Yeah, yeah, yeah...
So that explains it...
| This user believes that caffeine is necessary in large doses daily. |
| This user loves the taste of BAWLS in their mouth. |
| This user is a firm believer in the proposition that cold pizza and stale potato chips qualify as brain food. |
| This user likes all types of music. |
This user believes Bagpipes are underused and underappreciated.
Language and Grammar:
Mix | This user has been influenced by too many dialects of English to use one orthography, vocabulary and grammar consistently. |
LE-1 | This user's been known to screw up the occasional sentence and make the occasional typo, but is otherwise pretty accurate with regards to English. |
ANAL 4 | This user advocates good grammar usage. |
… | This user is addicted to ellipses and has been known to use them indiscriminately... |
| This user's IRC nick is FyreHOU on the server |
| This user's IRC nick is Fyre on the server (the LiveJournal IRC server). |
| This user's IRC nick is RaverZa on the server efnet and Undernet. |