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File:Klaus ab1.jpg

File:Ryan Scheckler.jpgPunches to the body to this person wouldn't hurt. In fact he might barely feel it.

A person displaying his physique of muscular rock hard abs and muscular pecs

Rock hard abs


They're are many words to describe abs. Rock hard abs mean the abs are hard as rock since it is muscle. Everyone knows that muscle is hard. Abs of steel is meant to mean since abs are muscle they are hard as steel. Washboard abs means the configuration of the muscles are like a washboard. It oftens mean a sign of great muscle physique.



Abs are the most common muscle that people want to strengthen. Also they are the most wanted muscle to show off because of their physique. Here are some example(s): [1]

Boxer example: [2]



Abdominal muscles showing are common in boxers since they get hit in the body many times. While this seems bad it actually strengthens their abs even more (building up). Abs are perhaps the most important muscle in a boxer's body since it is the muscle that protects the body from punches. Normally a boxer would want to build their abs up so that they're oponents body punches have little effect on them. Body punches slow you down during a fight if your body is weak.

  Punches to the body to this person wouldn't hurt. In fact he might barely feel it.

File:Klaus ab1.jpg