FreedomRock (Born November 25, 1987 in Tampa, Florida) is a graduate student at The University of Central Florida since August 2010, studying Communication. He received his Bachelor's Degree from The University of Tampa, where he attended from January 2009 to May 2010, majoring in Communication and minoring in Journalism. Before, he attended The Art Institute of Tampa from August 2006 to December 2008, majoring in Web Design & Interactive Media before transferring to start a new career and life. His most notable Wikipedia contibutions include the creation of the Pat Julmiste and Timmy Chang pages. Prior to college, he was a 2006 honors graduate of Gaither High School in Tampa.


  • FreedomRock has a twin brother who also attends The University of Central Florida and shares an apartment. His parents moved from Tampa to the East Coast of Florida in 2006 after 20 years in the Tampa Bay Area.
  • FreedomRock and his brother both interned at a Tampa government TV station in the spring of 2010. Their most notable contributions included the opening and closing videos to the station's 2010 concert series and starring roles in a PSA about storm drains. They also worked as sportswriters at UT's newspaper from January 2009 to May 2010.
  • His dedication to the Atlanta Braves has paid off in his trips to watch them in Spring Training. In March 2006, FreedomRock won a prize for correctly guessing the attendance at a game in Kissimmee, Florida after the seventh inning of a Braves win over the Cincinnati Reds. One year later, in March 2007, he answered a Braves trivia question correctly and won another prize at the All-Star Cafe before a win against the Toronto Blue Jays. The correct answer was Kyle Farnsworth.
  • He played Little League baseball from 1996 to 1998 in three Tampa Bay Area leagues. This is his only real athletic experience. He claims he quit because he and his parents couldn't find a league they liked and his parents did not want him playing at a highly competitive level.
  • Height runs in his father's side of his family. He stands 6'3" tall, having reached 6' before high school. His father stands 6'5½", and one great uncle 6'9" at his peak height. His great great grandfather was said to have stood 7'2".
  • FreedomRock survived a significant stroke in 2002 at the age of 14. Police and paramedics initially attributed it to drugs, creating a controversy that spread throughout Ben Hill Middle School. He and his friends were cleared of any wrongdoing, and an assistant principal (ironically, a former co-worker of FreedomRock's mother) quit her job the day the scandal broke.
  • The number 747 carries a rare significance with FreedomRock. His first name is seven letters, middle name four, and last name seven-thus, 7-4-7. He was also born at 7:47 A.M.
  • FreedomRock took his Internet alias from a shirt his father gave him in 2002. He planned to use it if he started a professional wrestling career, which never happened.
  • FreedomRock wrote this entire page in the third-person.