Joseph Hurst


Joseph Hurst is an online gender issues journalist. By the age of 15, Joseph has written multiple hit pieces on websites such as Buzzfeed, Topbuzz, and Huffpost. Joseph is known for not being afraid to call people out, however recently all of his articles were deleted without notice.

Personal Information


In earlier articles Joseph has mentioned that he was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba, as well as that he was born in November, 2005. Not much more is known about him, nobody even knows what he looks like, so it seems as he wants to remain mostly anonymous.



Joseph's career as a journalist seemed to end as soon as it started, but in one of his last (now deleted) articles he mentioned that he was working on starting a podcast. However that might be further in the future than anticipated as he has yet to do any other kind of advertising.

Some fans theorize Joseph is continuing to write articles under an alias, however no evidence has come forth to confirm or deny.