User:FranksValli/Problems and Arguments of Philosophy

User:FranksValli/Problems and Arguments of Philosophy Organized by Topic

Absolute Infinite

Argument in the alternative

Analogy. See also Analogy of the divided line


Brain in a vat Buridan's ass

Cartesian circle

Chinese room

Christological argument

Cogito ergo sum

Cosmological argument

Demon. See Evil Demon.

Argument from degree

Argument from Desire

Direct revelation

Distinction without a difference

Analogy of the divided line

Dream argument


Er. See Myth of Er.

Evil. See Problem of evil

Arguments for eternity

Evil Demon

Evolutionary argument against naturalism

Ex nihil, nihil fit. See Nothing comes from nothing

Existence of God

Five minute hypothesis (Bertrand Russell)

Argument from free will

God. See Existence of God

Here is one hand

Incompatible-properties argument

Argument from inconsistent revelations

Indiscernability of identicals

Lazy argument

Liar paradox

Argument from love

Lumpl and Goliath

Mary's room

Master argument Metaphor Argument from morality

Myth of Er

Argument from nonbelief

Nothing comes from nothing

Occam's Razor

Ontological argument

Open Question Argument

Pascal's Wager

Plato's metaphor of the sun

Private language argument

Argument from poor design

Problem of evil

Quinquae viae. See Five Ways

Regress argument. See also Ryle's regress.

Argument from religious experience

Russell's paradox (shave example)

Russell's teapot

Ryle's regress

Ship of Theseus

Simulated reality

Skeptical hypothesis

Slingshot argument

Subject-object problem

Sunrise problem

Teapot. See Russell's teapot.

Teleological argument

Thought experiment

Theological noncognitivism

Third Man Argument

Tibbles the cat

Trademark argument

Transcendental arguments

Transcendental argument for the existence of God

Transcendental argument for the non-existence of God

Trolley problem

Twin Earth thought experiment

The Unreality of Time

Violinist argument (Judith Jarvis Thompson)

Wager. See Pascal's Wager

Witness argument

Zeno's Paradox