User:Forich/Thomas Matthew Crook Picture

When a file such as an image, video or sound clip is uploaded to Wikipedia or the Wikimedia Commons, an associated file description page is created (also known as an image description page or file page). The purpose of these pages is to provide information about the file: for example the author, date of creation, who uploaded the file, any modifications that may have been made, an extended description of the file's subject or context, where the file is used, and license or copyright information. In the case of an image, the file description page shows a higher resolution version of the image, if available.

To view the file description page for an image or video, click on the image itself. For a sound file, click on the information icon, , near the sound clip link.

A file description page consists of five parts:

The contents of the file itself. The editable section: This should include a description of the file, plus source and copyright information. When editing, this section allows Wikipedia:Wiki Markup Language (also known as Wikitext) and should include some or all the parameters of Template:Information. File history: If a new version of a file is uploaded with the same name, the existing file is replaced and becomes available via file history. See Help:Page history. File usage: A list of pages that embed the file (including pages where the file appears as part of a template). If a file is stored on Commons and used on other Wikimedia wikis, a "Global file usage" section will be included as well. Metadata (images only): Technical information about the file and the equipment used to create it (camera model, etc.).

Editable section: description of the file (TODO) source information: copyright information: via Storyful