play.


This user is of Chinese ethnicity.
 This user is from Earth.
33This user is 33 years old.
 This user is a Scorpio.


BAThis user has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art.




 This user can solve the Rubik's Cube in 102 seconds.


 This user is a Board Game Geek.
 This user settled Catan.
S1This user is a Scrabble player.

Card Games

CardsThis user enjoys playing card games.
 This user enjoys playing poker.

Video Games

cvg-4This user is an expert gamer.
 This user is addicted to video games.
This user is interested in video game development.
 This user is opposed to regional lockout.
 This user prefers to play games on a PC.
fan-1This user enjoys the computer or video game Supreme Commander.
CNC This user enjoys playing any of the Command & Conquer games.
λThis user plays Half-Life 2.
@ This user plays NetHack.
NWNThis user plays Neverwinter Nights.
PGRThis user enjoys playing Project Gotham Racing .
This user wants Beyond Good & Evil 2 very badly. Je t'en prie Ubisoft!
 This user plays Tetris.

Role Playing Games

 This user likes to play Role-playing games.
LGThis user's alignment is Lawful Good: the "Crusader."


 This user enjoys ice skating.
 This user plays ice hockey.
 This user is a recreational runner.
 This user enjoys juggling.
 This user enjoys photography.


 Good news, everyone! This user is a fan of Futurama!
